Thursday, June 23, 2016

Alchemy vs "Black Magic" - They're NOTHING Alike!

"BOO!  I'm a Scary Straw-Man!"
There is a rising level of interest in the subjects I’m discussion – particularly alchemy and spiritual energetic evolution.  And it’s no wonder – this is the way to fully resolve issues and take your life to incredible new heights in every respect. 
Who wouldn’t want that?  It sounds too good to be true!  So people look and see some pretty impressive things going on – and wow, I can feel that energy too!  Something’s going on here.
So I’m feeling (and seeing) the rising tide of interest in what I’m doing.  And I’m also sensing a growing level of energetic attacks, which are falling into two camps – those who cannot allow themselves to believe (skeptics don’t attack, they test – I’m an open-minded skeptic, it’s good to be skeptical of things; being closed-off is just another flavor of dogma), and those who misbelieve and think this is “evil” or “black magic.”
So let’s talk about the difference between alchemy and black magic, because what I’m learning, practicing and teaching is the OPPOSITE of “black magic” (and no, that wouldn’t be “white magic,” so put away your Wicca jokes and pay attention).
Alchemy is about accessing the universal powers that are available to EVERYONE.  Yes, there are a lot of traditions and teaching involved, but it is not bestowed by someone onto others.  It’s possible to figure this out on your own or have the powers just “show up” for you.  There are more and more people “born awakened” who are naturally accessing alchemy.  Most people – including myself – do not fall into that category.  For students like myself, we sense things are “not right,” that there are greater powers available to us, but we have to un-learn all the BS that’s been imposed on us to gain that power.
But just because we have to learn something doesn’t make it mystical or “black magic,” anymore than piano lessons are “black magic.” 
Alchemy is about learning to fully access the energies and powers that are our birthright and fully actualizing our highest purpose.  It’s empowering, it serves the greater good, it’s based in love, it’s honest, it’s spiritually-based and divine.  It values freedom and enlightenment and operates in an environment of giving.  There’s nothing nefarious, deceitful or malicious about it.
Black magic, by comparison, is about imposing one’s egoic desires on another (or many others).  Even well-meaning Wiccans who cast “love spells” on the objects of their desire are operating in black magic.  This practice involves “selling one’s soul” for personal ego gain, which I refer to as “spiritual entanglement.”  Black magic is, by its very nature, disempowering – one is telling the universe, “I’m powerless to control my own ego, please take from others to fill my own void.  I’ll give you a part of my soul – deal?”  Black magic is invasive and intrusive – it disrespects energetic boundaries.  And it is focused on taking (“receiving”) without any consideration for the greater good.
The difference should be obvious now that the two sides are presented to you. But to drive home the point, here are a couple tests:  1) The Freedom Test:  “Does this result in more freedom for everyone?”  If the answer is “no,” it’s black magic.  2) The Consent Test:  “Did the recipient consent to this (energetically or expressly)?”  If “yes” then you’re (probably) ok; if “no,” it’s DEFINITELY black magic.  Black magic can be thought of as a “spiritual rape,” however well-intended.
The other criticism I’m sensing is “yes, alchemy is good, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll invite all kinds of black magic.”  It’s true that alchemy practice invites energetic attacks – that’s a very good reason to not go it alone, to learn through someone whose experienced who can teach you how to build protection grids to protect you and people close to you.  But the idea that accessing your personal power and living a bigger life will make you more susceptible to black magic is, quite frankly, superstitious BS.
Black magic is going on all over, and 99% of it gets instantly rejected and ends up only doing a lot of damage to the SENDER.  If you CONSENT to receive black magic, yes, you can be in a very bad place.  But improving your life through alchemy SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES your chances of making such a deal with the devil. 
Yes, demons exists.  Possessions are real.  The foundations of alchemy go over removing implants, entities, closing portals, killing demons and undoing black magic.  There is some really bad stuff out there, but awareness and knowledge are really your best weapons.  Willful ignorance is like saying “yah, I know my neighborhood is full of criminals, but if I learn Kung Fu then I’m more likely to get robbed.”  I have yet to see an instance of serious demonic possession that didn’t involve the person willingly accepting the possession.
The people most at risk of demonic possession are people who don’t believe in demons. 
And let’s get to the heart of the real fears here – I don’t believe for a minute any seriously spiritually-aware person is “afraid” of alchemy because of black magic and other things alchemy doesn’t do.  They’re afraid because of what it does – radically elevates your energy and transforms your life into something much bigger.  They’re attached to their small lives and telling themselves this isn’t unreasonable fear but a reasonable concern for personal safety. 
Yah, we’ve seen that story.  It’s probably been yours, too.  It sure was mine for a long time.  You have *no idea* how far in the “back of the pack” I was when I started all this.  You can spend years struggling to get one thing kind of handled or blast through everything in minutes, put the “self-help” folks right out of business. 
And that’s a scary thought to some people.

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