Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Re. Kavanaugh: (Justifiable) Crickets from my Progressive Friends

Kavanaugh?  Whose that?  Can we talk about Russia again?

My social media has been unusually quiet re. the Kavanaugh smear campaign.  The usual sanctimonious liberals who think Trump is the embodiment of evil haven’t had a word to say about the lies being thrown out against the judge.  

And let’s be clear here.  They’re lies.  It’s an obvious game to try to throw a Senate vote and hold open a Supreme Court seat.  Let’s get that out of the way.

But my progressive friends have never been shy about repeating the most ridiculous accusations against Trump or any other Republican. Until now.  Now it’s crickets. 

Hmm, why?

Well, I know why.  Even among my “consent” crowd, most of the guys have done stuff like this for real.  And worse.  And a lot more recently than 35 years ago.

In fact the huge majority of my “progressive” friends were directly involved one way or another with the bad stuff.  I heard the stories about drunken high school parties.  I was the nerd in high school who didn’t get invited to the parties, but I heard a lot of stories. I heard the stories from boys and girls – and the girls weren’t the slightest bit outraged by what was going on.  They gladly kept returning to the same type of parties, kept drinking up to or to the point of passing out, and doing what they did.
It was “partying.”  Nobody objected, nobody complained.

In college, I saw a lot.  Our fraternity was mild compared to most, but there was stuff going on.  My freshman year I saw guys put grain alcohol in the punch.  I found out later that punch was passed off as “non-alcoholic.”  We had an award for the guy who slept with the ugliest woman.  And the list goes on and on.

Are these guys bad people?  Are they predators?  No.  The crazy (or not so crazy) thing is women showed up willingly to be a part of this stuff.  Because a big part of the college experience involved getting drunk and having awkward hookups and crazy stories. 

The women were all in on this stuff.  And I’m talking about women who were feminist activists at the time and who now are influential in the political establishment.  Because we were all immature and liked to party and it didn’t seem bad at the time.  None of those women is saying anything now, either.  Because, yah, we all did crazy, stupid stuff in high school and college that we wouldn’t do now.  And yah, we were pretty lucky to get out okay, and we’d caution our children to not repeat our mistakes.  But we’re also not who we were then.

Then there are the guys I’ve met more recently, who come from the “evolution/ consent” circles.  But they got there because they weren’t *entirely* aligned with consent earlier in their lives.  And by earlier, I mean like within the past 5 years or so.  Pretty much all of them did stuff.  Some of it really bad – like, way worse than what went on at the fraternity.  Hell, guys from that community have engaged in inappropriate behavior within the past few months and want forgiveness.

And the thing is, a lot of these guys did messed up things and really took the lesson to heart.  They changed.  People can change a lot in a few years, or five years.  Much less ten years.    Twenty or thirty years – hell, some of these guys weren’t BORN then.  And those who are older are nothing like those guys, that’s how evolution works. Should they lose their jobs because of how they used to be, no matter how much they changed since then?  That goes against everything we teach our kids about how to learn lessons and become a better person.  But that’s where we are it seems.  Or some of us anyhow.

Should these guys be deprived of their livelihood or embarrassed in front of their families for things that they did 20 or 30 years ago?  No.  And neither should the women who went along with it and encouraged it (or at least looked the other way).  We all grew up.  We learned to be responsible.  We became good husbands and fathers. We became responsible and successful at work.

(I’m not even going to get into the embarrassment of publicly admitting to being a virgin well past the age of 18.  Most guys would rather confess to false rape charges than admit they didn’t get laid until later in life.  I know women who would reconsider dating a guy if she found out he lost his v-card later in life, the stigma is real.  Also, he kept his calendars from high school?  He’s not a sexual predator, but if “being a complete nerd” is a crime, he just pled guilty.)

The reason none of my “progressive” friends is saying boo about the accusations against Kavanaugh is because they know the truth.  Nobody is who they were in college, and the stuff some of my friends did was considerably worse. Support the judge or not based on his record as a judge.  Degrading him and attacking him for alleged drunken stuff from high school or college is nonsense.
Even if all the charges against him are 100% true (and we know they’re not), it shouldn’t change one single senator’s vote if we have any common sense left.  Dragging up stuff from high school and college is BS.  If someone is deprived a job or a promotion because of what happened as a teenager, that’s just wrong. 

These accusations should have never seen the light of day and they shouldn’t be getting the attention they’re getting now.  What happened 20 or 30 years ago is far too long ago to make any kind of judgment on a person today.  

And even my most hard core “progressive” friends know this. And thus the crickets.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Another Train Wreck: Gee, If Only Someone Was Warning People!

Why Didn't Anyone Warn Us??

Turns out “creepy protégé,” whom I alluded to in earlier posts, has train-wrecked as spectacularly as sensed he would, based on my energy reading.

That doesn’t make me some savant for getting that one right.  Yes, I do feel people would do well to listen when I talk about these things, especially when it comes to assessing energies.  I often surprise even myself and there are clearly some gifts there – underdeveloped and sometimes distorted or ignored, but there.

I’m not here to bang my own drum, but I feel the need to restate some of my prior warnings, with this new information serving as additional evidence that, yes, I know what I’m talking about and it’s coming from a place of higher truth.

Beware the “personal coaches.”  All of them. All these people who claim to want to help you with your love life, your dating life, your sex life, your financial life, your “higher purpose,” “spiritual gurus,” “evolutionary coaches,” all that crap – it’s crap.  I could cite mountains of hard evidence, or download insight from one of the Archangels telling you it’s crap.  Will it be enough for you to finally listen and change?

