Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"Clear Your Shit:" This Shit Works!

I came across Dane Tomas as I was trying to get away from him.  I first heard about him through Destin Gerek, who was interviewing him because of his "controversial" (in other words, "obvious truth") views around victim-hood.  Given my interest in listening to people argue about that subject (none) I was content to ignore it and his interview.

But every attempt to have nothing to do with him drew me into the discussion and, through that, his work.  Clearly there was something here for me.  Actually many things - a calling to speak my full truth and stand in my power in the face of hostility, a calling to stand in my truth and not "tone it down" for the sake of agreeableness, a desire to be in my truth without being angry, stressed or tired at the end of the day from my efforts.

It turns out his messages and healing modality were something I very much needed in the next phase of my personal path.  And it turns out his product, aptly named "Clear Your Shit," really lives up to its title. 

His website can be found here: www.clearyourshit.com

The book is on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Clear-Your-Shit-Accelerated-Evolution-ebook/dp/B01AHKQZGA

I have almost a solid week going through his book and videos and applying his lessons.  Yah, I put it on fast-forward, and I wouldn't recommend you do that, but I've been doing a lot on clearing.  I tried teaching what I've learned, but he's put it all together in a very elegant and comprehensive way, in a way I haven't been able to do.  This is the place to go to clear up your emotional "stuff."

Now, it doesn't take care of everything.  Dane Tomas is an excellent resource for clearing emotions.  This is just want I needed to step forth and express my full voice, free of anger, defensiveness, ego and fear.  But he's not going to resolve things for you on the energetic and spiritual levels.  That's where Etienne Charland comes in.

But the problem with Etienne's work is it is challenging integrating that clearing and those powers into the physical world.  Here is where "Clear Your Shit" comes it.  It teaches you to clear the emotional blocks to allow things to happen in the physical world.  Then things like Etienne's work and Natural Grounding REALLY work. 

I've found myself behaving differently.  I've cleared my mind and thoughts, and then the power of Rion and Etienne shine through.  Clearing my emotional shit has super-charged my crystal healing and alchemy and made the Powerliminals a magnitude more effective.  And it's tangible.  You'll notice real-world changes, which are often difficult to see through energetic work (at least in the short-term). 

It is integrated.  It includes chakra healing and Spiral clearing.  It is spiritually-grounded while being practical in its application.  And it speaks to my favorite coaching subject - clearing out the junk.  Plus his attitude comes from a similar place as mine -he's a strong believer in personal efficacy and personal responsibility, while feeling called to help people gain and expand their personal power.  That's a worldview very closely in agreement with mine. 

I highly recommend his website and book and would love to hear your personal feedback about your experience. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Powerful Kali Energy Resource

Wow, these videos of the Hawaii volcano are AMAZING.  The energy, the vibration, the access to Kali grounding energy - just incredible.

You can watch these while listening to Rion Kati's Powerliminal videos... mind blowing. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Prayerful Thought is the Essence of Truth

Prayerful thought is the foundation of an awakened life. It is the only way one can resolve their problems and align with soul’s purpose, to live out one’s charge given by Source.

Every time there is a tragedy, we see a similar pattern.  Some offer “thoughts and prayers,” while others mock that gesture and insist that giving more power to governmental authority is the only solution.  These are predictable responses, and neither really gets to the heart of the matter, though the “thoughts and prayers” people are closer to the truth.

The powers of ego will always mock spirituality – not because they truly believe it is ineffective, but because they know it is effective and true spiritual connection, connection to Source, will destroy the ego and the powers to suppress freedom.  The powers of ego always offer government authority as a solution to problems, yet never accept any accountability when this expanded authority proves ineffective.  It is not their goal to solve problems, it is to expand power and ego.  That’s it. 

Don’t be fooled, “progressives” are not the slightest bit interested in solving problems – they thrive on chaos, suffering and ego power.  People who debase and oppose spirituality are not to be trusted, because they are the enemy of truth and freedom, however righteous they try to present themselves.  What they oppose, a spiritual person should examine, because there is usually some strong truth in the things “progressives” most vehemently oppose.

