Thursday, May 26, 2016

Revisiting the Walking Spell and Greatness

I had an inquiry about a “walking spell,” so I’ll go into that and the follow-up meditation with my Lumerian wand.
The ritual is something I’ve made up myself, but I guess you could call it NLP.  It’s not like Hypnotica’s version, but could easily be modified (and I’m going to try that and report back). 
Basically I took my highly-attuned nummite stone and another highly-attuned power crystal – in this case serpentinite to charge up the Kundalini energy.  I walked grounded, set the intention of what I wanted from the spell (highest sexiness, highest sexual energy, total confidence), changed a mantra (use whatever works for you), then sat for a couple minutes and let it settle.
Then I walked around the building a couple times carrying the stones in my hands, exploring all the places where I might be resisting and bringing the spell into those places with each step.  Then walked some more, allowing the spell to fully activate.  I feel like the sunshine and physical movement is a key part of this.  When it felt activated, I went back inside and pendulum tested, confirmed the spell activated.
So it’s utilizing the energy of the highly-attuned crystals while implanting a bulletproof intention.  Part magic, part NLP.  I suppose I could do a lot more with this and make it more robust, this was a first attempt.  It’s like affirmations on steroids.
At home I meditated for a long time and spoke with the Lumerian wand.  The wand confirmed the spell would have its full effect, but asked why I cast such a worthless spell, telling me I was already powerfully sexy and had everything I needed.
The wand confirmed that my energy and charisma would increase and I’d notice a massive shift, but that this wouldn’t really be magic.  It would be me simply letting go of limiting beliefs, false paradigms and unhealthy entanglements.  The wand said “you don’t need a magic spell for that, you just needed to clear your vision and see yourself as you already are.  You are already powerfully sexy and energetic.  The greatness you think you need to find is already inside you.”
“Maybe so,” I responded, “but how can I teach others if I simply access my own greatness without any steps or method of explanation?”
“Accessing greatness,” the wand responded, “is like accessing any form of enlightenment.  It’s not a step-by-step process or some form of magic.  It is a matter of un-thinking, un-trying and allowing the greatness to fill your awareness and being.  Stillness is our natural state, only interrupted by the ego’s need to control and create structure where no structure is asked for.  Greatness is the same.  When you release the illusion of disconnection from greatness, it fills your presence entirely.”
“That sounds too easy.”
“Well, you’re 44 years into this life and still haven’t mastered this, so maybe it’s not all that easy.”
“What about all those people who work hard, study and practice for years to achieve greatness?”
“No.  People work hard, study and practice to acquire skills and knowledge.  Greatness is not found through practice.  When you fully understand and integrate the difference, you will discover your true greatness.  Then nothing you do will feel like hard work, just the next step on your path.
“When you watched Destin’s videos from a meditative state, you were integrating the lessons from a place of inner greatness.  You were attuning to the energy and deeper wisdom. This is the foundation that is greatness.
“Once you let go and allow yourself to see and feel and live from that place of greatness, you’ll begin to understand the true power of magic.  And you’ll look back on your spell today and laugh.  Do you think I was brought into your life by accident?”
“You were attracted to my greatness.”
“Yes.  In the presence of your  power, I can feel alive again.  Together we can do truly great things.  You are so much more than the human you have been.”
Obviously, this lesson isn’t meant just for me.  Take this with love into your own life.
With Love,

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