Monday, February 25, 2019

Good Men Love Women Who Cook and Clean. Deal With It.

There was Feminist Outrage ™ on Twitter over some long-haired dude who put out what was essentially a list of things he required in a girlfriend.  Apparently women who didn’t feel they met the requirements were upset.  Because – damn, there goes your shot at this random Twitter guy??

Or is it because this guy and his list might convince other guys to follow his lead and start asking for certain standards in their partners?

I guess that’s the big fear – that quality men will start asserting themselves and coming up with requirements for the women they choose to spend their time with.  And since the feminists proudly lack those qualities, that would mean said feminists would also not receive the attention of said quality men.

Well, sorry ladies, but it’s already happening.  The guys who have value are waking up and asserting themselves when it comes to standards.  And they’re finding that most feminist women are seriously lacking.

Knowing how to cook a meal is a basic requirement of being a functioning human being.  And it’s a quality that most American women under 30 (and far too many over 30 for that matter) now lack – because of laziness, being raised by crappy parents, and a fucked up belief that cooking food is somehow repressive to women.  Knowing how to wash clothes and clean your home – also very basic life skills everyone should know, but most women under 30 fail at miserably.

But the thing is, people still need to eat.  We still need clean clothes and we should live in a reasonably clean home.  Life on a basic level hasn’t changed.  Also, these things should be done by individuals, not hired out to services.  Eating out or ordering in every day is ridiculously expensive, impractical and unsustainable for an average person (not to mention it's unhealthy and will take years off your life).  Maid service is also not for average people.  Basic economics hasn’t changed.

And let’s face it, affordability aside, wasting money on paying someone else to cook and clean is just that, wasteful.  It’s what wasteful rich people do, not what average functional people do.

So a man who is quality – who has a good career, a good social life, who is desired by a lot of women – he can (and should) be choosy.  And you find among those men “cooking and cleaning” are very high on the list of things these men look for in women.

Whining on Twitter and Facebook, hashtagging, bitching and complaining – doesn’t change this.  Guys who have choice generally choose women who cook and clean.  And those “woke feminist” guys – well, they’re turning out to be as lame and unsatisfying as one would expect from men who center their lives around catering to the whims of women. 

(As an aside, I've noticed it's the "woke feminist men" who gravitate toward weird sex workshops that focus entirely on clitoral stimulation, and seem to be especially popular it woke feminist hotspots like the San Francisco Bay Area.  Because they are sooooooooo bad as sex and being a fucking man they think placing extra attention on the obvious symptom of sexual dysfunction will somehow lead to good sex.  And then they can't understand why their women keep cheating on them...)

But even though women really disrespect those men who do their bidding, women like having them around.  They like having the borefriend who will do their chores, cook for them, clean their place for them, and look the other way while they cheat on them with the guys who won’t do any of that crap. 
The problem is those wussy boys are looking around and noticing that their lives suck.  They’re noticing that other men are having it a lot better.  This whole dynamic used to be under-the-radar but now more and more of the “alpha men” are reaching out to help the “betas.” 

And this is very bad news for women.

There is PUA (“Pick Up Artist”) coaching where men who are successful at dating help teach less successful men.  There are other offshoots of this coaching modality.  There’s advice all over the place (some crap, some good), and certain themes keep coming up.

More importantly, men are starting to ask themselves what’s important in a relationship, instead of just looking for the next lay.  It turns out for most men “what makes men happy in a relationship” hasn’t changed much over the generations. 

A good cook is high on the list.  So is a partner who is agreeable and supportive.  A woman who maintains a clean, organized home is a good catch.  A woman who is nurturing and wants to be a good mom is very high on the list.  Interestingly enough, “career success” doesn’t rank on the list.  It’s not that men don’t want their partner to work, they just don’t care much what she’s doing at that job or how well she’s doing it as long as she’s happy and it’s not impacting any of the other things.
Basically, men of quality want women who are the exact opposite of what feminists tell women are important qualities.

And what’s happening when men don’t find good choices in their neighborhood? Well, more and more the men who have options are looking elsewhere.  Either they start looking in Middle America, or they look overseas.  South American, Eastern European, Asian and even African women are becoming more and more popular with American men.  Because they don’t have the attitude problems of Western women.

For a long time, looking for a partner from overseas was very problematic.  The quality of the women – and men looking – was very hit-and-miss, and the quality of platforms (places for potential partners to meet) was poor.  But over the past ten years this has changed.  Technology has made it much easier not only to find people all over the world, but to get to know them very well.  Online dating services have become far more savvy, international and now intra-nationally focused. 

A lot of this has been fueled by the increasing wealth and overpopulation of men in China and India who NEED to look elsewhere, but the demand in the West has been skyrocketing as well.  This is because the typical “horror stories” of finding a foreign bride are being replaced more and more with “success stories.”  Men are seeing their friends and neighbors happily married and raising families with their foreign brides and it’s removing the stereotype of “lame Western dude marrying foreign woman out of desperation,” especially when they see those guys living very enviable lives.

