Friday, April 19, 2024

Joe Rogan Interviews Tucker Carlson: So Much Truth About the Spiritual War

 This Joe Rogan Podcast is one of the most amazing things I've watched in a very long time.  He touches on so many of the spiritual warfare themes that I've been talking about - although just scratching the surface.

He talks about the possibility of spiritual entities - interdimensional - operating in our world with technology we can't comprehend, and that this could be part of a larger spiritual warfare (it is, but he just gets to the surface of it).

He talks about how AI could enslave us - though he doesn't connect our rather primitive AI with the AI associated with the spiritual entities and how this is already controlling most of the Earth's population.

How evil operates through weak people and seeks out power.

The nefarious nature of the US government.  He talks about Snowden (in very positive terms), Pompeo (who is evil and Carlson sees this), so many things.

It's interesting that someone like Carlson, who is basically a curious reporter, is figuring out some really profound spiritual truths. He's beginning to really see just how evil our governments are and how much bigger this all is than pretty much anyone can realize.

It's inspiring to see this, to see that it's not just a few of us "weirdos" who can see these things, but it's beginning to filter into the non-lightworker "normals" population.  I believe this is where the spiritual war will be won, since pretty much all "lightworkers" are corrupted and working on the side of evil.

This interview gives me hope things can someday get better and that many will soon join in the fight.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Revisiting Men's Work

 I’ve been inspired/ called forth to engage more actively in my inner work, walking the path of a better man.  It’s not that I haven’t been doing any work – in fact over the past five years that I stepped away from the “men’s work,” I’ve done a LOT of things and undergone many changes. 

I dedicated myself to Taekwondo and advanced to a third degree black belt.  No small task.  I embraced my opposition to COVID lockdowns and mandates and used that energy to improve my health, my message, and even buy a house and car in Florida, and eventually to decide to live in that house part-time.  I also bought a new car and fully paid off the debt. 

I reconnected with things I love, namely fishing and skiing.  I became a better husband and father, and now a grandfather.

That’s a lot of work, especially for someone who “stepped away” from the work.  It was a process I needed to go through.

Since I established the Florida house as a second home, I began turning it into a spiritual and emotional “spa,” a place where I could relax, recharge, energize and go deeper into my spiritual practice.  The quiet, the solitude, the green surroundings, the space available in the home, the feeling of having my own house that I own and take responsibility for, the beach and water, and the way I consciously cultivated an energetic space and practice that’s fully and uniquely mine, led me back to a desire to reengage with the “men’s work” I put on pause about five years ago.

I found some good podcasts, some good resources and adjusted my spiritual practice to include some of the practices that helped me grow in the past.  And I’ve seen some very strong results in the couple months that I’ve revisited this journey.

And I’ve also rediscovered some challenges.

The fears that would wake me up at night returned – “STOP!  You’re going the wrong way!” “You’re throwing away your future!” “You can’t afford to do this!” “You’re not dedicated to your job and your career!”  “You’re too old!” “You haven’t accomplished anything in your life!”

So I would get out of bed, sit down at my meditation space and follow those feelings in.  What’s behind this feeling, this thought?  And what’s behind that?  Eventually it would all lead back to some form of “you’re not good enough.”  And what’s behind that?  A fear that I’m not good at making the right choices – and I have made a lot of poor choices in the past, and even more as I started going through this journey. 

But at this point I’ve come to the place where I’ve fallen on my ass a lot, and yah it sucks, but I always pick myself up and move forward. It’s tiring and frustrating, but here I am.  I have two great kids and the best relationship I’ve had with both of them.  I have a beautiful, loving wife and a very happy marriage that’s approaching a decade.  I finally have a house.  I’m doing the things I love, and accomplishing things I didn’t even have on my radar screen ten years ago.

So yeah, I’ve fucked up and fallen down, but I always seem to end up in a better place and a better quality of life.

The more work I do on myself the more I have to face my “old self” and the beliefs and patterns that weren’t serving me in the past.

I come up against a fear response. Often it seems it isn’t even really attached to anything.

I dig at it and “I’m not good enough” comes up. And what’s behind that? Scary stuff. And behind that? More scary stuff. And on and on until I get to a core that seems to be “generational,” I inherited this core fear, and now that I’m old enough to have a choice, I choose to reject it.


So that’s where I’m at - noticing, facing, digging and eliminating core fears that I inherited but I don’t accept as mine.


