Thursday, May 12, 2016

Personal Update, Alchemy and Dealing With Critics

I moving through Jaques Tombazian’s book “Mystical Alchemy:  The Path to Enlightenment.”  My higher self says the 24-Chakra ascending activation will not take 33 times if I utilize the crystals activated by Etienne while engaging in the meditation, not only speeding up the process but deepening it as well.
Today I completed the ritual to disintegrate unhealthy energies, which I had been engaging in since Monday.  Today I was instructed to go through the ritual twice, the second time with two newly-activated stones and was told the ritual is complete, 100% cleared and healed.  The 8-cell healing is nearly complete.
The activation of the crystals not only called me to this journey but have made the process quicker and more deeply integrated.  I’m not sure how far I’ll be drawn on this process before the next phase. 
Many resources are opening up to me, as well as insights and energetic openings, activations and awakenings.  Powerful shifts are occurring and I’m being called to play a much bigger game.  If you’re here, you’re being called to do so as well, though it’ll look different than mine.
Which brings me to the thought of the day:
On our journey we are often confronted with opposition and skeptics.  Some will engage in energetic opposition and seek to prove their path is more spiritual and enlightened while yours is false or lower-level.  The argument in this case belies the truth, which is the person lacks commitment and connection to their path and is engaging in a form of approval-seeking and power dynamics. There is no point engaging with this energy, it feeds off of conflict.
The second is more persistent in nature – the skeptics.  Skeptics usually claim the mantle of “science,” though in fact their actual connection to science is often minimal to none (they like the “I Fucking Love Science” page on Facebook and fancy themselves on “Team Science” when their actual knowledge of scientific principles and theory is comically absent).
Much like the first set, this set of critics is not really interested in finding truth so much as acting out their own emotional issues, aligned with a non-spiritual paradigm.  In other words, they want validation from the world that they’re reasonable (even if all evidence as seen in their style of argument suggests otherwise) and that their non-belief-belief system is correct.  Again, rarely worth engaging here.
The third one is legitimate questioning.  Here someone is genuinely interested in improving their life and at least open to the possibility this path could work for them.  Often here the questions center on “how does this work?” “how do you know it’s working and not just a false-positive?” “can this work for me?” these sorts of questions.  Interestingly, this person is engaging in a far more “scientific” inquiry than the closed-minded skeptic shouting “SHUT UP!! SCIENCE!!”
And this group will likely include you and me, as we should regularly be questioning everything and ridding our lives of any dogma.  Thus the pendulum and muscle testing – test everything, trust nothing on faith.  So how do we know something is true and appropriate for someone?  Have the person ask their higher self, and observe the results.
I don’t say “crystal activation will massively further your evolution” because playing with rocks makes me feel happy (it does bring me joy, but that’s secondary).  I say it because I listen carefully to my higher self, I listen to my energy, and I observe.  Is my energy elevating and clearing blocks?  How am I engaging with myself and the world that is different? What other effects am I noticing?  If the only result I’m getting is inner feel-good, I’ll express this as my truth.  (It may hold value, but it’s not doing much by itself to further my greater mission in life.)  If on the other hand I’m observing results, then I can attest that it works.  If I observe similar results in others, I have confirmation of my experience, which can be used to further hone the effectiveness of the practice.
I don’t engage in anything that doesn’t work.  I don’t have time for that kind of nonsense.  In fact, I don’t have time for 90% of the things that DO work, I have to be extremely selective in my choice of practices and only utilize the highest-caliber offerings.  And then I carefully articulate and present these to you.
And even then, I never say “this is the way, follow me.”  I’m sharing resources and offering support as we go through our journey.  If it works for you – great!  If not, drop it and find what works.  The measure of success is your ability to walk your path, not my personal batting average when it comes to modality.
Some people are more receptive than others to my energetic-focused style.  Some really just want someone to get them “over the hump” so they can connect with the people they want to meet and have a happy dating life.  That’s fine, there are lots of great resources for that. 
But that’s not me. 
I firmly believe, from my experience and that of many others who have gone down this path, the things I share will elevate your energetic level beyond whatever issue is bothering you – which means not only will your dating life massively improve, but so will your sex life, love life, career, expression and spiritual connection.  But don’t “believe” me, or anyone else.  Don’t make anyone a “guru.”  Live your own life and gather resources from every place that inspires your highest self and put it to work.
It’s not about me.  In the end, it’s about YOU.  My resources and insight can help you tremendously if you’re receptive.  The energy level of my writings alone, plus the pictures and media resources, can elevate your vibrational frequency.  That’s not arrogance, it’s the Law of Resonance.  I write when I’m inspired, literally trembling with energetic flow.  That manifests on the page.  When you read those words, you’re absorbing the energy.
But then don’t kick back and say “aaah, I’m elevating my energy, now let me go grab a beer before I watch some porn.”  Take a moment to then check in with your higher self – is this truth for you?  AND WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP? 
Please, don’t tell me how my writing inspires you and then do nothing with your life.  That’s depressing.  If you’re inspired – show me what you can do with that inspiration – that makes it worth both our whiles.
So again, I’m not a guru.  I hold myself out as a coach only because I know there have been many, many times I needed help on my journey, and that’s my role.  But I’m nothing special.  I’m not perfect, nobody is.  What’s truly special is inside you, and I’m committed to helping those who are inspired to listen activate and express their higher selves.  If you do it while convinced I’m completely full of crap, great.  Glad to be of service.
And if someone challenges you about these practices, show them your life work as evidence.  Because in the end, that’s the only proof that matters

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