Thursday, June 30, 2016

Instant Energetic Transformation: The New Future of Personal Transformation

I listened to the recent Evolved Masculine Path webinar (this is Destin Gerek’s group, for those not familiar) and for me it was one of those a-ha moments that has the potential to transform everything.
In this webinar, a couple men were talking about how difficult it was for them to not have sex, that going out and not coming home with someone was a real challenge that would require some un-learning. 
And I reflected on this from the familiar place of scarcity, which is where so many men come from – they can’t “get this.”  And the light went on – we’re talking about two sides of the same coin.  Both the men who can’t get laid and the men who can’t stop getting laid are feeling some sense of lack of self-worth that is driving them.  In one case, it’s driving them to scarcity, and in the other to overabundance. 
And it was at that moment my perception shifted.  It’s one thing to say “your reality is what you make it,” and it’s quite another to see it in real life and feel into both illusions – scarcity and overabundance – and see how they manifest into reality.
The possibilities here are profound.  One can disintegrate the energetic structure of the scarcity illusion and reprogram it into abundance.  This becomes the energetic foundation for all thoughts, beliefs, habits and patterns.  So if I can feel and experience the energy of abundance, compared to scarcity, then I can change the energetic elements until they match the desired experience and voila, instant new reality. 
So most of the “inner game” people aren’t going far enough into the deeper structure.  They’re still focused on feelings, beliefs and habits.  “Outer game” people focus on actions and outcome.
So “Outer Game” as it’s practiced now looks like this:  New Action => New Result => New Perception => Challenge of old belief and eventual replacement with new belief.
“Inner game” as it is practiced now:  New Beliefs => New thoughts => New actions => New outcome => confirmation of new belief and eventual new habit as the energetic structure is realigned (unless the student regresses or stops, in which case the old belief can return).
But “Energetic Inner Game” is foundational change.  New Energetic Structure => New beliefs and thoughts => new habits and actions => new action/ result feedback loop which ensures results are aligned with energetic structure.  So one can experience a psychic death to destroy the old structure and then have the archetypes create a new one.  The beliefs, thoughts, habits and external reality will flow automatically from there.
All you need is some reference point for abundance and then create a new energetic grid.  After that, your thoughts and actions will self-correct to achieve the result from a place of already “being there” instead of you “trying” to “become.”
Okay, so let’s say you don’t have much experience at creating new energetic structures (that would be pretty much everyone reading this), what can you do?
Again, if you have the two reference points at some level – both scarcity and abundance  - then you can “drill down” into each.  Drill into abundance until you find the essence.  Meditate and keep asking for the feeling behind that feeling.  Keep going until it won’t go further.  Then take that essence and give it a visual symbol.
Now go back out, carrying that symbol, and drill into scarcity until you reach the energetic bedrock and give that a symbol.  Now take that symbol, replace it with the abundance symbol and notice how you feel.  See the symbol take on the characteristics of abundance until that’s all there is.  See that symbol expand until it fills up your entire awareness.  It’s an advanced form of NLP and much easier if done with a coach than trying to DIY. 
Application of this concept is challenging, but if done properly it’s powerful.  It can change your life instantly. 
I realize this concept is “out there,” but in five years this will be the “hot new way” to radically transform your life, putting the self-help people out of business.  People will spend an hour creating a new way of being and then the rest of the time they would have spent “changing” integrating their new selves and their new energy.
Instant self-transformation.  No more “pick-up” or long-term “inner game” coaching crap, just zap in new you and get on with your life.  Sounds pretty good, huh?

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Happiness: To Resolve Distress, Don't Engage The Story

When your mind is gripped with worry and fear, what’s the best way to resolve it?
I find that engaging the story, however compelling, only serves to tighten one’s grip on the fear.  There are many common stories and lots of people who will confirm your story.  They can therefore seem “real,” but are they?  Does it really matter what story you say is causing your fear?  And does it matter if others confirm and validate those fears?  If they do, then you have more excuse to keep holding onto them.
What if instead we just accept that this is our experience and it will pass.  Lately I’ll be attacked by fear – and that’s how it feels, an attack (I believe these recent ones truly are energetic attacks, but you don’t have to accept that belief to benefit from this) and just tell myself “I’m being attacked, don’t engage.  It will pass.”  And it does.
Without exception, that “thing” I believed was “important” only felt important because this fear emotion was running through my body. So I began to just accept – I’m feeling fear or anxiety, like I’ve caught a cold. And sure enough, it goes away.
The more I practice this, the less I worry over time and the fewer things I find are truly “important” and need to be done.  Conversely, the few things that require attention are actually much easier to do, because my mind is clear, instead of holding onto useless thoughts.
When faced with these emotional charges, I ask – “Is this this something that actually affects me?”  And I ask “Is this something that is actually occurring now?”  The first question weeds out the external events that are not my problem, and often not anywhere near my reality.  The second question weeds out the thoughts focused on past events or future possibilities.  Those two questions refocus my mind and often eliminate a lot of stress and worry right away.
I add another question on top of these, specific to my experience – “Is this an energetic attack?”  I can pendulum test or go with my internal sense.  If it is an attack, I can then take measures to block the attack and the emotional problem often goes away.
Last night I had a nightmare that was an energetic attack.  It was pretty sneaky – the dream began with someone trying to come after me that I didn’t think was much of a threat and was successfully avoiding pretty easily.  But as the dream progressed, he indicated that he was holding back his powers and toying with me, and that he could turn me over at any time to much more powerful forces that would torment and destroy me easily.  I still sensed he was bluffing, but was becoming increasingly worried. 
I woke up and determined it was an energetic attack.  I created, with the archetypes, a protection shield from this person and the forces he claimed to have access to, protecting myself and my family from them.  After that the fear went straight away and I slept great with good dreams. I found this to be effective in other situations where I was being tormented with seemingly irrational fears – defend against the attack and they go away. 
Before I used to try and search for meaning or dig into the “deeper issue” and nothing would ever resolve.  I’d just find more negative emotions and triggers.  And in the end that’s just accessing earlier chapters in my Book of Personal Stories.  It’s no more real than any other thought.  We spend a lot of time reliving these stories, telling ourselves we’re being “curious,” but it’s just mental and emotional masturbation and doesn’t accomplish anything.
If one truly wants to be free of suffering, worry, fear and stress, one simply needs to connect to the stillness of truth, of presence.  That’s it.  Stop holding onto the object that’s triggering pain – it’s not happening now, it’s not happening to you right now, it’s not real, let it go.  Obviously the concept is simple but the practice is more difficult.  But it the only thing that does work.
As I alluded to, there are ways to amplify this process and clear out the bad programming and energetic junk, but the process is still based on this simple truth:  if we want to be happy, it’s a matter of not choosing to hold onto suffering.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Energetic Attacks, "Dumbing Down" as a Part of Enlightenment