At the core is understanding myself.  My way is different. Maybe a little “irresponsible,” definitely not “by the book.” I’m not doing things according to tradition or conventional wisdom.


Whether I like it or not, I’m walking my own path.  And I realize I can’t stop myself. So, either accept it and put it to best use for me or let it run me and deal with this constant cycle of correction that feels like sabotage.


It’s clear something deeper is pulling me in this direction.  And at this point in my life

I don’t have the energy to debate it or argue with it, so I’m just going to accept it, however crazy, irrational, irresponsible or counter-intuitive it might seem.  I want to understand it so I can best serve that fire inside me and my rational and intuitive selves can serve in partnership.  I’ve accepted that I’m just going to go through the fears and accept that I’ll sometimes fuck up – though I’ll fuck up a lot less if I’m aligned and commit to going through the fears. 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Florida is (a LOT) Better than California, and Why the Spiritual Community is a Real Problem


Since my tenants in Florida moved out, I’ve been a lot better energetically.  It’s noticeable to people who know me – every time I post pictures from Florida, people comment how I look so much more relaxed.  My wife senses I’m “more myself” because of this.

It’s come at a cost.  I’m paying for the mortgage and the plane tickets, instead of someone else paying my mortgage.  The travel back and forth is tiring.  But overall it’s been a huge net positive.  Every time I test, I confirm that keeping the house for me is not just for enjoyment, it’s a spiritual necessity.

It’s so much better I’ve begun to analyze what makes it so much better.  Is Florida particularly good spiritually?  Is my living situation (being in the house I actually own, having a dedicated altar space, good fishing) more spiritually elevating?  Or is California, and particularly my area of Southern California, particularly bad from a spiritual standpoint?

So I dug down and did some testing.  27% is because Florida is particularly good from a spiritual standpoint.  I’ll analyze the details of this later, but this confirms feelings I’ve always had that Florida is a particularly strong location spiritually.  But it’s also the smallest percentage.

The second highest reason is “personal situation,” at 32%.  Having my own house and living in that house is a big deal for me.  I need that.  Having a place and maintaining it is spiritually important for me.  The green yard and neighborhood is important.  The serenity.  The regular fishing that’s usually pretty good, even my little workout area, all contributes to my elevated spiritual energy, more so than Florida’s particular spiritual gifts.

And it isn’t the biggest reason.  41% of the reason my spiritual energy is higher in my house in Florida vs here in Crappyfornia is because California, and particularly my area of Los Angeles County, really is crappy at a spiritual level.

I’ve lived in California my whole life and seen it go downhill over the years, particularly over the last 20-30 years.  At this point it’s unlivable on any level, but the spiritual energies are particularly bad.

In looking particularly at California and what makes It so bad spiritually, here is the breakdown:

Spiritual Community Screwing With Energies (mostly with “love and light” BS)            42%

Daily BS (general idiocy of majority of population – includes things like traffic)  26%

Corruption/crime                                                                                                                              17%

Woke Politics/DEI agenda                                                                                                              6%

Greed                                                                                                                                                   4%

Karma (taking land, etc)                                                                                                                  3%

Other                                                                                                                                                    2%


So yes, California just sucks in general, but that only accounts for either 26% or 49%, depending on how you add them up.  The plurality is people with spiritual power who are making energies insufferable with their “trying to help” – 42%. 


The vibration of California, and particularly where I live, is -6 million.  It’s REALLY bad. But if the entire California spiritual community stopped “trying to help,” the vibration would be -40,000.  Still appalling, but dramatically better.  So it’s 42% of the problem but 99% of the energetic pollution because of the power involved.  If we removed all the other negative influences, except the 5% that’s karma or other and probably baked in, the vibration moves up to 642.  Florida’s vibration is 836.  My vibration enhancement from leaving California and going to Florida, which includes removing the negative and adding the positive, comes to an increase of 6,018,947.  No wonder it’s so much easier to do work in my home in Florida, or on the beach, the universe isn’t working against me. 


 And while the California spiritual community is responsible for 42% of this problem, it’s almost all of the magnitude. 


It’s not that the spiritual community in the Florida Panhandle is better aligned.  It is somewhat.  It’s that there are MUCH fewer people doing their voodoo bullshit in the Panhandle than in Southern Crappyfornia. 