And prayerful thought is one of the most powerful truths there is.  So let me provide a simple outline of how to establish a spiritually-grounded life.

1.       Take full responsibility for your life experience.  One of the most foundational aspects of a spiritual life is fully embracing the “Law of Cause and Effect,” that everything in our life experience exists because of our thoughts and actions, in this life and previous lives.  You create everything in your life experience. 

But, you say, I’m impacted by a tragedy in wherever.  That can’t be my responsibility!  Yes it is.  You invited that tragedy into your life experience.  You didn’t shoot anyone or have anything to do with the event, but it’s in your reality nonetheless, because you put it there with your thoughts and actions.  Nobody else could put it there but you. 

This is a truth for every experience in your life.  Every thought and action you have is your responsibility.  This is the most difficult aspect of spirituality, taking full responsibility.  The ego wants to blame and deflect.  The moment one takes full responsibility, the ego is mortally crippled. 

2.       Connect to Source.  You cannot think yourself out of your situation at your current level.  You must find a higher place to get a full view.  You can’t fix ego problems through the ego, you need a higher source.  Connecting to divinity, to the reflection and expression of Source, elevates one’s vibration, which gives one space to truly see and resolve things from a place of truth. 

Truth does not exist at the ego level.  It comes from Source.  Humans cannot find truth without connection to something bigger, the universal truth. 

Guess what?  Connection to Source in its expressions and pure reflections is PRAYER.  You accept responsibility for your life, you let go of the belief that your ego can fix itself, and you PRAY to connect to truth. 

3.       Allow Source Consciousness to Change your Beliefs.  Let go of your attachment to being right and accept a higher truth.  Your broken beliefs led to wrong thoughts which invariably lead to wrong actions.  Right thoughts lead to right actions, which changes your life.  So allowing one’s beliefs to be a pure reflection and expression of Source consciousness is the only way to truly embody right beliefs, which create right thoughts and lead to right actions.  There is no other way.

4.       Test for Accuracy.  Don’t assume the new beliefs and thoughts are accurate until you’ve connected to your true self and confirmed that these are in fact coming from Source consciousness.

5.       Let go of the Ego.  This process of prayerful thought is a mortal threat to the ego and it will fight for dominance.  Let all that go and embrace a higher truth, however uncomfortable.

6.       Trust your Right Thoughts and Actions.  Go forth and take action fearlessly.  You may not be able to logically understand what you’re doing, but you need to allow the process to flow through into your actual behaviors.

7.       Rinse and Repeat.

When I say “simple,” I don’t mean “easy.”  Most people will take many, many lifetimes to embody this simple process.  The huge majority of people will die with their egos fully in charge and will have to keep going through this process again and again.  The good news is we are undergoing a major energetic shift, which means more people than ever are breaking free of ego disconnection from Source.  And many more will fully free themselves in a few more lifetimes, instead of thousands of lifetimes. 

But it’s not easy.  In fact, going through this process will probably suck, at least for a while.  There’s a misconception that spirituality equals joy and comfort and ease.  This is a distraction from the truth.  Source consciousness isn’t concerned with an individual’s personal ease and joy.  It is only truth and freedom.

So next time a tragedy comes into your awareness, by all means, send prayers and thoughts.  There are those who say they do nothing, but in fact they’re the only thing that will truly work.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Energetic Growth, Personal Habits and... Arguing on the Internet?

I’ve been experiencing a major elevation of my energy, and it’s being noticed by others – not just people around me, but some people who have a lot of power themselves and are attuned to noticing these things.  Even on a physical level things are different – I’ve lost a lot of weight and in much better shape and feel better, too.  Along with greater efficacy in the world, it’s growth at all levels.
This isn’t an accident – I have made changes in my practice and lifestyle that have made a major effect.  And it’s worth noting what I’m doing.

On an energetic level, I utilize my downtime at work to watch Natural Grounding videos (muted) while listening to powerliminals from Rion’s Powerliminal YouTube channel.  It’s a REALLY good combo, apart from being a good use of free time at work (instead of getting lost in Internet hell).
At home, in engage in daily spiritual energy meditation based on my work with Etienne and whatever comes up from that personally. 

