Friday, June 24, 2016

My One-Word Answer To "How To Have A Successful Life?"

What’s the most important mindset shift to living a truly powerful life?
It’s adopting a mindset of GIVING.

Instead of thinking “How can I make myself better?” or “How can I get more of what I want from this situation?” throw all that away and ask “How can I provide the most benefit and value?”
See that?  It’s not a little thing, it’s EVERYTHING.

When you stop thinking about what you can get and place your attention on what you can add to the world around you (and how to maximize this), you’ve shifted from a scarcity mindset to abundance.  And you’ve taken all the pressure off your shoulders, because you’re giving.
Look, I’m not the only one talking about this, it isn’t just some “spiritual teacher” talking about how to be a servant to the world, many, many VERY successful people have adopted this mindset – and credit this mindset with their success.

Brent Smith, one of the most successful dating and personal empowerment coaches around, preaches this.  So does Rion Kati, another very-high-level evolutionary coach.  And it’s foundational in Destin Gerek’s work – and they don’t call him the “Erotic Rockstar” for nothing.  Why?  Because they figured out that focusing on “getting laid” (or “getting rich,” or whatever it is you want) actually creates a barrier between you and your desire.  In the case of dating, it sets things up energetically where you’re taking something from someone.  Same in business.
And first of all, that’s not true.  The first thing to understand is you have high value.  You are valuable and what you have to give to the world is a gift. 

Do you think women come away from experiences with a guy like Destin thinking “he owes me for the sex I gave him”?  NO!  If anything, she’s thinking just the opposite – what does she have to do to please him so he’ll spend more time with her.  Do the millions of people who wait in line for the latest iPhone think “Apple owes me for giving them my business?”  No, they’re hoping they get the chance to be the first to GIVE Apple their business, because they value the product more than their time and money.  (I personally think that’s a little crazy, but they’re happy.)
And it’s because they’re inherently valuable – they’re giving far more to the other person than they’re receiving.  Destin is committed to leaving his partners better off than before; Apple is committed to maximizing the value for its customers.  And as a result of their focus on GIVING, they’ve become abundant in their respective areas.

And guess what?  YOU have high value too.  If you don’t believe that, work with me and I’ll help you find that gold mine inside you.  You have high value – the world is CRAVING the value you bring.  So the only question left in your mind is – how do you bring as much of that value out to as many people as possible?  How do you maximize the value you give to the world? 
And by doing that, you will receive far more than you could ever wish for.  Because the universe HAS to give you those resources so you can add more value. 

You see how that works?  The Law of Attraction was never about passively sitting around waiting for the universe to send you a welfare check for sitting on your ass and wishing on a star.  It’s about expanding the energy of an ever-expanding universe.  The universe has infinite resources for you to use to deliver infinite value.  And the universe wants to have that energy go through you – because YOU have the ability to transform that energy into something amazing that the universe simply cannot do without you.
Let what I just said sink in a little.  You are THAT valuable to the universe.  So why don't you see that?
I’m sitting here looking at some crystals.  They’re all a little different, even the ones that are the same type.  Each one has a different frequency and energy pitch.  When I utilize each one, the experience is different.  So even each crystal is valuable. 

And they’re fucking rocks.  You’re far more gifted, unique and valuable to the universe than all the rocks put together.  But maybe you’re looking around – six billion people on this planet, what’s so special about me?  Stop thinking like that.  The universe is infinite.  Six billion divided by INFINITE rounds out to ZERO.  So you might look around and think you’re not that important, but you’re VERY important.
And again, this isn’t some “fake self-esteem” pep talk where everyone gets a trophy.  I hate that bullshit.  You’re not important because you got a trophy like the rest of your lousy team for sucking at some sport nobody cares about. (Yah, we both know that's true.) That doesn’t make you valuable.

What makes you valuable is… well, that may still be your journey to discover.
So try on the mindset of giving  - how bright you can shine your light.  Because the world wants to bask in your glory.

Oh, and in case there was any question, I’m not talking about that wimpy-guy “giving to get” bullshit.  That’s not giving, that’s… it’s chickenshit.  Yah, I used to do it too – back when I didn’t think I was really worth anything.  “Here, I’ll do all these nice things for you that I hate doing so you’ll honor my right to exist on this planet and maybe give me a paycheck/ sex/ respect/ friendship.”  That’s not giving.  Giving is “I have something special to share, here it is, world – enjoy,” and not giving a rat’s ass what any particular person thinks of you or your gift, just knowing you and your gifts are valuable and there are people who are better off.  And ignoring the haters – maybe even give them some sympathy, because you know it must be a really difficult life always being negative and trying to take other people down all the time.
So my one-word answer for a successful life:  Give.

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