A lot of people leaving places like California identify as “political refugees,” but that’s actually a small portion of the real reason people are leaving other places and staying in Florida.  They may feel it’s political, because the political differences are newsworthy and easy to enumerate.  But it’s mostly spiritual, and it’s mostly the absence of bad spiritual energies.


Could those bad spiritual energies be contributing to the lousy politics and general crime/corruption of California? I test yes, about 20% responsible.  Does it work the other way?  Does bad politics infect the spiritual community and cause it to do bad/stupid things?  Again I test yes, about 86% (wow!).  So yes, politics is a real problem in California, as is crime and general corruption.  And all that rot is causing the damage from the spiritual community to be much, much worse. 


But again, if the spiritual community in California simply did nothing, things would instantly get much better and continue to improve over time, even leaving everything else the same.  In other words, if God put all the California spiritual community in a giant burlap bag and dropped them in the ocean, California would instantly become a much better place to live, and there would be almost no downside.




So actually that meme I put up (for amusement more than anything) isn’t correct – the pot-smoking rock collectors are actually actively doing a tremendous amount of damage.  Doing nothing and looking silly would be a drastic improvement. (I’m a little surprised Steve Dease didn’t recognize the negative energies at play, he usually perceives them.)


So yes, we have a big problem in California.  They’ve ruined California beyond anything we could have imagined.  And if we don’t do something to neuter the false light spiritual community, it’s going to get a lot worse, not just in California.


Friday, January 5, 2024


We've had a couple small earthquakes in Southern California already this year, and a substantial one in Japan that did a lot of damage.

Also massive surf in Southern California that led to flooding.  

Energies are shifting dramatically, which is going to lead to more events like this.  Places like California, where energies have been terrible for a long time, will fare worse, but really no place is immune.  Places that are traditionally vulnerable, like Southeast Asia and India/Bangladesh, will be hit hard.

Also be on the lookout for odd "Mandela Effect" events.  We are not yet on a stable timeline so there will be lots of "glitches" along the way.  I've had clients report feeling like they're on completely different timelines, as if they died on their previous timeline and got moved to this one.  Which would suggest that I moved as well, or I'm branched into alternate timelines myself, which seems plausible.  

Overall this year is not supposed to be as challenging as 2023, but I've felt that way before, only to be disappointed.  So I'll withhold that prediction.  It won't be challenge-free, we've already seen that much.  But some currently unresolved issues will finally begin to resolve themselves.  Which means there will finally be some reward for all this challenge we've had to endure.  So more fulfilling.

I don't think we're done with the earthquakes.  I'm sensing there are some bad ones out there.

Also, why isn't anyone talking about the heavy volcanic activity that's been going on these several years?  That's contributing far more "greenhouse gas" than anything mankind could do.  There seems to be very little discussion about actually dealing with the problem at hand and adapting instead of this specious thinking about magical wind farms saving the environment. Mankind needs to get far more serious and humble about its place in nature - we don't have nearly as much control over our environment as we imagine, and imagining we're gods isn't going to help us deal with real acts of God.  A lot of whining and naval gazing going on.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Energies: Florida vs California. It's Clear as Day.

It's very noticeable, the difference in energies between California and Florida.  I'd say it's obvious to anyone who can notice energies.  I've pulled out some beach fishing pictures to make an "apples-to-apples" comparison, to highlight the differences.

When I'm in Florida, my energy is completely different.  Very relaxed, very open.  My energy work is MUCH more effective, my connection with my clients is better.  Even my work at the office is more effective and in flow.  

When I return to California from Florida, I still carry that higher vibration, but I can feel the difference. The energy in CA is heavy, thick and heavily polluted.  It's like trying to run through quicksand. It's draining and stressful. 

It's one thing to say "Florida is awesome and California sucks."  And while that's actually true and a pretty apt summary of the energy differences, it doesn't tell us much.  So let's look at the energy.

The above picture is a "skunk day" in Pensacola, FL, and a sunset.  December 2023.  You can feel the energy in this picture.  Simply meditating on this picture can raise your vibration.  It's not just the aesthetics, which are pretty awesome, it's the "vibe" of the photo.  This is the energy of Florida, they all have this feel to them. In fact, they're good "Natural Grounding" resources.

Now here is a "catch" beach photo in Southern California.  So the circumstances are good, but the energy is so different.  There's this thick, heavy fog like molasses.  It's draining and difficult to look at for a long period of time.  That's "California energy."  Sure, it's a beach, similar time of year, and beaches are nice, but the energies are nothing alike.