I’d written earlier about some crazy things that came up Saturday before, during and after the distant energy activation.  I ended up feeling very unsettled energetically, experiencing issues with sleep and other energetic attacks even through last night.  But at the same time, things opened up and today I’m feeling the energetic expansion I was told was coming and… wow.
Today I was able to pay off some debts and make some investments, big moves.  I felt blocks clearing and new energies and insights flowing through.  It’s wonderful.  Some powerful insights through dreams.  So my archetype wasn’t kidding, this is “kind of a big deal.” 
It’s the same standard pattern:  activation, followed by some adjustment pains, and then an expansion.
So what’s coming up now?  A freeing up of financial resources and opportunities (that’s important), clearing out of old stuff (I felt compelled to clear out the inbox at home – a years’ worth of crap, no doubt sucking away energy), a much clearer and open expression of my truth, and reintegration of some of my relationships.  Those are not small things.
Also interesting how the psychic attacks are becoming more sophisticated, going into those well-worn places where I already feel insecurity.  Suddenly I’ll have those thoughts that what I’m doing is causing these other problems that I worry about.  Then I clear things up and realize it’s an energetic attack that found the old trigger point, nothing has actually changed.
To put that in layman’s terms, I’m going through changes in my life that trigger the same old fears I’ve already proven to be false. We all have these fears – the things that convince us to stay in the same place, even if that place isn’t service us, out of some weird sense of “security.”  But the fear will try to present itself as new, even though it’s always been there. 
What was different this time was I have some internal resources.  When the fears would come up, my mind would take me back to times when I felt this way, going back very far.  And I realize, depending on how I look at the situation, I’ve either already been living my entire life with this supposed problem, or it’s always been an illusion.  So either way, nothing I do now is going to create the problem – it’s either always been there, and thus isn’t really that bad, considering how my life’s turned out, or never will be.
So the energetic attacks are getting more sophisticated, and so is my defense mechanism. 
And the shift in my mind, the “dumbing down” continues.  I read about this on another spiritual blog, how this is part of the ascension process.  I find myself forgetting things and a lot of times my mind is “blank.”  I find it difficult to consciously think about things the way I used to, and don’t rehearse or hold onto information the way I did in the past. 
I wouldn’t call it “dumbing down,” though.  When I’m called to use it, my mind is sharp and my memory is solid.  It’s just I don’t use it as my first option the way I always did before.
At first this was a bit unnerving, but I took the leap.  I’ve had to learn to make lists and find new ways to organize things, because I just can’t rely on my logical mind to hold onto those lists like it used to.  Things mostly just come and go.  It’s nice, I wouldn’t want to go back to the old way.  But I forget a lot more – and care a whole lot less about not remembering.
Welcome to presence. 
I feel like there was something else I wanted to say…  can’t remember, don’t care.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Update: The Flood

This evening’s distant energetic session kind of got out of control and let to some big shifts and new insights that I need to share.
First, the session itself – I sensed 37 people directly participated and another 26 who weren’t aware of the event but who have asked energetically that I include them in any work I do.  And while that isn’t a large number of people (I have a lot of work to do getting the message out), it was actually my largest distant energetic activation session so far. (Someday I’ll look back on this post and laugh, and hopefully that day is very soon.)  People from five continents participated, so the event’s energy encompassed the globe.
From before it began, this event was attracting energetic attacks.  Driving on the freeway today felt like I was playing bumper cars – no fewer than five people tried to sideswipe me in one way or another and there were at least three accidents on my travels.  I experienced headaches and psychic attacks this afternoon.
Then I checked in on my tree and river to do some prep work for the event and the whole place was flooded – so much sorrow and sadness from some of the participants it overflowed the dam and my whole area was under at least four feet of water – dark brown water carrying lots of stuff.  I can only imagine what these poor souls are going through.
My archetype advised me of the situation (I had to levitate to sit under the tree).  He said the archetypes did everything they could and I’d come just in time.  He informed me things have accelerated much faster than he originally told me – we’re talking days, not months, before the Earth feels the full and constant force of energetic awakening energy. They tried to slow it down but the energy is too much even for their technology.
So it begins.
I was able to bring my heart energy and the archetypes to help heal and comfort the suffering, which I reported earlier.  Then during the actual session I was bombarded with energetic attacks – I could feel them on many levels and they were strong. The session went well, but I knew I’d taken some damage.
Later I was able to go back and assess the damage.  Again, my archetype met me and explained even the archetypes were surprised at this attack.  He said I took a big hit and the damage was significant, but they were already repairing the damage and I’d be good as new shortly.  In the meantime I saw the flood was gone and the river was back to normal – strong and clear and well within its banks – but my tree had been hit by a lightning bolt.  A third of it had been charred completely.  This was a REALLY strong attack.
I worked on activating my 70 chakras, above and below, while the archetypes completed their repairs.  Once the repairs were done and my chakras were activated, they began a very delicate activation procedure, replacing whole mindsets and operating programs at once.  At one point I was told to remain still for five minutes, no matter what was going on around me – they needed absolute stillness from me.  They did some very sensitive work and then I was able to get up and go about things.  It’s still being activated and will be all through the night. 
Apparently I’ll need this to deal with the energetic shitstorm that’s coming, because apparently there’s not going to be a transition period like we thought.  My archetype said it’s this or stop all distant energy work (of course I wasn’t going to choose that option).
To those who participated, expect more shifts to occur over the next 48 hours.  It won’t all be pleasant, but you’re going to receive a major boost in your vibrational energetic base state, a quantum leap.
That’s it for now.  Everyone enjoy the rest of their weekend and I’ll have more to say later.
With Love,

