Friday, June 17, 2016

Message From My Higher Self: Go Dark

I encountered some pretty strong energetic attacks today and after I settled down I inquired about everything - well, actually I got upset at the divine archetypes for apparently "testing" me in ways that I felt violated our agreement - namely the agreement not to involve my family in their "tests."  After considering everything, they told my higher self I needed to rebalance, that the energy and consciousness in myself and my environment was shifting too much too fast.

I received a warning about this last night - I've received a LOT of crystals over the past week, including the crystal ball and then these bags and jars of crystals, the potion, supercharging all my crystals.  My Lumerian wand warned me it was becoming concerned with the direction of things.  So after today - with more crystals attuned and supercharged - the archetypes have decided I need a break to recalibrate and get used to the energies I have at my disposal.  And also to find better uses for this energy.

So, until Monday, no blogging, no Twitter, minimal Facebook, no more stone activation, no potions, none of that.  If I feel inspired, I'm to write off-line, and direct it toward my novel, leave the other stuff alone.  Monday I can meditate and begin to create a new pathway that better serves my purpose. 

So I'll be offline. I can post a picture or two here, and you won't see me at all on Twitter (honestly, a lot of the time I feel like Twitter is more trouble than it's worth, though it's bringing a lot of traffic here).  And we'll see what comes up on the other side.  Until then, enjoy the resources here and have a wonderful weekend!

With Love,


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