I exercise regularly, a combination of strength training and things that elevate my heart rate.  I don’t do cardio anymore (or rarely), more calisthenics.  And I switch things up to maximize effect.  For whatever reason, my body doesn’t like too much resistance training, but needs some regularly.  Balance is the key. 

I also practice a form of daily periodic fasting.  2-3 days per week I’ll fast for 18 hours.  The other days I fast for 15-16 hours, eating only Greek yogurt and either coffee with milk and raw sugar or lemon/citron tea I get from the Asian supermarket to break the fast for the first two hours.  Sometimes I’ll have a cheat day where I’ll have alcohol or the bucket of popcorn and candy with my kid at the movie theater, or splurge on some snacks from Thai Town, then back to the regimen. 
Again, my body likes measured discipline.  Too much fasting and it’s counterproductive – I feel lousy and it has no positive effect.  Too little and I feel sluggish and “too full.”  So I listen carefully to my body.  Lots of Greek yogurt, coconut milk, coffee (with or without the milk and sugar), green tea, lemon or citron honey tea, Thai home cooking, very little wheat.  When I drink it’s usually wine or apple cider, not so much beer.

I also dedicated myself to a lifestyle aligned with my inner truth.  For me this means more time with family and loved ones, more reading, resting, meditating, and reconnecting with the things I enjoy, like skiing and fishing.  I even got a cat, which is helping to relax and balance my energy.

I generally refrain from arguing on the Internet, but as my energy has been elevating, I’ve felt compelled to express my truth.  This isn’t the same thing as arguing.  Arguing is two people discussing their opinions – often in violent conversation.  It is entirely ego-based and serves little purpose apart from giving people something to do.

An expression of truth can often be confused with arguing, but it’s not coming from the same place.  It’s from my higher self, and it isn’t at all concerned with appearing “right,” but with providing a message and doing its best to make sure that message is received.  After that, I’m done.  The person I’m “arguing” with will usually not be convinced of anything – that’s not the point. In fact it’s better to utilize an unconscious “living straw man,” who can unconsciously assist me in getting out my message through their attachment to ego-based argument. 

I’ve found “social justice combatants” to be excellent “useful idiots” in my expression.  These people are so unconscious and hopelessly attached to their opinions and wounds, they can’t help themselves but argue.  They don’t debate, that involves a certain level of inquiry into the other person’s logic.  They just reflexively regurgitate facets of their opinion, which invariably reflect a collective unconscious illusion referred to as “progressive thought” or “social justice.”  And since it’s not their own thought derived from their own truth (because they’re unconscious, though ironically refer to themselves as “woke”), it provides me an opportunity to juxtapose my higher truth against the collective unconscious.  This allows me both a chance to more clearly express my truth and to expose the collective unconscious for the few who might actually want to connect to their own higher truth instead of being an Internet zombie.

This is a rather new development for me.  For the past few years I’ve made a conscious effort to withdraw from forums where Internet arguments were propagating, even going so far as to mute or unfriend many loud and unconscious friends who engage in this behavior.  Now I find myself called back – not to argue about their silly opinions about imaginary issues to feel “right,” but to express my truth where called forth, even if that means engaging in what others might see as “Internet Argument.”

I’m not sure why I’m being asked to do this.  I don’t seek this out, it is finding me. I still refrain from the Internet as much as possible, apart from the Natural Grounding videos I just mentioned.  My sense is many others who are evolving are being called forth, too, that the people who have been suffering in silence while the Internet bullies have been running wild, polluting the Internet and the media, are now being called forth to speak the truth and expose the collective unconscious for the fraud that it is.

Sometimes it’s calling on me to “fight,” but I feel calm, not angry.  I feel peaceful when I state my truth and then go about my day.  These arguments used to take up all my energy, now I feel like my true expression is returning.  And I see more and more others speaking up, too.  Maybe the universe has finally had enough of this ego bullshit and it’s time to bust some heads in a spiritual sense.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Etienne Charland: "Operation Insomnia"

Just watch.  He explains it all.  Big changes happening. Etienne is doing some amazing things that are largely going unnoticed.

