Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Spiritual Musings: Whose Boundaries Are These Anyway?

An interesting epiphany came up as I was going through my alchemy session with Etienne Monday night – what I thought was the boundary of my energetic space were actually the edges of massive piles of energetic baggage that others had been putting into my space (and very stubbornly fighting to keep there, with a sense of entitlement).  And this “stuff” had been there for years, maybe many lifetimes, defining my boundaries for me.
It was to the point that I wasn’t even aware of the amount of stuff in my energy field, because I wasn’t aware where my energy field ended.  I kept seeing “clear energy” and Etienne kept seeing these really large numbers of “stuff.”  And I thought, how can he and I be so far off on our measurements?  It’s because I’d accepted someone else’s impositions as my boundaries.
Okay, that’s a “woo-woo” concept, but not hard to see how this applies in the physical world.  How many times have I let others draw lines in my space and tell me that’s the boundary?  All the fucking time!  We all do this.  We all take other people’s emotional and psychic baggage as ours.
You don’t think so? Let’s take a very current event – the tragic mass shooting in Orlando.  Were you really upset by this? Probably.  Were you shot?  Probably not.  Do you know someone who was?  Again, for the huge majority of people who feel personally anguished over this tragedy, the answer is “no.”  They saw this on the news and took the baggage as their own in the spirit of “compassion.”
I realize this will be controversial, but it that really an appropriate response?  Thousands of people are killed in all sorts of ways every day in the US, to say nothing of the millions worldwide.  Many, many of those people did not deserve their fate, either.  If every life is precious, what makes these fifty souls more anguish-worthy?  The answer is, nothing.  All life is equally precious, whether it shows up on your newsfeed with a compelling story or not.
If it took a tragic news story for you to start practicing compassion, that’s not compassion.  That’s you being manipulated, and you need to refocus on reflection.  In most cases, the appropriate response when tragedy is brought to our awareness is the one that is currently being mocked – prayer and reflection.  And maybe changing your Internet habits.  Instead we think we’re being noble by responding to a news story, instead of seeing the truth – someone is trying to push their psychic baggage into our space and we shouldn’t accept it.
Does this seem harsh or uncaring to you – to not take in stuff that isn’t yours?  Does it feel selfish to remind yourself that, really, this tragic event that is thousands of miles away is not specifically your problem?  Yes, we are all interconnected, and all human life is precious.  So if you claim to be compassionate, why are you focusing energy on just these few people you don’t know without considering the suffering all over?  True compassion would call us to use this as a reminder to be aware of the suffering throughout the world, to reflect on how each of us can bring a more loving and healing energy into the world, to keep our energy space clear to most effectively serve the greater good, not take on baggage the media pushes in our face.
This is just one example of how others can push boundaries on our energy.  How about relationships?  Are you aware of the spiritual entanglements in your relationships?  Are you being mindful to your own suffering, or seeking to push it onto others?  Are you mindful of your energy, or taking on others’ problems as yours?  Are you compromising your higher purpose to accommodate the ego of others?
Are you afraid of being big?  Does the thought of having an immense, powerful energy field feel selfish or inconsiderate to you?  Does living a big life feel like you’re making others feel small by comparison?  The zero-sum-game mentality is a great way others can contain you within your own energy field. 
So how much thought have you given to spiritual boundaries in your practice? 
With Love,

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