Saturday, June 25, 2016

Update: The Flood

This evening’s distant energetic session kind of got out of control and let to some big shifts and new insights that I need to share.
First, the session itself – I sensed 37 people directly participated and another 26 who weren’t aware of the event but who have asked energetically that I include them in any work I do.  And while that isn’t a large number of people (I have a lot of work to do getting the message out), it was actually my largest distant energetic activation session so far. (Someday I’ll look back on this post and laugh, and hopefully that day is very soon.)  People from five continents participated, so the event’s energy encompassed the globe.
From before it began, this event was attracting energetic attacks.  Driving on the freeway today felt like I was playing bumper cars – no fewer than five people tried to sideswipe me in one way or another and there were at least three accidents on my travels.  I experienced headaches and psychic attacks this afternoon.
Then I checked in on my tree and river to do some prep work for the event and the whole place was flooded – so much sorrow and sadness from some of the participants it overflowed the dam and my whole area was under at least four feet of water – dark brown water carrying lots of stuff.  I can only imagine what these poor souls are going through.
My archetype advised me of the situation (I had to levitate to sit under the tree).  He said the archetypes did everything they could and I’d come just in time.  He informed me things have accelerated much faster than he originally told me – we’re talking days, not months, before the Earth feels the full and constant force of energetic awakening energy. They tried to slow it down but the energy is too much even for their technology.
So it begins.
I was able to bring my heart energy and the archetypes to help heal and comfort the suffering, which I reported earlier.  Then during the actual session I was bombarded with energetic attacks – I could feel them on many levels and they were strong. The session went well, but I knew I’d taken some damage.
Later I was able to go back and assess the damage.  Again, my archetype met me and explained even the archetypes were surprised at this attack.  He said I took a big hit and the damage was significant, but they were already repairing the damage and I’d be good as new shortly.  In the meantime I saw the flood was gone and the river was back to normal – strong and clear and well within its banks – but my tree had been hit by a lightning bolt.  A third of it had been charred completely.  This was a REALLY strong attack.
I worked on activating my 70 chakras, above and below, while the archetypes completed their repairs.  Once the repairs were done and my chakras were activated, they began a very delicate activation procedure, replacing whole mindsets and operating programs at once.  At one point I was told to remain still for five minutes, no matter what was going on around me – they needed absolute stillness from me.  They did some very sensitive work and then I was able to get up and go about things.  It’s still being activated and will be all through the night. 
Apparently I’ll need this to deal with the energetic shitstorm that’s coming, because apparently there’s not going to be a transition period like we thought.  My archetype said it’s this or stop all distant energy work (of course I wasn’t going to choose that option).
To those who participated, expect more shifts to occur over the next 48 hours.  It won’t all be pleasant, but you’re going to receive a major boost in your vibrational energetic base state, a quantum leap.
That’s it for now.  Everyone enjoy the rest of their weekend and I’ll have more to say later.
With Love,

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