Mother Africa Emotional Healing Meditation

Time to get back the positive and promoting those things I believe in that work for me.  This is a very effective and powerful emotional healing and releasing meditation from Rion Kati/ Freeberg.  I highly recommend you check him out and get yourself his resources. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Men: Don't #metoo. #BeYou

Yet another “#metoo man” has been busted as a hypocrite and a fraud.  This time slimy loser New York AG Eric Schneiderman.  Just as Donald Trump predicted back in 2013.

This kind of thing should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody with brain cells. #metoo movement has become a complete joke.  It began as a “brave” attempt by women to uncover the obvious – Hollywood power brokers are really, really, really creepy, perverted, disgusting losers.  Anyone who knows anything about Hollywood should be completely un-surprised about revelations about losers like Harvey Weinstein. 

But ok, let’s say for argument’s sake that you’re among the group of people living under a rock who actually look up to people like Weinstein. Then the initial revelations had some value.  But that quickly devolved into a rather pathetic attempt by women to share their old wounds, get attention and embarrass their exes.  In other words, it went the way of pretty much every Internet hashtag, turning into a joke meme.

But then, not to be outdone, men who call themselves “woke” jumped on the bandwagon with their own lame sob stories, or just trying to get attention for themselves and create a false image that they’re “woke.” 

Again, it should be obvious what’s going on here.  Men who try to present a public persona as being virtuous, instead of just, you know, living a virtuous life (which includes humility), are trying to hide the fact they’re scoundrels. Every time.  Every single guy publicly professing himself as “woke” is hiding a black heart.  Because truly good men don’t do that shit.  Because truly good men wouldn’t think of trying to cloak themselves in virtue, that’s not how it works.  The only kind of people who publicly shroud themselves in virtue are people who NEED to do so, because they ARE NOT.

A few people called this out, but a lot more actually APPLAUDED these “men.”  I’ve been saying all the time – just wait, the truth will come out.  And sure enough, it’s coming out.  To the surprise of only the stupid people, the #metoo men are coming out, one by one, and being exposed for the low lives they truly are.

Again, NOBODY who is truly a good person spends time trying to craft an image of being good.  In fact, many good men go to some length to show they are NOT perfectly good.  Nobody wants to be labeled a “goodie two-shoes.”  The good men I know are so far away from the stupid “woke” stuff and virtue signaling it’s not even funny. 

Don’t be fooled.  Image crafting is for scoundrels and liars.  Good people don’t do this.  Good men don’t, anyhow.  Maybe it’s different for women because visual is valued much higher in women.  But in men – no. 

I’m surrounded by a lot of idiots.  I give a lot of thought to simply dropping them, but I don’t.  They have value even though they are annoying and really stupid in a lot of ways.  And because I need to learn to suffer fools more gladly, it’s my weakness. 

Somehow I ended up in the middle of a group of men who imagine themselves “sex gods.”  For a while some of their stupid rubbed off on me, but now I see them as the loveable but crazy family member.  Some of these guys are neck-deep in some messed-up sex communities that are glorified rape cults.  They call themselves “Tantra,” but they seem to have little to do with expanding sensual and spiritual experience and more about gaining easy access to pussy.

Then after a few years in this environment, some of the men begin to develop a conscience – “wow, you know… just because these women are readily available doesn’t mean what I’m doing is okay, maybe I should start considering other people’s feelings instead of just being selfish “spiritual asshole.”  Then they start publicly talking about “consent” and lecturing men on how to not treat women like garbage.

The thing is, these guys, God bless em, think everyone is going through what they’re going through.  Most men AREN’T.  And most women aren’t going through what most “Tantra women” are going through.  The kind of women who would be attracted to “indiscriminate free love” are not in a good place.  They came there because they were already wounded – many experienced sexual abuse and/or drug and alcohol problems and found Tantra to heal.  Taking advantage of wounded women like that is the opposite of evolved.

