Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Detaching from the Fear Paradigm, and Short Update

In my unawakened stages, my primary operating modality was fear, with most of my actions based around this.  Fear, and the inability to face and process that fear, manifests in anxiety, avoidance, resistance, procrastination, suppressed expression, insecurity, self-doubt, shame, resentment, anger and rage. It also manifests in relationship patterns of attachment, approval-seeking, jealousy and controlling behavior.
It is one thing to feel fear – we all feel fear.  It is another to identify with the fear and fear-based paradigms.  From what I see at my current vantage point, Western society, and particularly American society, operates out of fear. 

Which of course makes sense – when people are afraid, they make excellent sheep. The cabal that controls our power structures utilizes fear as its primary means of oppression – and it works.  We are trained from an early age to both embody fear and feel shame around our fear, which keeps us repressed.  People who operate on the fear-shame wavelength will choose jobs that fit the mold the power keepers want.  They choose disempowering relationship models and engage in lose-lose relationship dynamics, both on a micro and macro level (“the battle of the sexes”).  They spend money foolishly, make unwise investments (or overly conservative investments in the business structures that support the cabal), they vote based on fear, they have repressed sexual energy and massive spiritual blocks (they give over their spiritual growth to oppressive power structures or individuals). 
I’ve been moving past this level for many years, but would find myself pulled back.  What finally broke the connection was massive alchemy work while floating.  Since then the fear mechanism still operates in me, but I recognize it as an illusion.

Just last night I experienced the pattern of self-doubt.  This has often been the pattern on my journey – I’ll have massive expression, and then feel self-doubt.  This is the fear mechanism working to derail my growth and suppress expression.  Now I recognize it and can see it for what it is.
There are very few things worthy of fear.  There are a small number worthy or worry or concern, and even then it should be mostly a reminder to get things done.  Fear is a draining, disempowering and ineffective motivator.  But the emotion is powerful and visceral, and it commands attention.

So how does one disengage from the fear operator?  First, realize it exists in you and everywhere around you.  Just assume whatever is causing you fear is 1/10th as important as you feel it is and go from there.  Begin to become keenly aware of how this mechanism operates within you – you’ll likely see it’s operating in everything you do and think.  Noticing that it exists and how it’s operating, while recognizing it’s not real, is most of the battle.
Begin to disassociate from the thoughts and story and focus on the actual feeling in your body – what does fear/ anxiety/ worry feel like?  Hot?  Buzzing? Tension?  Where is it?  Welcome the feeling, keep focusing on the feeling and ignore the story.  Eventually the feeling will change (I’ll post a video that explains the process of working through emotions).  And eventually you can begin to notice the difference between fear – the bodily and chemical emotional reaction, and the fear-based internal and external structure, which is entirely illusory and an invention.

Eventually you’ll begin to realize the world is not coming to an end and it’s not a big deal.  Then you are free to operate from a place of consciousness.
The other piece of this is shame around fear.  This is the other part of our society’s deliberately disempowering paradigm – create false fear, then disempower people for feeling fear.  Again, the process at the larger level is similar – realize this isn’t you, this isn’t who you are, it is an artificial creation.  Once you get that there’s no reason to think less of yourself for having emotions, the shame structure breaks down. 

Do you beat yourself up for feeling fear on a roller coaster?  No, of course not.  You probably jump right back in line and go again.  (If you don’t do roller coasters, there are other examples, like scary movies, or even traveling to unknown destinations.)  Feeling fear is natural, and can be fun sometimes.  The shame aspect is entirely external.  Learn to separate what is real and “you” from what is not real and not “you,” even if everyone around you is convinced the illusion is real. 
The other part of evolving out of the fear/ shame paradigm is creating a higher base state.  This is done through meditation, alchemy and consciously engaging in activities that elevate your energy (things you enjoy doing that make you feel good about yourself).  The critical aspect is to engage in these practices not as a distraction from your otherwise fearful and unhappy life, but AS your life.  These things, these feelings, are you, your true self, your “base state.”  This is you when you’re not engaging with the bullshit of the world.  Careful nurturing of this aspect (and I’ll go into much greater depth) will free you from lower-consciousness paradigms.  You’ll still feel fear and shame, but they won’t have control over you, because you have access to your higher self.

I realize this is all “top-level,” but seeing the bigger picture is useful as you continue on your journey.

I’ve noticed since my first four crystals were fully activated and attuned that my sleep pattern has changed dramatically.  Now I fall asleep easily, go back to sleep easily when I wake up.  I’m amazed at the difference – perhaps the newfound peacefulness is allowing my fatigued body to take the rest it needs. 

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