Thursday, June 23, 2016

Distant Energetic Attunement and Activation - Saturday 6/25/16 7PM Los Angeles Time

Ready to take a big step forward in your life? 

Without having to do anything more than say "yes"?

Then this is for you - the Ultimate Lazy Person's Spiritual Awakening Session.

At 7pm This Saturday - June 25 - I will be offering a distant energetic attunement and activation to anyone who agrees to receive it.

Yep.  All you have to do is agree to receive, say "yes" in your mind, and you will receive a distant energetic attunement and activation.

The last one opened up a lot of energies.  This one promises to be even more intense (I have access to a lot more resources that I'll be sharing.)

If you wish, you can take this time to meditate and observe what is happening.  Or sleep, or go about your day, you'll receive it as long as you agree to do so.

An upleveling of your energy, possible awakening, and you don't have to do anything. 

Why do I do these?  I'm giving away a lot of powerful stuff for nothing, why would I want to do that?

First, what I am doing is about giving.  It's about service.  My practice is giving-based, and this actually feeds my own growth. Also, with each of these distant awakenings, the energy behind what I'm doing grows stronger - it attracts more people to my message and coaching.  More people get a taste of what is possible working with me - and this fuels the movement.  And this benefits me personally and everyone else.

And I enjoy doing this - which you no doubt already figured out.

With Love,


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