These guys finally look around and realize “hey, MAYBE I’m being a LITTLE bit of an asshole and should change” and call themselves “woke.”  They surround themselves with other self-deluded, arrogant people who share a certain ideology that caters to that kind of delusion, and they delude themselves into thinking they’re leaders instead of terribly wounded men who should shut up and take care of their problems instead of lecturing others.

I’ve noticed, almost without exception, the men giving free advice about virtue and sexuality are the ones who are the most problematic in their own lives and personal relationships.  It’s to the point where when I see men doing this (as I did myself when I was acting out my wounds instead of healing), I can pinpoint where he is in his healing journey – it’s a form of denial and self-delusion as a form of protection.

Look, we’re not perfect.  We all made mistakes in our lives that we regret.  At some point, we need to own our stuff and really heal.  That doesn’t happen by jumping on #metoo bandwagons, calling yourself “woke,” lecturing others on virtue, or trying to prove to the world you’re some kind of sex god.  Those things are very obvious ways to hide the bad stuff you don’t want people to see.  It’s what bad people (like that AG) do so they can continue doing bad things.

Is that who you are?  Are you a bad person who is creating a mask so he can keep doing bad things?  Are you an immature man who doesn’t want to grow up and so he tells everyone what a sex god he is?  Are you living in pain and self-doubt and want to delude yourself into thinking you’re spiritual by creating an image instead of doing the work?

Or are you just misled?

Guys, drop the woke shit.  Get off the #metoo bandwagon.  Stop giving everyone else your lame unsolicited advice on sex and spirituality.  It’s okay.  Whatever you’re going through, it’s okay.  You don’t have to hide behind bullshit slogans and virtue signaling.  Instead od #metoo just #beyou.

Friday, May 4, 2018

I'm Starting to Like Donald Trump - and Hate The Progressives

I really like what Donald Trump is doing as President.  To say I’m pleasantly surprised by the job he is doing would be an understatement.  I’m elated with the job he’s doing.  In fact, I’m not sure there is a US president in my over-forty-year lifetime who I can say did a better job, certainly not over the period of time that Trump has been President.  It’s been nothing sort of remarkable.

Which means I was very wrong about Trump.  I thought he was a terrible candidate in the primaries, and a just-slightly-better-than-his-opponent candidate in the general election.  I thought he would be a poor President, but at least better than the alternative.  I was wrong.  The Republican primary voters made the best choice and Trump, despite having zero political experience and running the weirdest campaign I’ve ever seen for any office, is turning out to be a very, very good President.

Moreover, I’m finding myself actually warming up to Donald Trump the man.  Yah, despite all his personal flaws on display, I’m finding I actually like the guy.  He’s not perfect, but none of us is.  And the fact that his rough edges are there for everyone to see, and that he keeps going and doesn’t let his imperfections stop him, makes him likable.
There, I said it.  I like Donald Trump.  I’ve actually gone all the way from “Never Trump” to a fan of the man and a huge supporter of his presidency.  Not just because he’s conservative, but because he’s actually doing a good job in office.  I was wrong about him. 

And I am wrong about what it takes to be a good US President.  Experience in politics is overrated.  Even policy is secondary. Strength in convictions and the ability to keep fighting and making good decisions is everything in a good US leader, and Trump has those qualities in spades.

Yah, yah.  He has a lot of marriages in his past.  Me too.  He’s been unfaithful to women. I’m not sure that’s even a black mark on a person anymore – I’ve seen too many people who are “faithful” and evil, and who are “unfaithful” and good people that I’ve come to the point that fidelity is a personal lifestyle choice that has almost nothing to do with a person’s character and judgment (apart from their personal relationships). 

He says crude things about women. Problem is, while women “officially” say “oh that’s bad,” the truth is women are very attracted to men who embody those sorts of qualities.  Confidence is sexy.  “Being polite” is actually a hinderance to attraction.  I’ve addressed this contradiction elsewhere, but men who are faithful , loving, attentive, polite and respect a woman’s personal boundaries are at an inherent disadvantage when it comes to attracting women. Because women are a contradiction.  Men too.  Our basic natures are in constant conflict with “civilization,” precisely because “civilization” is specifically designed to mute and repress human nature. 