Flood of Suffering

Some people who agreed to the distant cleansing and attunement tonight are REALLY suffering. I found a flood of sorrow and distress around my tree just now. 

I've got the archetypes working on this. Healing help has arrived. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

My One-Word Answer To "How To Have A Successful Life?"

What’s the most important mindset shift to living a truly powerful life?
It’s adopting a mindset of GIVING.

Instead of thinking “How can I make myself better?” or “How can I get more of what I want from this situation?” throw all that away and ask “How can I provide the most benefit and value?”
See that?  It’s not a little thing, it’s EVERYTHING.

When you stop thinking about what you can get and place your attention on what you can add to the world around you (and how to maximize this), you’ve shifted from a scarcity mindset to abundance.  And you’ve taken all the pressure off your shoulders, because you’re giving.
Look, I’m not the only one talking about this, it isn’t just some “spiritual teacher” talking about how to be a servant to the world, many, many VERY successful people have adopted this mindset – and credit this mindset with their success.

Brent Smith, one of the most successful dating and personal empowerment coaches around, preaches this.  So does Rion Kati, another very-high-level evolutionary coach.  And it’s foundational in Destin Gerek’s work – and they don’t call him the “Erotic Rockstar” for nothing.  Why?  Because they figured out that focusing on “getting laid” (or “getting rich,” or whatever it is you want) actually creates a barrier between you and your desire.  In the case of dating, it sets things up energetically where you’re taking something from someone.  Same in business.
And first of all, that’s not true.  The first thing to understand is you have high value.  You are valuable and what you have to give to the world is a gift. 

Do you think women come away from experiences with a guy like Destin thinking “he owes me for the sex I gave him”?  NO!  If anything, she’s thinking just the opposite – what does she have to do to please him so he’ll spend more time with her.  Do the millions of people who wait in line for the latest iPhone think “Apple owes me for giving them my business?”  No, they’re hoping they get the chance to be the first to GIVE Apple their business, because they value the product more than their time and money.  (I personally think that’s a little crazy, but they’re happy.)
And it’s because they’re inherently valuable – they’re giving far more to the other person than they’re receiving.  Destin is committed to leaving his partners better off than before; Apple is committed to maximizing the value for its customers.  And as a result of their focus on GIVING, they’ve become abundant in their respective areas.

And guess what?  YOU have high value too.  If you don’t believe that, work with me and I’ll help you find that gold mine inside you.  You have high value – the world is CRAVING the value you bring.  So the only question left in your mind is – how do you bring as much of that value out to as many people as possible?  How do you maximize the value you give to the world? 
And by doing that, you will receive far more than you could ever wish for.  Because the universe HAS to give you those resources so you can add more value. 

You see how that works?  The Law of Attraction was never about passively sitting around waiting for the universe to send you a welfare check for sitting on your ass and wishing on a star.  It’s about expanding the energy of an ever-expanding universe.  The universe has infinite resources for you to use to deliver infinite value.  And the universe wants to have that energy go through you – because YOU have the ability to transform that energy into something amazing that the universe simply cannot do without you.
Let what I just said sink in a little.  You are THAT valuable to the universe.  So why don't you see that?
I’m sitting here looking at some crystals.  They’re all a little different, even the ones that are the same type.  Each one has a different frequency and energy pitch.  When I utilize each one, the experience is different.  So even each crystal is valuable. 

And they’re fucking rocks.  You’re far more gifted, unique and valuable to the universe than all the rocks put together.  But maybe you’re looking around – six billion people on this planet, what’s so special about me?  Stop thinking like that.  The universe is infinite.  Six billion divided by INFINITE rounds out to ZERO.  So you might look around and think you’re not that important, but you’re VERY important.
And again, this isn’t some “fake self-esteem” pep talk where everyone gets a trophy.  I hate that bullshit.  You’re not important because you got a trophy like the rest of your lousy team for sucking at some sport nobody cares about. (Yah, we both know that's true.) That doesn’t make you valuable.

What makes you valuable is… well, that may still be your journey to discover.
So try on the mindset of giving  - how bright you can shine your light.  Because the world wants to bask in your glory.

Oh, and in case there was any question, I’m not talking about that wimpy-guy “giving to get” bullshit.  That’s not giving, that’s… it’s chickenshit.  Yah, I used to do it too – back when I didn’t think I was really worth anything.  “Here, I’ll do all these nice things for you that I hate doing so you’ll honor my right to exist on this planet and maybe give me a paycheck/ sex/ respect/ friendship.”  That’s not giving.  Giving is “I have something special to share, here it is, world – enjoy,” and not giving a rat’s ass what any particular person thinks of you or your gift, just knowing you and your gifts are valuable and there are people who are better off.  And ignoring the haters – maybe even give them some sympathy, because you know it must be a really difficult life always being negative and trying to take other people down all the time.
So my one-word answer for a successful life:  Give.