So now let's look at my energy , because that tells you more.  So here is one in Pensacola where I just caught a fish.  I'd had a long overnight flight and a ridiculous layover, but my energy is still really high vibration here.  You can see the relaxation and rising vibrations.

 Now let's look at a "I just caught a fish" picture in Southern California.  Same experience, I'm in better health (I had a cold in the above picture), more rested, and yet the energy is MUCH lower vibration.  Lots of stress and tension, lower vibration overall.  Even the background here has that crushing, draining overall energy.  Pretty skies, pretty ocean, pretty clouds, shitty energy.

I think that's enough.  Other pictures would just be the same difference.  The energies are the same and the differences are the same, too.  This isn't really about the politics, the people, taxes, cost of living, or the quality of fishing.  Although the populations contribute to the overall energy, there's also a higher source involved.  And that higher-level energy is visibly different.  It's also likely that this energy affects the population more than the populations affect the energy, unless the population is particularly high-vibration.

And while the California "spiritual community" imagines itself as high-vibration and Californians imagine themselves "evolved" and "enlightened," the opposite is the truth.  California energy is particularly bad.  Californians energy is particularly bad.  The energy of the California "spiritual community" is atrocious, it's almost 100% Satanic and very toxic.  Hopelessly so.  

So, no, Californians are not special, evolved, unique, or anything even vaguely resembling awesome.  Californians are toxic, weak, vacant, subservient, paranoid, and particularly stupid and conformist.  They're some of the worst people in the world.  And the energies of California are some of the worst in the world.  Did the people create this energy?  No.  The energy molded the people.  It wasn't always like this.  

I can remember when the energies in Orange County, California were pretty good.  But that past feels like an alternate universe now.  There's no way to go back to that energy.  It's hopelessly toxic and never going back to the "good old days."  That California is dead.

But the good news is the handful of high-vibration people who are suffering in California can escape and heal.  The energies outside of California are much better.

Like, for example, Florida.

Friday, December 1, 2023

The Insanity of the Knee-Jerk "Anti-Religious" People


The two craziest types of people are the hard-core religious fanatics and the knee-jerk anti-religious fanatics.

And when I say “crazy,” I mean it in the literal sense.  It’s a well-known and poorly-kept secret that religions tend to attract people who are clinically insane.  A lot of hard-core adherents are either clinically insane or hanging by a thread.  I’ve seen it personally.  I have a family member who was a hard-core religious adherent, and clinically insane.  I’ve been to temples where someone goes on and on about Buddha without any awareness of his or her audience. 

Strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up unarmed people, or shooting them, or firing rockets at them, is clinically crazy.  Supporting that behavior is also clinically crazy.  So if the people chanting BS about how Hamas is right seem like lunatics, it’s because they are.

Religion has the same problem as society – it has a serious mental illness problem. 

The other side of that is the knee-jerk “anti-religion” people who can’t stop themselves from going off the rails every time religion is mentioned.  It’s the same clinical insanity manifesting itself.  When I was at school in Berkeley, it wasn’t unusual to see the bat-shit-crazy bums arguing over religion, both the adherents and opponents, shouting crazy talk at each other.  We had a guy in my neighborhood who spent his whole life homeless, driving a van plastered with “Jesus” all over it.  In both cases, people treated the mentally ill as objects of amusement and cheered on their mental illness.  (I’m going to withhold my rant about what I think of those bastards who celebrated people exhibiting serious mental illness, but let’s just say there are a lot of people who desperately need God in their lives.)

Leaving aside the mental illness, which is disturbing in and of itself for a lot of reasons, I find the knee-jerk “anti-religion” people to be particularly annoying.  The annoying lack of self-awareness in how they’re exhibiting the same negative traits they claim to see in religious people.  The idiotic-while-acting-superior-and-rational jackassery of cherry-picking of facts and theology.  But the most annoying feature is the damage they do to innocent people’s relationship with God.

What do I mean by a lack of self-awareness?  When you boil it down to the essence, you find the anti-religion people aren’t really concerned about where religion fails and helping it to be better and more aligned with the true nature of God.  They simply want to present *just enough* evidence to make themselves feel comfortable in rejecting religion, but not go deep enough in their inquiry to allow for the possibility of anything other than a knee-jerk reaction.