But human nature in its unvarnished form is sexy.  And deep down, women are powerfully attracted to men who are like Trump.  (In fact there’s been a fair amount of conversation around women who “officially” hate Trump but who are irresistibly attracted to MAGA guys, because those guys are more naturally connected to their masculine sexuality.  This is absolutely the truth – women love “populist conservative” men – men like Trump, not “refined” conservatives like Jeb Bush, and definitely not liberal men – those guys get cheated on, a lot.)

And that may seem off-topic, but it isn’t.  I said I like Trump.  Not just his policies, not just the fact he’s conservative, not just his deal-making, but the man himself (the man supposedly everyone hates).  His brash, unvarnished, confident, unapologetic masculinity is refreshing and inspiring.  This is a man who stands in his power, who fights for what he believes in.  And who fights for the people who I like – the decent people in the “vast middle” of the country who are far away from the politics and culture of the “civilized” big cities (which I hate).

I may personally like drinking wine and craft beer, but I relate to the people who drink Budweiser.  I may personally love Thai and Asian food and be very immersed in other cultures, but I still identify with the small-town people and those who love a good barbequed steak.  I may have a professional job, but I really identify with people who work with their hands.

Even in my connection with Thailand, my “roots” are rural farming and small villages – it’s Thai Trump Country.  Bangkok is nice to visit, but not where my heart is.  I love home cooked meals and don’t like going to restaurants and paying a fortune.  I like a simple life.  I like low taxes, minimal government services and a world where the government largely stays the hell out of everything.  And amazingly, this billionaire from New York is the only US President I’ve ever seen who truly fights for the people I identify with and the things I believe in.

Which is why I’m starting to like him – he’s a lot like me. He’s an urban professional with the heart of a farmer in “flyover country.”  He’s a Thai “Red Shirt” with a Republican Red Hat.  He fights for the people without shoving the government up their ass. 

And he REALLY fights, no matter what.  The media doesn’t get the last word with him.  The “city folks” don’t own him.  I trust him.  Ironically, I trust him.  Because his words might contradict, but his ACTIONS don’t.  I don’t care what someone says – I’m skeptical of polished speakers. I care what they do and his actions as President are the most trustworthy I’ve seen of any President.  He can tell a hundred lies before breakfast, but I have no doubt he will do right by the people I care about.  That’s trustworthiness. 

And the more I grow to like Trump, the more I’m growing to despise his haters.  Because in every way, they are proving to be the opposite of Trump.  Muted, subservient, unsexy masculinity, wimpy, flaky, oppressive, and completely disrespectful of the people I love. 

It’s not even about policy – though I hate their ideology too, but I can live with that.  It’s personal.  The whole conversation around “toxic masculinity.”  Heck, the whole “conversation” bullshit itself.  The “collectivism for everyone but me” attitude.  The smarminess.  The arrogance.  The false sense of intellectual heft (most of the “resistance” who imagines themselves  smart are truly not that intelligent, they just stupidly repeat each others’ talking points like parrots), the inability to cook a meal at home or do their own laundry or any other basic human function, their stubborn attachment to bad sex (even among the supposedly “evolved”) and even worse sexual roles.  Even the way they dress themselves and the drinks they order at Starbuck’s and the bar. Their incessant need to try to tell everyone what to do, how to think, down to every stupid little detail, instead of butting the fuck out and giving people space.  The whole “manspreading” and “mansplaining” bullshit. The motherfucking Yoga classes and attire.  All of it.

It’s gone beyond annoying.  I’m growing to detest these people and lose respect for them as human beings.  Because it’s impossible to really respect people who constantly disrespect themselves and everyone else. 

I grew up around people who disagreed with me politically.  That’s fine.  I like that disagreement.  This is cultural.  “Progressive” culture sucks.  Because the people who created that culture and buy into it fucking suck as people.  I’ve been around the world and seen a lot and Western “progressive culture” is THE WORST.  It ABSOLUTELY.  FUCKING. SUCKS.  Asia doesn’t have this shit.  “Red country” US doesn’t have this shit.  Africa doesn’t have this shit.  South America doesn’t have this shit. Western Europe, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand urban areas have this shit – and nobody else – and it FUCKING SUCKS.  Western urban progressives are LITERALLY the worst human beings on Planet Earth.