Message from My Archetype: On Brexit, Donald Trump and Awakening Energy

I’m full of controversy these days! And it’s all out of love, my trolling days are over – for the most part.
I don’t channel Metatron yet, but I do have a very good dialogue with my personal archetype, whose pretty attuned to what’s going on at the higher levels.  So allow me to relay his message about Brexit, Donald Trump and the state of the Cabal and how this all relates to our evolution. 
First, let me say I saw Brexit coming from light-years away, and I don’t consider this a sign of clairvoyance.  The Cabal has been disintegrating for a long time, the EU had become a shell energetically and Brexit vote was taking place over the full moon Summer Solstice. (And British polls are notorious for underestimating conservative/ nationalist sentiment – remember that parliamentary election the polls called a “dead heat” and go half right?  Labour Party showed up dead in that election.)
Now to the message:
“Changes are occurring at a rapid pace, as Metatron predicted.  Earth is now free from the oppression of the Dracos and the Cabal is an empty shell with no source of energy.  Without the Dracos, the Cabal cannot survive and its attempts at retaining control are transitioning from desperate and chaotic to impotent and comical.
“During the Solstice, and for the next three weeks, the Earth is receiving the strongest wave of awakening energy the human species has ever experienced.  It is the equivalent energy as is regularly received by civilizations living in much higher densities.  This is a precursor of the increase in energy that the earth will receive over the next several months, culminating in the full force of awakening energy directed toward Earth on a continual basis.
“We understand that this level of energy will be difficult for many humans to receive, and impossible for others.  There will be massive shifts and traumas as the earth adjusts to its new energy level, both physically and on the spiritual plane.  Earthquakes, volcanoes, violent weather anomalies, the rising core temperature of the planet, psychic awakenings, social revolution and many impossible-to-explain events will become common. 
“Many people will not be able to survive the radical transformation.  We have awakened several Orion souls, as well as thousands of Lumerian and Earth souls, to rescue as many people as possible, clean up the damage, and set the foundation for a new highly-evolved society.  We know they will do many great things, but still many will not be rescued and there will be great suffering.
“Even among those in the spiritual communities, there will be many who will either not survive or suffer tremendously as they are forced to evolve.  We deeply regret this inevitability. 
“Some will look for blame during these turbulent times.  Many will blame us and reject our servants, and lead large numbers of people to their doom.  Others will deceive for short-term gain and their greed will be their disaster.  It will be a very painful time for those who value the ego.  The West will be especially hard-hit.
“Those who accept the outstretched hand of our servants will be rescued.  For them, the transition will be difficult, but the evolved Earth will be a civilization beyond anything mankind has experienced before.  Those who accept the suffering of evolution will be grateful in the end, but their faith will be severely tested.
“The beginning of the evolution is well underway.  The Cabal is a hollow shell, imposing only from the outside.  Even the slightest energetic movement causes it to crumble like sandstone.  Look how easily a relatively weak economic and military power like Russia can move the world by just shaking its fist.  A few angry Greeks and Britons have shaken EU and the global banking cartel to its core.  A small handful of wildcat oil companies in North Dakota have driven OPEC into near-bankruptcy.  One person telling the truth brought decades of highly-ophisticated US internal surveillance to its knees.  A reality-show billionaire and an eccentric Socialist have permanently crippled the political Cabal in the US that stood for over 150 years.   In five years, EU, NATO, OPEC, and the US Federal Reserve will dissolve completely.  They are already dead energetically.
“The US and Europe will undergo massive political upheaval as the Cabal desperately tries to survive the revolutionary flood.  There will be hysterical predictions of disaster, but only the feeble remnants of the Cabal will suffer.  Most people will be much better off with the Cabal out of the way – the suffering will not be a result of political strife but on a social and spiritual level.  Governments will be helpless to do anything, but since they were only making things worse by imposing their power on others, their dissolution will come as welcome relief.
“Our best advice is, connect with your higher self and your truth, understand your truth, and live it fully.  Stop looking outside for answers you already possess.  Discover your value within and know this is your only true currency, and treat it as such.  Set the foundation of your temple in a place of giving, not receiving, and tend to your temple every day.  Battle on the side of love and freedom.”

Is Alchemy A Sin?