Do I have to cite my own past mistakes in using "coaches?"  Again??

I’m not sure what I have to do at this point to get the message to people so they will finally listen.  It’s frustrating. It feels like it’s my current lot in life to speak the truth and be ignored.

I think it was over two years ago (I’ll have to check when I started this blog, it was around that time) I gave a straight no-nonsense reading to “creepy protégé,” except he wasn’t a creepy protégé yet.  He ignored everything I saw and ended up on the path of disaster I saw ahead for him.  I warned Destin, too.  I warned Rion.  Nobody listens.

It’s like they’re insistent on following their destiny to their destruction (or at least to bad places), to prove me right. 

Yet here I am, still talking.  I’m that crazy dude on the street saying bad things are happening.  Except, unlike crazy dude on the street, bad things really do happen. And still I’m ignored.

So… what is my purpose?  What is my contribution?  Is anybody learning and listening from any of this? Or am I the seer everyone ignores because “oh, that guy can’t possibly be a seer, not that guy.  No, we should listen to Shamans and people who conduct Wiccan rituals, this guy here is too normal and boring and “lame dad” to be awakened and have any psychic or energetic gifts.  The guy’s never even been to Burning Man, he’s got to be full of it.”

I guess I should quit my job, abandon my family responsibilities, move to Costa Rica and start a sex cult.  If I do that, dress up in stupid robes, arrange my bedroom into a creepy pentagram and conduct quasi-Satanic rituals and call them “magick,” claim to talk to the dead and keep all kinds of really creepy and possibly (or very) illegal souvenirs around to prove I’m legit, then maybe people will take me seriously.

Or I could spend decades studying mystic Buddhism, Kabballah, mystic Islam, Taoism, and get some BS degree from the Integral Institute.  Then I can post a bunch of arrogant tripe telling everyone how much more evolved and right I am than everyone else.  Never mind that everything I say is 100% wrong and my predictions are completely off, I STUDIED REALLY HARD, so I’M BETTER THAN YOU.

I could change my last name to “Ma” or my “Playa Name,” or some weird name from India or Native American lore that sounds mystic when I’m high on pot, adopt some hybrid pagan pseudo-religion loosely based on misinterpretations of Native American, Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Druid pagan worship practices.  Maybe I can throw in some African tribal medicine BS I learned from six months in the Peace Corps that the natives shared as an inside joke (or got off the Internet).

Of course, if I do any of those things, I’m a complete fraud and I’ll be as phony and lost as all the other “spiritual” people doing the same stupid things that I warn against.  But at least then people will listen.  I won’t have anything of value to impart, but I’ll have an audience. 

Apparently the key to gaining an audience as a seer is to, first, not be able to see and, second, shamelessly flaunt your insecurities and ignorance and claim them as “mystic” or “ritual.” Because if you happen to be someone on the “normal person” spectrum who can actually SEE THINGS – everyone will either ignore you, claim you’re projecting, or think you’re full of it.

So I do the work.  I meditate.  I work with the archetypes.  I keep clearing and listening.  And I after all that I share what I find.  And it gets tossed aside.  And the message I get is to keep going.

But why?  What’s the point in sharing this if I’m just going to keep being ignored and ridiculed, and later proven right (which again, nobody cares)?

Fine.  I’ll keep going. 

So again, pretty much everything about the current “spirituality” movement is hogwash.  It’s a waste.  The “evolutionary coaching,” the personal coaching, it’s garbage.  A lot of this should be obvious, but it isn’t, so here I am again, saying the same thing. 

Nobody whose getting coached is really getting better.  Nobody in the spiritual movement is evolving.  Nobody is making money except the people at the top, because it’s a pyramid scheme. 

Most of what passes for “spirituality” is self-serving BS.  It’s people fleeing from their truth in spectacular fashion.  It’s Halloween dress-up.  It’s an excuse for sex.  It’s a diversion from the hard truth that someone can’t find a real job, or a healthy relationship, or fulfill their obligations as a parent, or they feel lonely or bored or just want attention. 

People who change their name to draw attention to how “spiritual” or “evolved” they are – they’re running away.  They’re afraid.  They’re lonely and scared.  They’re not spiritual.  People who are making a name for themselves aren’t changing their names, they change how the world sees them by how they’re being and what they’re contributing. 

All these pagan rituals, this Shaman nonsense, Tantra as it’s taught in California-based practices, these BS “spirituality” cults – this isn’t spiritual development, it’s toxic crap.  All of it.  You shouldn’t follow these people, those people need help.

A lot of these cults engage in real rape and violation.  Some are even worse and engage in forms blood ritual. Really messed-up stuff.  They’re pretty much all engaged in forms of black magic.   This is bad stuff.

The “coaching” stuff is either worthless or follows the cult pattern.  There are ways one can improve oneself, and utilize outside help, but most of this current reliance on coaching is misguided and unhelpful, often dangerous. 

There are a lot of lost, lonely, frightened people who wasting a lot of money and not getting better.  And for some it’s even worse than that.  Happiness will not be found here.  You will not develop your gifts by engaging in self-perpetuating loneliness, disempowerment and fear.  Acting out your issues through sexual dysfunction will not lead to anywhere but disaster.  No, it’s not spiritual – none of that is anywhere close to spiritual.  Stop telling yourself that your psychological issues are “spiritual,” dammit!

Stop it! 

Because I’m really getting tired of saying I’m right after your train wrecks. They're not pretty.