There, I said it.  And I mean every word.  And it took the election of Donald Trump and the emergence of Western Progressives in their full, ugly glory to bring it fully to light.

I can see now what’s going on with the “Resistance.”  This isn’t about getting a flawed man out of the White House.  It’s nothing but a bald-faced attack on “us,” the huge majority of people who are proud to NOT be Western Progressives.  That’s what this is.  It has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with these pathetic assholes’ disdain for “flyover people,” whether those people are in the US or Thailand or anywhere else. 

And all this crap about “toxic masculinity” isn’t about making us better people.  It’s about neutering powerful men.  And it’s bullshit.  I’d rather live with the “rough edges” of society than submit to the bullshit “civilization” Western Progressives want for us.  And I will fight with every last breath for my side, because it’s becoming clear Progressives aren’t just in polite disagreement with me, they want me dead. 

They want everyone who isn’t them dead.  They’re no different than the “purgers” under Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot and Mao.  They just give themselves a different name, but their aim is the same – complete hegemony and the destruction of the “other side.”  There is no middle ground.  They’re at war with us.  They’re trying to overturn an election in the US – not because they think Trump is unsuitable, but because they honestly believe his VOTERS are unsuitable.  They believe people like me and the people I love are “unsuitable.”

The “Resistance” loves to compare Trump to Hitler, but that comparison belies a truth in their own nature.  While the people they hate support “mind your own business,” it is the Progressives who actively support Hitleresque policies – “hate speech,” government intervention in every aspect of life, purging opposition, and socialism are all Hitler/ Nazi things.  Saul Alinsky would be right at home in Nazi Germany – his tactics were lifted from Nazi propaganda and power-grabbing tactics.  Abortion – especially selective abortion for things like Downs Syndrome - is 100% a Nazi concept that is a critical part of eugenics.  Anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel is a Progressive thing.  It’s very, very clear who are the Nazis – the ones calling everyone else Nazis. 

But let’s look at the facts.  Harvey Weistein is “theirs,” not “ours.”  The rapists in the Tantra and Yoga communities (and it’s fucking RAMPANT) are “theirs,” not “ours.”  The gangs are all “theirs.”  The homeless encampments are “theirs.”  Bill Cosby is “theirs.”  The massive immigrant underclass is all “theirs.”  Islamic terror is “theirs.”  Don’t believe me?  Whose wearing their fucking SYMBOL of OPPRESSION, the hajib?  Not us.  We spread our legs on the subway and “say mean things,” they’re fucking RAPING and KILLING.

We like home-cooked meals prepared by women who love us.  We adore women who do laundry, clean the house, take good care of our children and love and respect us.  They create fucking RAPE CULTS, they systematically rape aspiring starlets, they support a culture that rapes and beats women.  They lie about the damage abortion causes to women.  But look who their society has made the enemy – those “patriarchal men.” 

Well, fuck them.  Good women are with us. MOST women are with us.  Deep down, most of these “progressive” women would GLADLY stay at home and raise children – and be DELIERIOUSLY HAPPY doing so – with a man who made her feel like a real woman and truly took care of her.  Trump may be a poor husband in his personal life, but he speaks for the men and women who get it and who haven’t bought into the bullshit Progressive culture trap.

So yah.  I like Trump. I’m liking him more and more every day.  And I’m seeing the truth about his enemies.  Because they’re my enemies too. And I won’t ignore that anymore.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Communists Are Losers: Re. People Who Give Up On Life

Communists are losers.

It’s one of the truisms of life, both in my personal experience and in viewing history.  The communists are fucking worthless losers and have been losers their whole life.

I’m not talking about hard-working poor people.  There are very few communists in this group of people.  No, the communists are generally intelligent, educated people who fucking suck at life.  They’re the people who thought they were too smart for school and too smart for the “real world.”  So they either did nothing and became leeches and burdens on society or they found some loser job in teaching or academia where nobody would notice or care that they’re fucking losers.