They experienced a bad reaction to religion – usually a family issue but sometimes other people did something wrong to them or someone they care about.  And instead of dealing directly with the issue, they’ve projected their wounds onto religion – religion is the enemy, so now I don’t have to do the work of healing this messy wound. 

Or they’ve just made a lot of mistakes and instead of facing and owing up to them, they’d rather get rid of the whole “right-wrong” thing and imagine that disavowing religion can be their reset button.

They’re entire energy is based on some version of a deep-seeded belief that they’ve hopelessly failed and, were religion to be accurate, they’d be going to hell.  So the entire philosophy of anti-religious people comes down to shame and limiting beliefs about themselves.  (And a false interpretation of the religions they believe they’ve hopelessly crossed.)

And I’m saying this with compassion and love.  Most people exhibiting mental illness are hurting.  Some aren’t – a lot of clinically insane people attest that their insanity is euphoric and like a drug, but the people exhibiting these intense negative feelings toward a loving God that gave them life, they’re really hurting inside.  And they don’t see a way out. 

But compassion for suffering doesn’t change the fact that knee-jerk anti-religious expression is an expression of mental illness, not an inspired religious viewpoint.

I’m also not minimizing the damage people do to others in the name of God.  There are a lot of abusive people who misuse God (especially the “going to Hell” part) to do some really horrible things to other people.  The Crusades, the Inquisition, many wars, but also on an individual level – lots of child abuse, spousal abuse, and generally shitty interpersonal behavior (up to and including murder) is committed in the name of God. 

As I said, the mentally ill are attracted to religion, and for too many it’s a way to avoid actually dealing with the issues.  Are you hearing voices or hearing the voice of God?  Are you speaking jibberish or speaking in tongues?  Are you autistic or an enthusiastic proselytizer?  Are you abusive and treating people as less than human or being a loyal follower of the literal word of God?  It’s easy to hide your neurosis, psychosis, or straight-up evil behavior, behind a religious facade, and nobody can question you because “freedom of religion.”

And I agree that healthy religions need to allow space for this conversation.  Because the overwhelming majority of religious people really and truly are good people who want to be better people.  And they’re as appalled with these abuses as I am, and as those who imagine religion is out to hurt them believe.  More and more religions are opening up to this important process and working to clean out the festering infections in their families.  This is difficult but good and will make us all better people.

And I get that this is difficult and some aren’t there yet.  We want to give some space for people to find their way through the healing process. Some try to find alternate religions, or make their own.  The whole “I am God, you are God, everyone’s a god-god,” “divinity in everything” BS is part of that “choose your own religion” mentality.  It’s another flavor of  rejectionism: If I can’t succeed by following an established religion, I’ll make my own where I’m guaranteed to win.

And I know I’ll get the questions – well weren’t all religions created by “crazy people” who downloaded some stuff that turned out to be aligned with God?  Well, yeah, probably.  Not all the stuff that comes out of crazy people is nonsense.  Some is pretty inspired stuff. 

So what’s the difference between your drug-induced “enlightenment” in the jungle and Buddha’s Sutras?  Who am I to say that you aren’t adding the next Sutra to the canon instead of spouting off crazy bullshit?  Well, first of all, I’m not dismissive of every insight.  Some I test as accurate, at least in part, but many don’t hold up to that test.  And by many I mean 99.99+% of the “insight” out there.

And within that very large percentage of BS religious insight, there are big patterns.  One of which is that the “insight” conveniently aligns to the, well, convenience, of the person conveying the insight.  That’s a big red flag.  The ones God has chosen to convey his message have to suffer tremendously, and usually the message is one the person really doesn’t want to hear.  At best the message is neutral.  But in the huge majority of cases, God wants the messenger to throw away their entire life up to that point, embrace a life of poverty as a social outcast, and likely be murdered by an angry mob or die in abject poverty.  So if God is telling you “you’re God, keep fucking around, doing drugs and playing in the desert and giving crappy spiritual advice to people who pay you,” …yeah… no… no.  No.  That ain’t God talking.

God isn’t going to waste his time telling you “you’re doing just great.”  He *might* encourage you to keep going through really bad shit, but why would God go out of his way to say “You’re awesome, Dave!  Rock on, dude!” 

That’s not to say you aren’t awesome and don’t rock on, but don’t confuse yourself and spiritually vulnerable people by claiming it’s the voice of God saying that.  Positive self-talk is important and a healthy self-esteem, but don’t go crazy.