One of the other complaints I’m sensing out there is that alchemy is somehow in opposition to organized religion.  First of all, this is simply untrue – alchemy is actually an extension of religion and in fact came into our awareness through the efforts of dedicated religious practitioners from every major religion – I’ll go more into this later.  But most importantly, alchemy requires a strong spiritual foundation to be effective.  I would go so far as to say that, without a solid grounding in religious practice (as opposed to Western “spirituality,” which is a mess, and I’ll get into that as well), one cannot be a truly effective alchemist.
I realize that some religious practitioners will take strong issue with the concept that alchemy is an extension of their religion, but keep in mind the forces that seek to deceive use organized religion to do a lot of their oppressive work for them.  Instead of following the “leaders,” consult the source.  You’ll find the truth – alchemy is refined spiritual connection, a highly-synthesized form of prayer.
And it is practiced in every major religion.  Early Pagans – Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians – all practiced alchemy.  It’s how we arrived at some of our greatest discoveries in math, science, architecture, art and so many other areas.  Buddhists used alchemy to develop Taoism, Chi Gong, mindfulness, martial arts, the meridian system in the human body, and all kinds of breakthroughs in medicine and healing arts, including Reiki and most healing massage techniques we use today.  Hindis (or the religions that evolved into Hindu) discovered Tantra, Yoga, and all kinds of scientific breakthroughs, many of which have been lost for centuries and only now being rediscovered.  Christian monks discovered many of the aspects of alchemy that are being used today.  Muslim alchemists discovered many of the scientific principles we take for granted today (though sadly, many of their most incredible discoveries were kept from the general public and have since been destroyed by fundamentalist fanatics).  Judaism has the Kabbalah (there is a misconception that Kabbalah is a separate religion, but in fact it is wholly derived and dependent on a Jewish religious foundation).  Then there are shamans, medicine men, and the list goes on and on.
Okay, I think I’ve made my point pretty clearly now – alchemy and religion go hand-in-hand.  Yes, there are “fundamentalists” in every religion who will tell you “beware of magic,” but ask yourself why that is.  Ask what benefit denying wisdom does for the betterment of connection to God?  Is suppressing knowledge serving God, or the ego of man?  The truth makes it clear – alchemy is the highest form of spiritual service to God.
So then the next question is “which religion is the right one?”  And my answer is again controversial, but indisputable from a spiritual standpoint:  The one that serves you best, and which you can best serve.  There is no “right” religion, because all true religions believe in spiritual elevation and service above self.  As such they are all “right.”
Personally, I practice Buddhism with a Christian foundation.  I grew up a secular Christian, found Jesus in college and began a true spiritual path.  Eventually I “moved” to Buddhism, which is my spiritual home, because it fits the criteria above.  But I didn’t “reject” Christianity.  For me, it was my access point to a spiritual path.  I still believe in and love Jesus Christ, still read the Bible (which I believe is another set of Suttras and enhances my Buddhist practice), and believe most Christians are genuinely spiritual connected.  I’ve felt this connection myself in church ceremonies, and it’s real.  So I didn’t “walk away” from Christianity, I evolved into Buddhism, because it is here where I can deepen my spiritual connection and practice.
So I guess that makes me a “Universalist,” whatever.  I hate labels, but some people have to see a label before they’ll try the product.  The point in all this is without religion, there really is no alchemy, and with any religion, alchemy works, and works in harmony.
I don’t buy the “if you worship another religion you’ll go to hell” nonsense.  This to me is a way to keep people manipulated by other people and takes their eye off the spiritual prize.  I say, focus on the core truth – the spiritual connection – and pay no mind to how other people worship, that’s not your problem.
Having said that, I will say that I have a criterion for working with me – you can’t be an Atheist.  This is not me being judgmental, it’s me being an honest businessman.  Sure, I can do NLP, hypnosis, EFT, and a bunch of other “secular self-help” stuff.  So can thousands of other people.  But the real power of my work is in the spiritual – alchemy, energy elevation, spiritual development.  So if you consciously predisbelieve the core of my work – why would you want to pay me good money to work with you?  We both know it’ll have no effect, because you’ve already refused 99% of my services. 
I could charge you full-price, do some cool NLP and hypnosis stuff, tap away some superficial crap, give you a “game plan” and send you on your way like 99% of the “evolution coaches” out there.  And maybe you’d think you’re getting real value (because in your mind the “other stuff” is a ripoff), but I know in my heart I’d be the one ripping you off.  So I’d send you to someone else who shares your perspective, better for everyone.
As far as the “uncommitted spiritualists,” yes I will work with you.  In fact, I really want to work with you, because I can be of highest service here.  But I’ll be prodding you to explore religions and find a home.  And I can guarantee we will be doing LOTS of energetic cleaning work.  Because I have yet to meet a Western “spiritualist” who isn’t bursting at the seams with implants, entities, spiritual entanglements, veils, and a whole host of other energetic crap.  The Western spiritual movement is the blind leading the blind – a lot of people who are lost, hurting and looking for help being led by other lost souls and many very dishonest practitioners. 
There’s a lot of work to do here, and I’m being charged with the first phase of the cleanup effort, because I have a unique understanding and compassion for the good people here, and it feels good to help.  But… you will find me annoying at first, because unlike the other coaches, I have zero patience for spiritual wishy-washiness.  I will push you and challenge you in ways you won’t find pleasant, but at the other end you’ll discover your true spiritual self and never feel “lost” again.  (And no, I absolutely won’t direct you into a religion – they’re all awesome, and in past lives I’ve been happy in several different religions.  I’m just committed to helping you find your home, that’s very important.)
This should clear up a lot of misconceptions – alchemy enhances religion, I love all religions, spirituality is essential to alchemy work, and the vague, undefined “spirituality” in the West is well-intentioned and full of suffering.  Have I left anything out?  Oh, I love you all!
With Love,

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Distant Energetic Attunement and Activation - Saturday 6/25/16 7PM Los Angeles Time

Ready to take a big step forward in your life? 

Without having to do anything more than say "yes"?

Then this is for you - the Ultimate Lazy Person's Spiritual Awakening Session.

At 7pm This Saturday - June 25 - I will be offering a distant energetic attunement and activation to anyone who agrees to receive it.

Yep.  All you have to do is agree to receive, say "yes" in your mind, and you will receive a distant energetic attunement and activation.

The last one opened up a lot of energies.  This one promises to be even more intense (I have access to a lot more resources that I'll be sharing.)

If you wish, you can take this time to meditate and observe what is happening.  Or sleep, or go about your day, you'll receive it as long as you agree to do so.

An upleveling of your energy, possible awakening, and you don't have to do anything. 

Why do I do these?  I'm giving away a lot of powerful stuff for nothing, why would I want to do that?

First, what I am doing is about giving.  It's about service.  My practice is giving-based, and this actually feeds my own growth. Also, with each of these distant awakenings, the energy behind what I'm doing grows stronger - it attracts more people to my message and coaching.  More people get a taste of what is possible working with me - and this fuels the movement.  And this benefits me personally and everyone else.

And I enjoy doing this - which you no doubt already figured out.

