Monday, May 30, 2016

Revelations from My Connections With My Feminine Past Lives

I found yesterday’s ritual had a significant impact on me as well.  My clairvoyance expanded and my connection to stillness and source is deeper and cleaner.
And after a day of integrating the experience with my past life memories, going through my day yesterday and noticing experiences and changes I want to write down a few insights around the understandings I’ve gained, which apply to others as well.
Women and men, at a fundamental soul level, are not that much different.  The feminine and masculine expressions are naturally different, but there’s nothing especially unique about the soul energy of a woman compared to a man – as far as I can tell and the feedback I’ve received, they’re exactly the same.
Which means, there is no such thing as “divine feminine” and “divine masculine,” there is only divinity, a unified divinity.  The expression is distinct and worthy of understanding and respect, because it carries with it the history and uniqueness of masculine and feminine, but above the bodily chakras there is no difference. 
Instead of saying “divine feminine” and “divine masculine,” it would be better to say “the feminine/ masculine expression of the divine,” because that’s what we are in our human existence – an expression of the divine, one tiny facet of an infinite gem, yet each facet absolutely essential to the integrity and beauty of the whole.
We will reincarnate between masculine and feminine depending upon the wisdom our souls desire from such an experience.  Most souls have spent half their time as each. 
The concept of “privilege” is an odd egoic concept that is currently holding back spiritual growth in a big way our souls chose this living expression for a reason and gain value from all the experiences that come with it.  To say one is “privileged” is to deny the worth of every other soul and place the (almost always materialistic and superficial) experience ahead of every other.  This is a spiritually dangerous path that can allow the ego to interfere with spiritual development to the point of spiritual retardation.
“Privilege” fosters envy and creates the illusion of a caste system.  The universe seeks freedom and values love.  The enemies of spiritual growth are things that restrict freedom, oppress, diminish healthy self-worth, kill, cause suffering or deny spiritual truth.  From this perspective, “class warfare” and the entire Marxist-based grievance system is entirely anti-spiritual, as it deliberately seeks to repress, kill and deny truth while embracing materialism, envy and hatred.
Basically, the entire Western political system, and most of the religious systems, are anti-spiritual, both on the left and the right.  And the philosophies supporting these systems are full of deceptions and spiritual lies.  Unfortunately most of the spiritual movement has been ensnared by the political system which has corrupted the spiritual teachings.  Some very obvious examples are people like Deepak Chopra and Moses Ma, but there are many, many others.  My Facebook feed is full of well-intentioned, spiritually-minded people who are badly ensnared in the Western political illusion.
On the “right,” spiritual people have also been ensnared (though more “politically correct” to attack than the “spiritual left,” though there is no difference as far as the levels of deception and spiritual entanglement).  Here we have many people who are good and spiritual in their personal lives but have given over their personal freedom to forces of oppression and deception. 
In some respects the “Evangelical Christians” are more spiritually aligned with truth than the supposedly “free” “Spiritual Movement” people.  One of the key tenants of Evangelical Christianity is “don’t follow leaders, follow Christ,” which is very close to the spiritual foundation of freedom.  Meanwhile, the “anti-Christian Spiritualists” are running around looking for gurus – whether it’s the Dali Lama, Deepak Chopra, some shaman, coach, yogi, or whatever flavor of the week (this week Pope Francis is popular with spiritual sheeple, but he’s as misaligned as the others and full of ego and deception).
I’ve often found it’s easy to identify the spiritual oppressors – they’re the ones pointing fingers at everyone else.  (I say this with full self-awareness that I’m doing the same to some extent right now – I have a long ways to go myself on this journey, and I place a high personal value on irony.)   
The victimist spiritual model that embraces the “privilege” talk (currently voiced by people like Pope Francis and most of “white people Buddhism”) is nothing more than Marxist political ideology dressed up as spirituality.  It’s a form of Satanism practiced by about half of the Cabal intentionally designed to deceive people into giving away their freedom and embracing oppression and death.  It embraces envy, disconnectedness, anger, fear and outward-looking.
The truth is our souls chose our current forms for a reason.  To say one person is “privileged” over another is to deny the inherent wisdom of the soul.  It’s certainly the case that some souls are more evolved than others and as such will attract more power in its various forms (though sometimes difficult to see).  But evolved souls always seek to use their gifts to leverage that power for maximum good for others.  Look at evolved souls like Albert Einstein and Henry Ford.  Buddha was born extremely wealthy and high-status; obviously his soul needed that “privilege” in order to carry out a purpose that has transformed the lives of millions.
That’s not to say oppressive forces and structures are okay, they’re not.  Oppression, hatred, fear, disconnectedness – these are the enemies of true spiritual evolution.  These enemies take the form of “political correctness,” statism, racism, sexism, bigotry, war, pollution, many forms.   Buying into the mindset that you are privileged, or oppressed, is taking you away from spiritual connection.  When one finds oneself looking outward and comparing oneself to others, this is the time to stop and look inward.  Ask “what is it in me that is out of alignment with love and freedom?”  The solution to problems outside oneself are found within as we are all interconnected.
This is a long detour from where I was going, but a valuable stream-of-consciousness and I hope you’re staying with me.
Men want to understand women.  There is a lot to be gained through better connection with women (friends and lovers), and also through accessing your higher self and past lives. 
I’ve learned that women are incredibly sexual and sensual and designed to absorb a great deal of energy, both good and bad.  Pretty much every woman is carrying around a lot of pain and sadness, and the healthy women have learned to utilize this as grounding energy (while in unhealthy women it shows up as stress, tension and acting out behavior).  Women carry a lot of emotional energy which serves them well and are extremely intuitive, which often puts women’s energy at odds with men who are more attached to their rational.
Interestingly, men have a naturally lower capacity for handling energy, emotions, pain and sexual excitement than women.  This shows up in paradoxical dynamics – men often seem “out of control” sexually, precisely because men have a low capacity for carrying energy (need to “release”).  By connecting with memories of my past lives, I’ve learned how to expand that container more (even though I’d been practicing I was still comparatively undeveloped). 
Unfortunately in the West, women have shut down huge parts of their energetic and emotional systems to be more like men.  There are a lot of theories as to why this is, but the correlation between spiritual oppression and female energetic and emotional disengagement cannot be ignored.  I’ve noticed in other countries where spirituality is much more clean the energy is flowing freely and very powerful.  Then here in the West, everyone’s turned into energetically dysfunctional men.  Then we spend thousands of hours and dollars trying to “find spirituality” when it was our birthright from the beginning.
This disconnect is something my past lives cannot help me with.  My female past lives were all open in their energy, even if their sex lives were not entirely fulfilling for other reasons.  They have no ability to comprehend the energetic self-castration that has gone on in Western women, and thus offer little help for how to help women out of this phase.  About the only advice all my past selves offer in this regard is “keep evolving and shine your light more and more.”  Certainly this will inspire higher vibrations which will dissolve the lower issues.
Some big personal lessons that apply to everyone:
You are far, far, FAR sexier, attractive and inspiring than you think you are.   In a way this is obvious.  The ego is not capable of seeing our true potential because our egos are small and very limited.  The collective ego is even worse, because it contains deliberately oppressive structures.  The invitation here (joyfully accepted) is to deeply explore, activate and shine that higher self.
Women are INCREDIBLY sexual and energetic. 
Assume every negative thought about women is a personal projection that can be easily fixed through inward-looking and you’ll be on your way to amazing success. Women are great mirrors and projection screens.  Instead of reacting to the projections, or beating yourself up, use this gift as an opportunity and transform.
Everyone has their journey for a reason – release judgements, prejudice and pride and connect to your own journey.

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