Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Good Morning! Selenite Activation Insomnia Cure, Pendulum, Ritual

Good Morning! 

Thought you'd enjoy some nice awakened energy to start your day (or kick-start it, wherever you're at when you're reading this.)

I continue to get amazing feedback on the work I've done in the past.  In my lower-consciousness states I was too receptive to the negative energy of my critics and the oppressive operating paradigm.  It's good to know, yes, my message has been effective and created positive good. 

It isn't validation.  This isn't about me, it's about creating something that extends beyond me and furthers the evolution of the world.  So all feedback is welcome, and I'm growing in my capacity to receive and process such feedback more effectively.

I am amazed at the awakening that has occurred since the selenite wand was activated.  My insomnia is gone - I lie down and go to sleep effortlessly, and I do not wake up with anxiety in the middle of the night.  That aspect is gone - like my "pee shyness" earlier in my journey (12 years ago) went away in a moment of elevated awareness.  Or like the uploading of my multi-orgasmic abilities (okay that was more of a process), or sex magic, or the third eye awakening. 

Last night I was again able to sleep soundly without any assistance, then fall asleep again at another location - again without assistance.  The dreams are semi-lucid and focused on my continued training.  I've entered a powerful new phase and these breakthroughs are just the beginning.

I programmed a pendulum for accuracy testing, as an enhancement of my muscle/ energy accuracy testing.  I rediscovered a lost silver ring, which I activated using the selenite wand. 

Forgive my photo skills, but this is actually a better view of the ring.  I've tested this several times and it comes back with a frequency of 4,000.  (The selenite can activate items to very high levels, varying depending on the receptivity of the object.)  This is a killer addition to my psychic resources.  (Also the picture is a good energetic resource as well.  My hand is holding very good energy and the ring is attuned to my energy frequency, so there's a lot of good energy in this photo.)

I performed a ritual to clear out negative energy and establish a positive energy grid in an environment that has been energetically problematic.  This was my first ritual and pure light ritual (which means only changing energy of people and things in the area that desire such change - ALWAYS and ONLY with permission), clearing out the energy, infusing love and light, protection grid.  Within a few minutes I could smell the prana and felt completely at ease.

(Interesting question:  if "clairvoyance" is sight and "clairaudient" is hearing, what is the "clair" word for the smelling ability?  My energy "scent-sence" has been activated.")

I'm going to produce some ritual posts that you can read and receive, if you so choose - it's been well-established that my intuitive and energetic gifts are able to be cleanly and fully expressed in my writing and I intend to utilize this for the benefit of my readers.

With Love,


Accuracy Test:  98.7%

1 comment:

  1. Hi Uthaithani ;)

    Could you write more about using this kind of swinging pendulum, like your ring (or also any other ways u use pendulum) ?

    I believe this informations can be very usefull in oppose to a lot of misguided informations around the topic on internet and in books :)