With Love,


Alchemy vs "Black Magic" - They're NOTHING Alike!

"BOO!  I'm a Scary Straw-Man!"
There is a rising level of interest in the subjects I’m discussion – particularly alchemy and spiritual energetic evolution.  And it’s no wonder – this is the way to fully resolve issues and take your life to incredible new heights in every respect. 
Who wouldn’t want that?  It sounds too good to be true!  So people look and see some pretty impressive things going on – and wow, I can feel that energy too!  Something’s going on here.
So I’m feeling (and seeing) the rising tide of interest in what I’m doing.  And I’m also sensing a growing level of energetic attacks, which are falling into two camps – those who cannot allow themselves to believe (skeptics don’t attack, they test – I’m an open-minded skeptic, it’s good to be skeptical of things; being closed-off is just another flavor of dogma), and those who misbelieve and think this is “evil” or “black magic.”
So let’s talk about the difference between alchemy and black magic, because what I’m learning, practicing and teaching is the OPPOSITE of “black magic” (and no, that wouldn’t be “white magic,” so put away your Wicca jokes and pay attention).
Alchemy is about accessing the universal powers that are available to EVERYONE.  Yes, there are a lot of traditions and teaching involved, but it is not bestowed by someone onto others.  It’s possible to figure this out on your own or have the powers just “show up” for you.  There are more and more people “born awakened” who are naturally accessing alchemy.  Most people – including myself – do not fall into that category.  For students like myself, we sense things are “not right,” that there are greater powers available to us, but we have to un-learn all the BS that’s been imposed on us to gain that power.
But just because we have to learn something doesn’t make it mystical or “black magic,” anymore than piano lessons are “black magic.” 
Alchemy is about learning to fully access the energies and powers that are our birthright and fully actualizing our highest purpose.  It’s empowering, it serves the greater good, it’s based in love, it’s honest, it’s spiritually-based and divine.  It values freedom and enlightenment and operates in an environment of giving.  There’s nothing nefarious, deceitful or malicious about it.
Black magic, by comparison, is about imposing one’s egoic desires on another (or many others).  Even well-meaning Wiccans who cast “love spells” on the objects of their desire are operating in black magic.  This practice involves “selling one’s soul” for personal ego gain, which I refer to as “spiritual entanglement.”  Black magic is, by its very nature, disempowering – one is telling the universe, “I’m powerless to control my own ego, please take from others to fill my own void.  I’ll give you a part of my soul – deal?”  Black magic is invasive and intrusive – it disrespects energetic boundaries.  And it is focused on taking (“receiving”) without any consideration for the greater good.
The difference should be obvious now that the two sides are presented to you. But to drive home the point, here are a couple tests:  1) The Freedom Test:  “Does this result in more freedom for everyone?”  If the answer is “no,” it’s black magic.  2) The Consent Test:  “Did the recipient consent to this (energetically or expressly)?”  If “yes” then you’re (probably) ok; if “no,” it’s DEFINITELY black magic.  Black magic can be thought of as a “spiritual rape,” however well-intended.
The other criticism I’m sensing is “yes, alchemy is good, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll invite all kinds of black magic.”  It’s true that alchemy practice invites energetic attacks – that’s a very good reason to not go it alone, to learn through someone whose experienced who can teach you how to build protection grids to protect you and people close to you.  But the idea that accessing your personal power and living a bigger life will make you more susceptible to black magic is, quite frankly, superstitious BS.
Black magic is going on all over, and 99% of it gets instantly rejected and ends up only doing a lot of damage to the SENDER.  If you CONSENT to receive black magic, yes, you can be in a very bad place.  But improving your life through alchemy SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES your chances of making such a deal with the devil. 
Yes, demons exists.  Possessions are real.  The foundations of alchemy go over removing implants, entities, closing portals, killing demons and undoing black magic.  There is some really bad stuff out there, but awareness and knowledge are really your best weapons.  Willful ignorance is like saying “yah, I know my neighborhood is full of criminals, but if I learn Kung Fu then I’m more likely to get robbed.”  I have yet to see an instance of serious demonic possession that didn’t involve the person willingly accepting the possession.
The people most at risk of demonic possession are people who don’t believe in demons. 
And let’s get to the heart of the real fears here – I don’t believe for a minute any seriously spiritually-aware person is “afraid” of alchemy because of black magic and other things alchemy doesn’t do.  They’re afraid because of what it does – radically elevates your energy and transforms your life into something much bigger.  They’re attached to their small lives and telling themselves this isn’t unreasonable fear but a reasonable concern for personal safety. 
Yah, we’ve seen that story.  It’s probably been yours, too.  It sure was mine for a long time.  You have *no idea* how far in the “back of the pack” I was when I started all this.  You can spend years struggling to get one thing kind of handled or blast through everything in minutes, put the “self-help” folks right out of business. 
And that’s a scary thought to some people.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Spiritual Musings: Whose Boundaries Are These Anyway?

