Monday, August 8, 2016

Updates From the Lifting of the Energetic Veil

The energy coming off this is so strong and clean.  I picked up this bracelet in Thai Town Saturday and attuned it over the weekend.  I wonder if the lifting of the veil is causing crystals to activate at even higher vibrations. All my crystals are vibrating very, very high. 
I’m told jade is my stone, compatible with my birthday.  The energy is definitely good now with the bracelet.  And these stones are “raining energy” – reactivated them.  It’s a lot of strong energy.

I had a very powerful coaching session with a client, guiding him through an energetic cord-cutting meditation Sunday.  It was a great session for him, and impactful for me as well – I experienced many energetic shifts from the coaching experience as the coach.

His issue was cutting the energetic cords with his mom, which is an issue for all men it seems.  It’s a challenging aspect of our work as men, so I’m glad I can do my part to help. 
This happened at the same time I was in the middle of massive creative output for Destin’s book as well as my fiction book.  A lot going on. 

Meanwhile, my energy has been calling me to “stand my ground” and assert my boundaries.  This has led me through some stressful days and feelings of anger and anxiety, but it was long overdue. I’m standing up to the big “bully’ in my life – who really isn’t a bully, but someone I’ve given away my power to again and again.  With this energy elevation, my higher self is having none of that and demanding firm boundaries and respect for my space and expression.
Going through that has felt stressful.  My system is very unaccustomed to this kind of setting and sitting in firm boundaries, as opposed to being reactive and accommodating.  But every time my habits would pull me toward compromise, my higher self would insist on asserting myself.  And in the end it felt good.  Yes, very stressful going through it, and I’m sure the conflict isn’t over, but this is right.  I feel good about myself in a way I haven’t, I’ve released a huge energetic block.  And I’ve kept the jerk in my life from dumping her baggage into my energetic space. 

I have to trust this process – my energy is elevating at a rapid rate, but it looks different than other people, because my blocks and challenges are different.  But look at the weekend – highest energetic attunement powers ever, incredible energy and coaching experience, MASSIVE creative output in a short period of time, and removing a very large and stubborn block in my energy.
That’s a REALLY good weekend!

Yes, it came with energy-induced sleep issues, some stress going against the grain of my patterns, and it didn’t “feel good.”  I’m fatigued, dizzy, unsettled in my energy.  And it’s an insanely powerful experience!  Awakening isn’t supposed to “feel good,” it’s supposed to do good.  And this is doing a whole lot of good.  I’m moving powerfully toward truth, expression and freedom and away from unhealthy patterns. 
That’s a sign that the veil is lifting.  Feeling lightness and happiness while my world stays stuck in the same patterns is not movement, it’s energetic masturbation.  It’s the escapism that plagues the New Age community. Change is tough.  Choosing freedom and full expression of truth is not easy.  That’s the whole point – if it was easy we wouldn’t need higher vibrations of energy to get there, everyone would just do it and world would be great.  Obviously we’re not there, and the faster I can move along my path the more I can do to help in the transition.

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