Oh, wait.  There are women in the world who cook and clean and take care of the home.  And they’re good mothers and treat their husbands really well.  Meanwhile I’m struggling with these angry, lazy, flaky, entitled women who can’t even take care of themselves much less anyone else.  Hmm, let me take a look at one of those websites…

Then some average-looking nobody on Twitter posts a “list of requirements in a wife” and women flip out.

But people can flip out all they want – men more and more are raising their standards and finding that Western women raised in feminist ideology are falling far short.  And they’re not bending their standards, they’re casting a wider net. 

We can already see the results, and it’ll only get more pronounced.  We have “two Americas,” the one that lives in the progressive urban feminist bubble and the one that doesn’t.  Yes, there are geographical divides, but there are also vast cultural differences even between neighbors. No, urban areas aren’t a monolith.  The progressive feminist model may be the most dominant and visible one, but there is a very strong countercurrent even in urban areas.  And that’s not even accounting for the people who get fed up and just move to other parts of the country or world.

And no amount of Twitter hashtags or Women’s Studies classes will change human nature.  More and more society is becoming stratified between the more attractive and successful men who value “traditional relationships” (and the women who desire to partner with such men) and the far less successful and desirable men who continue to suck up to women and parrot ideologies they don’t even really believe in because they think sucking up is the way to get laid.  A lot of this is simply because men who value themselves are more attractive and men who value themselves also have high standards for themselves and others.

Apparently “valuing oneself and having high standards” is offensive and politically incorrect, because it excludes those who don’t make the cut.  But then again, happiness is derived in large part from self-confidence and being good at focusing one’s time and energy on things that are worthwhile – which would include things like “priority lists.” 

Which is another way of saying that the “two Americas” is also “Happy America” and “Unhappy America.”  And judging from the attitude of the social justice Twitter mob, it’s not hard to figure out which is which.   Guys – if you want to be happy, ditch the political correctness and keep the “list.”

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Basic Universal Truth: Stealing is Wrong

I’m going to lay down a truth that apparently is really upsetting and controversial to some people:

Stealing is wrong.

It is wrong to take things from others without their permission.

Theft is wrong.  It is bad.  If you steal, it damages your karma and bad things will follow.  This is just the way it is. 

This should be obvious to people, but for whatever reason a certain significant minority of people have a problem with this.  In their mind, stealing is okay, or even a good thing. At some level, they support a kleptocracy and see this as a way to right some wrongs or something.  But to put it very simply, they’re wrong.  They’re full of shit.  And they can repeat their BS as often as they want, it’s still BS.

The truth is the truth – taking things from other people is wrong and it damages your karma.  Period.
Please stop with your Burning Man “share everything” nonsense.  That’s not how the world works – it’s not even how Burning Man works, so please stop. 

This is a simple, basic, universal truth – stealing is wrong.  Don’t do it, period.

I’m getting very tired of people blaming cops for shooting someone who inevitably turns out was stealing.  Bad things happen to you when you do bad things – sometimes spectacularly bad and right away, sometimes later or over time or into the next lifetime.  Instead of complaining about how karma dishes out punishment, learn to accept it and – again – STOP DOING BAD THINGS!

And I know people will react with the typical “oh you’re not supposed to be judgmental” nonsense. Hey dummy, I’m not the one punishing you.  I don’t deliver the karmic justice. Instead of blaming me for stating an obvious truth, try ACCEPTING the truth for a change.

A person was shot by the cops because he was caught stealing.  People might want to complain it’s “harsh,” but the reality is the only reason he was shot was because he had decided to steal.  This is how the law of cause and effect works.

It seems there is a significant portion of the leftist – I’m not sure if it’s a majority, but it’s a lot – who either approve of theft of think it’s not a big deal.  And yes, it cuts very clearly along ideological lines – people on the “liberal” end of the spectrum are MUCH more okay with theft.  The leftists are also okay with (or even actively supportive of) murder of babies.  The lines are pretty distinct here.

And this is the group that will whine and complain “you can’t say stealing is wrong, you can’t say abortion is wrong, that’s judgmental!”  Folks, karma does not care one bit about your feelings.  Stealing is wrong.  “Oh, but I really want to steal!”  Doesn’t matter.  “Telling me it’s wrong makes me feel bad!”  No, you choose to feel bad when presented objective information – that’s not the information’s fault, it’s your fault for lacking proper emotional coping skills.  “Saying abortion is wrong is offensive!”  Only to someone who lacks basic emotional skills.

“You can’t tell me what to do!”  I’m NOT.  I’m not the authority here.  Take it up with the universe.  Universal Law says stealing and murder are wrong.  If this truth hurts your feelings, that’s because you are painfully out of alignment with the universe.  If you want to stop feeling that pain, then you need to adjust to align with the universe – by changing your behavior so you’re no longer stealing and killing, for example.  And change your behavior so you’re not enabling others to fall out of alignment with the universe.

If all this makes you feel bad, then really you should be feeling bad and then do something positive about it. Because the truth isn’t going to change – but YOU can change. 

