Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Thank You, Fan!

I want to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" to my supporters out there.  It's because of you I brought the blog back from hibernation.

The last incarnation I had a small, loyal group of fans, but it was always a struggle getting any kind of momentum and some days it felt like more trouble than it was worth.  I'm realizing now this was because I still wasn't speaking my truth, so the blog wasn't giving people enough value.

Now - the fan base is steadily growing, Twitter is continuing to grow and be a real active source of dialogue and information (at around the time I was about to completely give up on Twitter ever offering value).  More importantly, I'm able to reach out and help people, through coaching, collaboration and through sharing my truth with you.

So - thank you.  For those who stuck with me all these years, thank you.  For those just now joining up - thank you.  For those finding value in what I'm doing here, thank you.  It means a lot to me to know my efforts are making a real difference.  It's what gives me the energy and inspiration to keep going. 

The major reason all of this is anonymous is because I want this to be about the message and the value I'm providing to you, not about me personally (well, if you're inspired, I'd invite you to become a coaching client :-)
I want the attention to remain on my message - that's what's really important here - not the messenger.  I'm proud of the work I do, but this here is my chance to give something of value to the universe without people knowing who it is. 

I realize this is a rather counterproductive strategy for developing a coaching practice, but I like it this way.

So here's to you - my fan.  I'll hold a can for you any day. 

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