An interesting epiphany came up as I was going through my alchemy session with Etienne Monday night – what I thought was the boundary of my energetic space were actually the edges of massive piles of energetic baggage that others had been putting into my space (and very stubbornly fighting to keep there, with a sense of entitlement).  And this “stuff” had been there for years, maybe many lifetimes, defining my boundaries for me.
It was to the point that I wasn’t even aware of the amount of stuff in my energy field, because I wasn’t aware where my energy field ended.  I kept seeing “clear energy” and Etienne kept seeing these really large numbers of “stuff.”  And I thought, how can he and I be so far off on our measurements?  It’s because I’d accepted someone else’s impositions as my boundaries.
Okay, that’s a “woo-woo” concept, but not hard to see how this applies in the physical world.  How many times have I let others draw lines in my space and tell me that’s the boundary?  All the fucking time!  We all do this.  We all take other people’s emotional and psychic baggage as ours.
You don’t think so? Let’s take a very current event – the tragic mass shooting in Orlando.  Were you really upset by this? Probably.  Were you shot?  Probably not.  Do you know someone who was?  Again, for the huge majority of people who feel personally anguished over this tragedy, the answer is “no.”  They saw this on the news and took the baggage as their own in the spirit of “compassion.”
I realize this will be controversial, but it that really an appropriate response?  Thousands of people are killed in all sorts of ways every day in the US, to say nothing of the millions worldwide.  Many, many of those people did not deserve their fate, either.  If every life is precious, what makes these fifty souls more anguish-worthy?  The answer is, nothing.  All life is equally precious, whether it shows up on your newsfeed with a compelling story or not.
If it took a tragic news story for you to start practicing compassion, that’s not compassion.  That’s you being manipulated, and you need to refocus on reflection.  In most cases, the appropriate response when tragedy is brought to our awareness is the one that is currently being mocked – prayer and reflection.  And maybe changing your Internet habits.  Instead we think we’re being noble by responding to a news story, instead of seeing the truth – someone is trying to push their psychic baggage into our space and we shouldn’t accept it.
Does this seem harsh or uncaring to you – to not take in stuff that isn’t yours?  Does it feel selfish to remind yourself that, really, this tragic event that is thousands of miles away is not specifically your problem?  Yes, we are all interconnected, and all human life is precious.  So if you claim to be compassionate, why are you focusing energy on just these few people you don’t know without considering the suffering all over?  True compassion would call us to use this as a reminder to be aware of the suffering throughout the world, to reflect on how each of us can bring a more loving and healing energy into the world, to keep our energy space clear to most effectively serve the greater good, not take on baggage the media pushes in our face.
This is just one example of how others can push boundaries on our energy.  How about relationships?  Are you aware of the spiritual entanglements in your relationships?  Are you being mindful to your own suffering, or seeking to push it onto others?  Are you mindful of your energy, or taking on others’ problems as yours?  Are you compromising your higher purpose to accommodate the ego of others?
Are you afraid of being big?  Does the thought of having an immense, powerful energy field feel selfish or inconsiderate to you?  Does living a big life feel like you’re making others feel small by comparison?  The zero-sum-game mentality is a great way others can contain you within your own energy field. 
So how much thought have you given to spiritual boundaries in your practice? 
With Love,

My Latest Crystals

A chakra grid of all the crystals I activated today. It's a beautiful batch of crystals. A very inexpensive "mixed bag" from a vendor I received last week. They're really nice and now very powerful. Now to start sending these out into the word to make more magic!

Using Crystals as Circuits, Not Batteries: Energetic Reframe

Most recently attuned crystals. You can really feel the energy!

I received new information recently about the powers of crystals and how they can be used more effectively.  The message is to stop treating the crystals as batteries and leverage them for more powerful purposes as circuits – run energy through them instead of absorbing energy from them.
This is a powerful concept and a big departure from the traditional application of crystals – and also more aligned with the scientific application of crystals.  We have access to far more personal energy than any crystal can produce, however highly activated.  So we can program the crystals to achieve an outcome, and then run our energy through the crystals in a circuit to manifest what we desire to produce.

I’ve seen some people talking about crystals delivering shocks, getting very hot or unable to hold for a long time.  They’re impressed with the power of the crystal but not considering why the energy is “misfiring.”  From what I’m being told, spiritual energy should flow.  Sparks and heat mean something in the circuit is not working – either the energy isn’t calibrated, the crystal isn’t properly programmed, or the polarities are out of alignment. 
This brings up a whole new level of alchemy – programming the crystals, running the energy and utilizing the archetypes creates a powerful circuit that I hadn’t considered.  I played with this briefly last night and already major new awareness is coming up. 

So it’s choosing the right crystals for the intention, proper programming and then running the energy through them. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer Solstice Full Moon Healing with Etienne

Summer Solstice and Full Moon – a great time to heal old wounds.  Like six-thousand-year-old wounds. 
Last night, during the full moon Summer Solstice, I worked with Etienne to clear out the “baggage” in my energy (massive amounts, and I’ll get to the consequences later) and connect to my past lives.
First about the baggage.  I’d first written about this subject a month ago when the visions first appeared.  Since then Etienne and I have become aware of a LOT of very stubborn baggage in my energy.  It appears to be mostly baggage from dead people and there is very strong resistance to removing that baggage. 
So last night we worked on destroying it.  The techniques we used were very effective and I could see the expanse of my energy field.  My energy field is immense, it extends light years.  But so much of it was filled with baggage I was only able to sense and utilize the much smaller energetic field that I’d been able to keep clean.  The baggage was so immense that 99% of my energy field was filled with baggage and I just assumed that baggage was the border of my energy field.
This brings up an interesting concept – how much of what we consider to be our “boundaries” are actually defined by us, and how much are defined by others?  I’d unwittingly allowed others to define almost all of my energy space.  And the craziest part – I thought I was doing pretty good before.  And I was, but with a very limited energy field that extended miles.
Once we began using the techniques to clear up the energy fields at all levels, I could see the expansiveness of my energy fields.  What extended for miles now extended for light years.  And extended through time.  And above and below.  Suddenly powers that felt “big” began to feel “infinite.”  I’d only bee utilizing a small fraction of my potential.
There’s still a lot of work to do to clear out the junk – because again, I simply wasn’t aware how vast my energetic field really is, I’d been deceived into playing a very small game.  I’d been fooled into believing (probably for my own benefit at the time) that I was simply a human with strong energetic powers, instead of understanding and owing my greatness and energetic power, which extends far beyond what seemed possible.
So once again, a whole new universe has been opened up.  It’s sobering and also makes sense of a lot of things that always puzzled me.  There have been many times the universe has knocked on my door but I didn’t have the awareness to answer. Now I do. 
As this energetic space opened up, Metatron and other beings activated my energy – a process I’m told is still ongoing for another 48 hours.  I felt a buzzing, sparks flying, movement like I was riding a roller coaster.  I saw pictures, images of things.  The cap blocking my memories was removed and I began seeing things from my past without distortion.
I ended up in front of a cave, which we later determined was Zhongli Quan’s final resting place.  Inside was an empty cave, save for a fan, which was perfectly preserved and waiting for me.  I took it and used it to clear my energy field – vast amounts of junk were disintegrated with one swipe.  (It then told me it wasn’t designed for housework, this is more like the quick dusting before the real work, so lots of things to still learn.)
I went to bed feeling very light and very sleepy (not unusual after a massive amount of energy work).  Today I woke up feeling groggy and kind of clumsy.  It’s going to take a while to clear out my energy, fully activate and then integrate everything.  So it’s going to be unsettled for a few weeks.
What I can say so far is my energy field is far more vast and powerful than I realized.  Things feel very, very light and will feel lighter as this process continues.  I’m not used to lightness.  The expansiveness impacts everything – and I mean EVERYTHING. 
Also, time is slowing down for me.  The whole foundation for my worries is disintegrating.  Time is much bigger and slower than I realized.  Inner peace and enlightenment are achievable in this lifetime, not only for me but for those I touch. 
And that includes  you.  Welcome to your evolution.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Political Correctness and the Cabal