So instead of arguing with me when I state universal law, try FOLLOWING THE LAW.  Because one way or another, the universe is going to make you change.  And karmic justice can really suck for you and everyone around you. 

Sealing is wrong.  Murder is wrong.  Stop arguing and accept it. 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Fake News, The Cabal Collapse and the Energetic Tipping Point

The Cabal is crumbling. The mainstream news media is being exposed daily for fraudulent, deceitful and outright made-up reporting.  The Western leftists are going crazy and exposing their true agenda, as well as the lies behind this agenda.  The meltdown of the Cabal, the media and the leftists is accelerating.

In other words, the energetic elevation of Planet Earth is going along nicely and according to plan.
For those of you who have been following this, the current realignment and collapse of the Cabal and the leftists makes sense.  Those opposed to freedom and engaged in deceit and manipulation cannot survive as the energetic frequency of the planet rises. First, their energetic structures will collapse; then their outward expression will devolve; and finally, they disappear completely, either converted into higher-frequency energies or fall completely by the wayside. 

So let’s look at what’s going on.

The whole “Trump-Russia collusion” story was made up from the beginning.  Now the motives of the Cabal agents behind the false charges are coming to light.  There was in fact an attempted coup in May 2017. There were two other attempted coups that have yet to be reported.  The media has been spinning lies nonstop to try and delegitimize Trump and keep the Cabal alive.

But the energetic structure supporting the Cabal (which includes the media) is gone, so their lies are being exposed. The outright media lies are becoming more brazen and easily refuted.  They got so desperate as to smear Covington High School students – and were exposed for lying almost right away. They tried to cover for the Virginia governor’s support of death (I’ll get to that later).  There was also this bizarre fake story involving Jussie Smollett that turned out to be a hoax – he staged a fake hate crime and tried to blame it on Trump.  All this is on top of the daily lies about Trump supposedly colluding with Russia. 

At this point the mainstream news media is dead.  Nobody has any faith in the media anymore.  It’s to the point that “I heard it on CNN” is shorthand for “I heard a rumor that’s probably not true.” Those aligned with the Cabal are completely detached from what is accurate and true.

Truth, freedom and life are intertwined.  Those not aligned with the higher energies are now taking a strong stand against these things and exposing their true colors.  New York leftists celebrated passing a bill that basically legalizes murder of babies.  Virginia leftists tried to do the same thing and their governor nonchalantly explained why he didn’t think infanticide was a big deal – and the media agreed.  Again, those who are not aligned with life cannot fathom why killing would be a big problem. 

Instead, the governor got embroiled in some crazy story about him wearing blackface or a KKK hood – and not being able to remember which it was (which can only mean he wore both at one time or another), then claimed he didn’t, and no claims he’s a champion of civil rights.  The lieutenant governor is accused of rape and another official admits to wearing blackface.

I grew up in the 1980s.  Blackface and KKK robes were NOT a thing.  In fact, that shit was considered very uncool then. Even in the 60s normal people didn’t do that crap.  Apparently the news media wants us all to believe an alternate reality about the 1980s.  But then again, when you spend all day telling us Trump colluded with the Russians, what’s the big deal about an alternate reality where everyone in the 80s was wearing blackface and KKK robes?

Nobody is buying these lies except the people who need to, because their lives depend on the survival of the Cabal.

And that brings us to the “Green New Deal,” juxtaposed with the collapse of the socialists in Venezuela.  The rising energetic vibration is destroying socialism right down to its core, and you can see this in what is going on in places like Venezuela.  Meanwhile crazy people tried to promote that socialism under the guise of “saving the planet” (the planet in fact doesn’t need saving, it’s just fine, thank you).  Then they tried to run away from it.  Then the media tried to cover their tracks.
Meanwhile, leftists go crazy over pictures like this: 

And nobody believes any of what the media is doing.  So why did they do it?

Good question.  Pendulum testing confirms it’s a symptom of their deepening insanity – they’re now living in a delusion that believes the planet is collapsing ecologically, that Trump is colluding with Russia, that socialism is functional at any level, that the media is telling the truth and that the Cabal is in control.  Basically they’ve invented an alternate reality bubble and they’ve put themselves inside and they’re telling themselves it’ll be okay.

The earth will be okay.  It is okay.  It was never in danger.  The environmental false flags were put there specifically to distract and confine the opposing forces while the archangels set up the grid and began the process of elevating the frequency of the earth.  Now that this is in place and inevitable, there’s no need for the false flags (thus the rapid cooling of the earth, the continuation of process that was intentionally bypassed), and there’s no need to worry about the Cabal or other forces opposed to the ascension process.

So now, again according to plan, the lies are exposed, the liars are revealed, those opposed to life are forced into indefensible positions and karmic justice, and the Cabal and its supporters lurch into insanity and eventual death.  Yah, I was a little vague before – the planet is perfectly fine, but those on the side of the Cabal will not survive the process.  They’re already manifesting signs of insanity. 

It’s not yet time to rejoice, but we have reached the tipping point.  The energies are moving inexorably in our favor.