Or they become artists.  Really crappy artists.  The kind that like to paint murals and never sell any artwork.  Or musicians.  Really crappy musicians who could never book a gig. 

Some of them became loserific “coaches” who of course have no real business to speak of.
Basically if you can imagine a niche where a smart person who completely sucks at life would go to feel good about the fact they’re a complete waste of IQ and oxygen, that’s where the communist losers go.

Che Guivarra was a loser.  The dude never had a job and sponged off Fidel Castro (who himself was pretty much a professional loser).  And he’s the hero of communist losers worldwide.  Marx HIMSELF was a professional loser.

In my own life, I know a few communists.  And they’re all worthless cannon fodder.  One is an English professor – a smart guy but a complete waste of IQ.  A couple are “starving artists,” a nice word for “hobo.”  A few others are in that weird Burning-Man-Coaches-Who-Don’t-actually-do-work-and-think-they-should-be-paid-to-fuck group. They’re the high-IQ but otherwise retarded offspring of the hippie movement from the 60s. They all have one thing in common – they’ve decided they can never be productive members of society, so they’ve created a delusion where the problem is society and not their own ineptitude at basic living skills.

They’re pathetic.  All of them.  Because you have to be a loser in life to find Communism attractive. You have to decide that you suck and you’ll never stop sucking to think that it’s a good idea.  And you have to be the kind of worthless sponge who would never contribute anything close to his fair share to a communal society to believe such a society would be a good idea.

In other words, the Communists I know personally are the kinds of people a Communist society would have to kill in order for that society to have any chance at survival.  Which is pretty much the reason Communism is an epic failure.

But enough about the failure of Communism.  I want to discuss the failure of Communists, and other people who sign up for Loser Causes.

It could be Communism (I suck at being a productive member of society  so I’m giving up).  It could be MGTOW (I suck at attracting women so I’m giving up).  It could be any number of ways people would rather take up permanent residence in Loserville, and force everyone else to live there too, than actually deal with the problems in their lives.

The “dateless men who hate women” is the social equivalent of the Communists.  They’re equally loserific at dating as the Communist are at a honest day’s work that actually provides value to the world.  The dude who ran his van into people in Toronto?  Pathetic loser.  Does it matter much if pathetic loser is Islam Pathetic Loser, or Dateless Wonder Who Hates Women Pathetic Loser, or White Supremacist Loser, or Communist Loser?  Not really.  Losers are losers.  They are only good at destroying things. 

Inevitably their self-hate expands into killing others, because they’ve chosen not to make an effort to function in society.  On a small scale, it’s some loser like in Toronto.  On a large scale, it’s Hitler, Mao or Stalin.  It’s interesting to see the different flavors of loser pointing fingers at each other and saying “here’s the problem.”  “No, here’s the problem.”  Dude, YOU’RE THE PROBLEM, because you’ve chosen to be a worthless waste of oxygen.

Communists, the MGTOW people, the Islamists, the white supremacists, they’re all strong evidence that no, all life is not infinitely valuable – some lives are fucking worthless.  Not because the universe has deprived anyone’s life of value, but because THEY THEMSELVES CHOSE to devalue their lives.  They chose to be worthless, and the universe responded.

The only person who can put you in Hell is you.  If you choose to flush the valuable life you’ve been given down the toilet by giving up, then you’ve made yourself worthless.  And nobody else is going to give you value after you’ve destroyed it in yourself, you just become an empty shell, a waste of oxygen and space, at best, and a destructive evil in the world at worst.

Yes, some people are evil.  Every one of them made that choice by destroying the value of their lives and setting up permanent residence in Loserville.  That’s the choice that will land you in Hell, not the displeasure of sanctimonious religious freaks.  It’s entirely in your hands.

Yes, life is hard.  Sometimes very hard.  Sometimes things don’t go well.  Sometimes a lot of things don’t go well.  But you only lose if you give up.  Then you’re a loser, and deserve nothing but disdain for squandering a gift from the universe.