And if this triggers you – “Are you saying that I’m crazy?!?  You’re not qualified to say that!!!  You don’t know me!!!!” Consider that trigger is yet another of probably many, many signals you’ve been getting that you need to attend to your mental health and seek professional help.

Because seeing a religious statement doesn’t trigger an emotionally healthy person to respond.  And challenges to one’s mental health also don’t trigger a response in people who are emotionally healthy.  People who are not mentally ill can handle opposing viewpoints or challenging questions and don’t feel compelled to react or respond to everything.  And if the thought of religion compels you to create an alternate fantasy religion to escape, well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it isn’t an alligator.  And the damage you’re doing to vulnerable people is real and uncalled for, you need to stop that shit.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Coming Home: When "What I Want to Do" and "What I Need to Do" Merge

 Circumstances are beginning to feel like destiny.  Maybe because they are.

About a year ago I bought a house in Pensacola, Florida.  I planned at the time – or so I told myself – to rent it out and just have a storage shed in the back for fishing stuff.  Over that year, the fishing and other stuff expended to include a fell set of Orion crystals and matrix, stuff for food preparation, laundry and showering, a folding table to eat on and even some clothes, on top of the “fishing stuff.”  And a car. 

I can’t say I was living out there but I was definitely maintaining a life out there, and looking back at the pictures from when I was there, living my best life out there, and feeling kind of sad and disconnected when I’d come back to Southern California. 

Meanwhile, the energies in Florida resonated and enhanced my spiritual energy practice.  When I was in Florida, my energy work was stronger and free of resistance and distortion.  Things were easy.  And at the same time energetic conflicts with the tenants grew.

Finally things tipped over.  The tenants had to leave early and I decided to alter my “plans” and try keeping the house for myself pay the mortgage, visit often and see if I could make it work.

As soon as I made that decision, energies shifted dramatically in a big way.  And after my last visit, I set up a crystal matrix that is now my source.  My energy center is no longer in California, where I spend most of my time, but my home in Pensacola, Florida.  In order to do my work now, I tap into that energy, instead of connecting from here to there as part of a grid.  Pensacola is now the hub, Los Angeles is the spoke.

I saw all this coming, but I didn’t want to believe it.  First, I didn’t think I could afford it.  Still have my doubts.  Second, it’s a bit of an undertaking.  Third, it’s what I really wanted, and I’d become used to assuming whatever I wanted was secondary to the “greater good,” that the two were never aligned. 

After meditating on it and seeing the results of the transition, it’s obvious now that in fact what I want IS the greater good.  Not that “doing what you want is the best thing for the world,” but in this case, they are aligned.  Which means I am called forth to commit and sacrifice to make this a priority and make it work.

And the energies have shifted dramatically over the past few months as pathways have opened up.  Yes, this IS where I belong.  It is home.  And it is necessary for the next phase of my work, as well as my happiness and the happiness of my family and the “greater good.”

It’s worth spending a little time inquiring about the belief that “what I want” is somehow inherently not aligned with my higher purpose or the greater good.  That’s a real limiting belief, and I’m sure a lot of other people share that belief.  I know they do. 

Where does that come from?  I know I grew up with a belief that you put in the work and delay gratification for something better down the road, and to “do the right thing.”  And at some level, I suppose that’s true.  You want to get the degree to get the better job, to open up more opportunities.  But somewhere in there is another belief that I’m sacrificing to do what others think is important, because I should serve them first. 

Some of the things currently in my life – including my entire energetic practice – fall into that “this is crazy stuff” category, things I do on the side after I’ve taken care of all the important things.  But the thing is, when I’ve actually been true to my higher self, free from fear, delusion, false hope and shame, it’s been right.  But I don’t always listen and honor that inner voice.

In this case, I did.  And in every step, it seemed like “this isn’t the right time, I can’t afford it, this won’t work,” but it not only works, it turns out to be necessary, and far earlier that I imagined the timeline to be.  And it’s worked out far better. 

And everything else from that – the massive improvement in energy work, the feeling of being “home,” everything, it’s all better. 

I’m feeling like the home was not something I pushed, even though it felt like it at the time, but something that pushed me.  It was something I had to do, but since I wanted to do it, it didn’t feel like a sacrifice, it felt like a joy. 

So I’m going to expand my altar and energetic practice in my new home and we’ll see where I’m called to go next.  But I finally have a home.  I’m finally on the right path.