I haven’t written much about the Cabal, mainly because I didn’t want my offerings to get usurped by political and social controversies.  I’m realizing now that it’s impossible to really teach evolution without explaining the entrenched opposition to spiritual evolution.  Here on Earth, there are many forces opposing our evolution – there are spiritual and energetic forces, including demons (yes, they are real), as well as forces that show up among us in human form.
This is where the Cabal comes in.  The Cabal is the entrenched group of leaders in business, politics, social circles, organized religion, and especially the news media.  They do not believe in demonic possession and thus were easy targets – they willingly sold their souls to dark forces in exchange for power.  They are here to oppress, deceive, confuse and destroy the forces of evolution.

They show up in a lot of places.  Banks and financial markets are obvious – money is power.  Politics – almost all politicians are part of the Cabal, and if they’re not, they’re considered “crazy” and a “mortal threat” by the Cabal.  In science and medicine, they’ll show up as “authorities” and suppress all critical thinking. 
They LOVE the field of psychology and psychiatry, and the field is almost 100% controlled by the Cabal. This is obvious – they can decide what is “sane” and “insane” and effectively stigmatize and marginalize their opponents.  The whole witch hunt around “Asberger’s Syndrome” and “Autism” was a failed attempt by the Cabal to marginalize emerging creative leaders and entrepreneurs who were not a part of the Cabal.  The problem?  The evolving forces had gained too much strength and the attempt to stigmatize people as “Asbergers” failed miserably – then the Psychology “profession” tried to cover the Cabal’s ass by eliminating it as a diagnosis, which only further exposed the psychology profession as a puppet of the Cabal.

The Cabal also loves college campuses (which, despite what people think, are actually VERY conservative and conformist from a social matrix standpoint) and the “social justice” movement is a mind-control effort, in the same vein as psychology – labeling anyone who challenges the Cabal as “socially undesirable” – racist, sexist, (invented group)-phobic, or “privileged.”  “Political Correctness” has become the new favorite of the Cabal to suppress and confuse people, in the name of “equality.”
Things are changing rapidly and the Cabal is being destroyed from all directions.  The members of the Cabal live only for power, so their desperation will only grow more until they are destroyed.  Very few, if any, will change before it’s too late. 

One simple test to determine if something is serving Source or the Cabal is “Will this result in expanded freedom for everyone?”  If the answer is “yes,” it serves Source; if not, it serves the Cabal. Political Correctness in its current form is the social manifestation of Marxism, the most destructive manifestation of evil the world has ever seen.  With the destruction of the Dracos (I’ll have to talk about that later), Marxism has lost most of its truly destructive power, but it is still an effective tool for deceiving, brainwashing and confusing people.
Ironically, one area where the Cabal still has a tight grip is the US “Spiritual Community.”  California’s spiritual community is 80% controlled by the Cabal.  You can see this in the misinformation about evolution, the spiritual entanglements, the efforts enforce hierarchy (gurus, withholding information), the prevalence of Marxism in the group thought structure.  Their grip here is so strong, in fact, it’s become a bulwark – people go into the “spiritual community” to evolve, and they never come out.

It’s not difficult to see how “Political Correctness” and “Social Justice” as it’s being presented today fails the “freedom test” – in fact the proponents of PC make little effort to hide their disdain for freedom.  That’s why it’s interesting reading articles brazenly defending oppression and mind control in the name of “social justice,” such as this one written by Cabal member Julien Zelizer (CNN is 100% controlled by the Cabal and might as well be called “Cabal News Network”).
The Cabal is desperate.  Deep down they know they will be destroyed and their power is slipping away. The flailing defense of “social justice,” the pathetic attempts to marginalize every thought with pop psychology and “privilege” labels, the desperate attempts to maintain hegemony as alliances break apart (OPEC and EU are both disintegrating at a rapid pace), all point to a weak Cabal desperate to retain power.  It’s a little bit like Nazi Germany once the bombs started falling on their home soil – they desperately tightened their grip on their countrymen, but everyone could sense the inevitable.

We’re going to see more attempts to justify oppression in the name of Good Intentions, more open conflicts, and more failings as the veil is lifted and their lies are laid bare.