Monday, May 9, 2016

Spiritual Awakening, Stillness and Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a great stone for creative expression, throat chakra opening, intuition and, most importantly, spiritual awakening and connection. 

I don’t have a picture of my newly-activated lapis and the “unattuned” picture looks meh.  My crystals charged with the selenite wand look 10x more powerful than the picture and now this stone is literally shimmering with power, there’s no comparison.  (I’ll post a picture later today.)
The lapis hasn’t wanted to venture out with me until Sunday when my wife and I went to the temple.  So it put it in my satchel (men:  I HIGHLY recommend a good satchel; I’ve had this one for two months and can’t imagine living without it.  Essential for travel.) and went to the temple.  As we got closer, the energy was vibrating strong and stronger until stillness was permeating all through me. 

All throughout the experience at the temple, the stillness energy kept growing, relaxing me, opening chakras, deepening my spiritual connection.  I could feel the energy in my saliva (which is a powerful conduit for spiritual energy). 
We went to Thai Town and found a cool shop we hadn’t been in before and the stone vibrated again and I felt calm and at peace here.  (I’m probably going to have to take that stone to Thailand with me.)  Ended up buying some interesting things that raised the vibration of the car and our home. 

The energy had a strong effect of putting myself and others at ease and generating a “magnetism,” particularly with people vibrating at a high frequency.
My work is based on a strong spiritual foundation.  I am Buddhist, but I value all religions and highly encourage people to find the religion that calls to you – but find one and make it your home.  (All the major positive religions are good and “correct,” but one must align with the path that is best for him, which is different for everyone.)

I haven’t utilized crystal energy in my spiritual aspect, nor done much about bringing forth my spiritual energy as part of my service, but now I am doing both. The stillness of the highly-activated lapis, combined with my own energy, can transmute through distance and through electronic media, which means even remotely others can benefit from the awakened spiritual energy flow.
Later I will write about a conscious spiritual practice and the importance of this in any evolutionary practice – I’ve got a long writing to-do list going!

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