Friday, June 3, 2016

Stepping Into Greatness: Reflections and Revelations

Recognizing one’s greatness isn’t arrogance or delusion, it’s an essential part of self-reflection and awakening.  And it’s taking responsibility.
When we view our greatness from a egocentric point of view, then that greatness becomes distorted.  It feels delusional or arrogant; questions come up like “who am I to be great?”  Low self-esteem issues come up.  The voices of the world that doesn’t respect true greatness come up.
From a higher level, greatness is really the full expression of a free soul.  Greatness is the manifestation of freedom, and freedom is the highest form of love.  So greatness isn’t egocentric, it’s in fact the highest form of spiritual practice.
So this is where I’m at now – cultivating, manifesting and expressing my greatness as my spiritual responsibility.
We are at a point in the evolution of the world where we are facing tremendous energetic shifts.  The planet is being bombarded with energy at a frequency never before seen.  The dark forces of the universe have been destroyed or contained, but the consciousness of humanity is still very low and oppressed. 
Mankind, which has spent its entire existence being oppressed by outside forces or told what to do by benevolent ones, is now on its own and being called to evolve at a mind-blowing pace.  This energetic bombardment is already causing cataclysmic shifts in the weather, geology and social structure, shifts which will only become more intense as the energy hits us full-force.
People who are unfamiliar with the coming changes should read Etienne Charland’s blog.  It covers the coming changes (at least at the top-level) in detail.  Other spiritual leaders have been talking about the cycle of evolution.  Jaques Tombazian said we are entering a period where humanity will rapidly move up the evolutionary ladder. Processes that normally took hundreds of thousands or millions of years will happen severalfold within the next ten years.
It is an exciting time, and also massively challenging and traumatic.  For those who survive the energetic onslaught, it will mean phenomenal growth unlike anything in the history of man, massive spiritual and energetic awakening and expression.  But for those not prepared, it could be disastrous.  Many people will simply be unable to receive the energy and unable to grow, and those people will suffer horribly.
My job is to get as many people on the life rafts as possible, to awaken as many people, get them on the spiritual life rafts before the deluge.  This is not a time to be dithering around with delusions of unworthiness or ego blocks.  I’m being called to greatness and time is short.
When one great person recognizes someone as especially great and powerful, that is a calling.  Few people receive that calling.  When two or more great individuals see that greatness within, that means it’s time to WAKE UP – NOW!
I’ve had a number of signs and tests.  And at least three individuals I would consider “powerful” who saw me as destined for true greatness, one who recently recognized my soul as one of the Eight Immortals. 
And too often my ego ignored the signs.
Almost twenty years ago, my office won the lottery; I was the one person in the office who didn’t play.
Almost seventeen years ago, I was tested again when my son experienced brain trauma and we had to endure an unbelievable court ordeal, having done nothing wrong.
After spending a good part of my formative years dreaming of politics, I ran for local office, losing a “slam-dunk” race to an unknown by less than 200 votes.  Shortly after, I walked away from politics and a marriage that was out of integrity.
I suffered unbelievable tests and energetic attacks in my second marriage.
I became Destin Gerek’s first “client,” the superstar client, but still wasn’t listening.
I received a selenium wand with a Lumerian soul.
I’m sure I’m leaving some crazy stuff out, but the signs are many and obvious now.  I am being called to step into a power I still can’t comprehend, but I know is my destiny. 
Last night I received a message from Etienne – his vision and my upcoming responsibility.  It’s going to be enormous.  I’m going to be challenging head-on the spiritual wannabes and deeply involved in the war of consciousness.
I felt very unsettled last night.  Both my wife and I experienced energetic attacks.  I’m still unsettled.  I know what I have to do, but there’s still so much I don’t know.
And I believe my pathway out of my closed-off state into greatness is the path that will rescue others as well.  I was reincarnated into a particularly unconscious and resistant person, and given the tools to reflect and chronicle this journey, precisely so I could understand how to bring others to a place where they can receive the awakening energy and evolve.  If I’d simply started off as powerful and my soul had not encountered this internal and external struggle, I’d have much more difficulty showing others how to evolve. 
All those fantasies of greatness I used to have were actually visions.  And the magical thinking was actually something much deeper calling to me, a connection to a power that’s been dormant from a long time and is reawakening.
Someday soon things will become clear and I’ll fully let go of the ego and step into my destiny.  I can feel that happening.  I don’t have to force it or struggle, just let things happen.  Now that I know who I am, many things will resolve themselves quickly.  But if I hadn’t gone through this period of being lost and struggling, I wouldn’t be able to fulfil my purpose.
And make no mistake – the challenges coming will take all of my efforts, and those of many others.  The energetic shifts coming soon will leave nobody unchanged.  At this point there really isn’t time to wax philosophical about whether I “deserve” this role.
Pendulum test:  97.5% accuracy

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