Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Vision: "Queen Yoni" and the New Civilization

I was feeling very unstable energetically this morning.  It’s settled out as I’ve gone through my alchemy meditations and reconnected with my heart energy.  But something’s amiss.  I’ve been suffering some energetic attacks and had a vision dream last night that was a little disturbing.
Dark forces eradiated an entire group of people but I was able to protect the Queen Yoni (yah it looked like a very large disembodied yoni).  I recruited dulas and caretakers whose sole job was to take care of Queen Yoni, deliver the babies produced by Yoni (who would repopulate the lost tribe) and tend to the protected space. 
Dark forces returned to check on their handiwork.  I surprised them and destroyed all of them (barely), so the yoni and new generation were safe.  Now I was setting to work establishing and improving the conditions of the area from a corner of a room to a more suitable building, with plans for an altar, temple and organizational structure to raise, educate, house and integrate the next generation until it could take care of itself – a rather energetically tedious yet necessary task and one I intended to delegate, except for the oversight and advisory aspects, as soon as I felt comfortable things were the way they should be.
At one point I called on Etienne to provide high-level energetic assistance and he expressed frustration at such a seemingly mundane task.  I reminded him I was rebuilding a tribe the dark forces had extinguished, that this yoni was sacred, even if it seemed unremarkable, and anyhow the work I was asking for was “high level” and not at all beneath him.  And, finally, if it was too much trouble, he could teach me and I’d take care of everything from then on without his help, which he agreed to do, seeing that there were likely other extinguished civilizations that I could help resurrect in a similar way and he wanted no part of such endeavors (not because they weren’t worthy, but because he had much different things he needed to do and couldn’t be stuck in one place for any length of time). 
It was at that point I woke up, feeling this was indeed a vision, and a pretty accurate one at that, at least on an energetic level.  I had felt called to work again with Etienne, as I’m going to need help getting to the energetic level I need to be to fulfill my ever-expanding purpose and expression.
Last night I had an epiphany about accepting new healers and teachers, even with their flaws, and using my resources to help them do their best, and simply accept their flaws and let go of my attachment to energetic perfection, both in myself and others.  “Let people be people,” as my higher self is saying.  So this vision, however odd it may seem on a literal and physical level, appears accurate.  I’m looking for Etienne to give me the energetic resources to protect and develop the new tribe.
Queen Yoni, in the form in the vision, represents both the mundane, earthly child-bearing and rearing, and the divine promise of a new world created from earthly beings.  It’s the enlightened realization that the building of a new world involves both high-level energies and magic and a lot of rather tedious and mundane work.  But I find a lot of joy and satisfaction in this aspect – I was perfectly happy taking on that role while bringing in more people to free me for more executive tasks.
This fits with my vision for working with Etienne, how it relates to my own family life, my career path, and my vision for working with Destin.  And I realize it’s not “low-level” work, there are aspects that require high-level energy, but that’s not where I will be playing most of the time.   
The uneasiness is likely due to energetic attacks, which also came up in visions that I cannot remember.  Also external energetic attacks (my neighbors seem to be very much affected by things going on, to the point they’re regularly fighting now). 
There is also resistance related to unresolved personal issues – some blocks and resistance and unprocessed hurt.  I had a major heart awakening last night the melted a lot of negative programming, but also opened up other challenges perhaps I wasn’t expecting.
A lot of things are opening up – there’s movement now on my wife’s visa application, that had been energetically stuck for months.  Resolution of many “stuck” internal issues.  It’s a big deal.  But moving into this new role is not at all just fun and games.  It’s going to involve some big changes and challenges. 

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