Monday, June 27, 2016

Energetic Attacks, "Dumbing Down" as a Part of Enlightenment

I’d written earlier about some crazy things that came up Saturday before, during and after the distant energy activation.  I ended up feeling very unsettled energetically, experiencing issues with sleep and other energetic attacks even through last night.  But at the same time, things opened up and today I’m feeling the energetic expansion I was told was coming and… wow.
Today I was able to pay off some debts and make some investments, big moves.  I felt blocks clearing and new energies and insights flowing through.  It’s wonderful.  Some powerful insights through dreams.  So my archetype wasn’t kidding, this is “kind of a big deal.” 
It’s the same standard pattern:  activation, followed by some adjustment pains, and then an expansion.
So what’s coming up now?  A freeing up of financial resources and opportunities (that’s important), clearing out of old stuff (I felt compelled to clear out the inbox at home – a years’ worth of crap, no doubt sucking away energy), a much clearer and open expression of my truth, and reintegration of some of my relationships.  Those are not small things.
Also interesting how the psychic attacks are becoming more sophisticated, going into those well-worn places where I already feel insecurity.  Suddenly I’ll have those thoughts that what I’m doing is causing these other problems that I worry about.  Then I clear things up and realize it’s an energetic attack that found the old trigger point, nothing has actually changed.
To put that in layman’s terms, I’m going through changes in my life that trigger the same old fears I’ve already proven to be false. We all have these fears – the things that convince us to stay in the same place, even if that place isn’t service us, out of some weird sense of “security.”  But the fear will try to present itself as new, even though it’s always been there. 
What was different this time was I have some internal resources.  When the fears would come up, my mind would take me back to times when I felt this way, going back very far.  And I realize, depending on how I look at the situation, I’ve either already been living my entire life with this supposed problem, or it’s always been an illusion.  So either way, nothing I do now is going to create the problem – it’s either always been there, and thus isn’t really that bad, considering how my life’s turned out, or never will be.
So the energetic attacks are getting more sophisticated, and so is my defense mechanism. 
And the shift in my mind, the “dumbing down” continues.  I read about this on another spiritual blog, how this is part of the ascension process.  I find myself forgetting things and a lot of times my mind is “blank.”  I find it difficult to consciously think about things the way I used to, and don’t rehearse or hold onto information the way I did in the past. 
I wouldn’t call it “dumbing down,” though.  When I’m called to use it, my mind is sharp and my memory is solid.  It’s just I don’t use it as my first option the way I always did before.
At first this was a bit unnerving, but I took the leap.  I’ve had to learn to make lists and find new ways to organize things, because I just can’t rely on my logical mind to hold onto those lists like it used to.  Things mostly just come and go.  It’s nice, I wouldn’t want to go back to the old way.  But I forget a lot more – and care a whole lot less about not remembering.
Welcome to presence. 
I feel like there was something else I wanted to say…  can’t remember, don’t care.

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