Friday, August 26, 2016

Yes, I'm Judgmental. And Spiritual. And You Should Be Too.

The whole “non-judgmentalism” aspect of the Western spiritual movement is, quite frankly, bullshit.
Yes, I’m being judgmental here.  Yes, I’m spiritual.  And no, there isn’t a problem with holding those two things.  Frankly, all good spiritualists should be questioning what’s going on and using some judgment, instead of swallowing all the bullshit and calling it ice cream.
Let’s get real – the spiritual community in the West, and particularly in California where I live, is a complete mess.  What started off as an attempt to connect with Source outside of the fault-ridden structures of established religion has devolved into a meaningless mushpile of feel-good platitudes, ungrounded “feelings” in replacement of spiritual connection, and an excuse for people to behave selfishly and prideful without being called out, because pointing out shitty behavior is “judgmental.”
The spiritual community in the West likes to imagine it is without sin – because they like to imagine sin doesn’t exist in their religious structure.  Except for one cardinal sin – Thou shalt not judge.  Which includes pointing out how everyone is happily marching to the edge of a cliff – nope, that might hurt someone’s feelings, which goes against the tenants of the First Spiritual Church of Feelings.
I’ve had it with this bullshit. And I’m not afraid to say so.  And no, I’m not going away just because others feel uncomfortable with my truth – some people need to start feeling uncomfortable now.
Spirituality – connection with Source – is not about eating vegan.  It’s not about organic food, or body poses, or justifying your desire for lots of random sex.  It’s sure as hell not about practicing Non-Violent Communication.  There’s nothing inherently good or bad about any of those things, but there’s absolutely nothing sacred or spiritual about them, either.  Sorry – everything you do isn’t “spiritual,” just because you want to connect to universal truth and have certain hobbies or political opinions.
Connection to spirit, to Source, to universal truth, means putting aside your ego and preference and listening.  It means, by definition, some things will be true and other things will be (*trigger warning*) false. 
Yah, not everything that pops into your head is a spiritual truth.  A lot of it is bullshit.  Which is okay, we all have bullshit thoughts, but it’s not okay when you’re insisting that your bullshit is divine and everyone should eat it and call it ice cream.
Sorry, I’m not doing that anymore.  Actually, I’m not sorry.  I’m not at all sorry that I’m being called forth to call bullshit when I see it.  And throwing the “judgment” card at me isn’t going to work – we are SUPPOSED to use judgment!
This isn’t the same thing as prejudging people, discriminating, oppressing or being bigoted.  Those tend to fall into prejudgment – casting judgment on things and people you don’t really know.  But being open-minded doesn’t mean one does not evaluate the facts in front of them – the mind is there for a reason and discernment is a valuable attribute of an evolved being.
So when someone wants to explore his or her sexuality, that’s great.  When someone insists their doing so makes them “spiritual,” that’s where I call bullshit.  Refraining from sex doesn’t make one more connected to Source.  Neither does engaging in sex.  Sure, you can bring your spiritual connection into either your practice of celibacy or sexual connection, just as one can bring their spirituality into reading a book or breathing.  But none of those activities is inherently spiritual, and all of them can and are badly misused (okay I’m hard-pressed on an example that applies to breathing – maybe being annoying and socially uncalibrated in one’s “conscious breathing” and using spirituality as an excuse for being socially retarded and inconsiderate, I’ve experienced instances of this from time to time).
When someone posts an obviously touched-up skin selfie that’s clearly meant to get attention for their ego and adds some spiritual bullshit in the description, I see what you’re doing, and it’s bullshit.  You’re using spirituality and the “one sin of spirituality” to immunize yourself from criticism while you’re being an attention whore.  (And just in case you move on to the ‘misogyny’ card, keep in mind I know quite a few men who engage in this behavior too.)  If you just posted your “look at me, I’m an insecure person in love with my wounds!” selfie without the obvious “I’m being spiritual so you can’t call me out on my bullshit” tags, I’d be annoyed but I wouldn’t really care.
But when you very obviously engage in bullshit behavior AND call it spiritual – yah, I’m done looking the other way.  Because you’re bullshit is polluting the environment for everyone else.  And when enough people do the same crappy things, you end up with what we have now – a group of talented people that is hopelessly lost and going off a cliff at a time when we really need people to step up in this world.
We are going through a major evolutionary change.  No, all is not good and well, you can’t just sit there thinking good thoughts and expect to get through this.  Yes, your vibration is rising, yes you have gifts.  And no, that doesn’t mean you can do whatever the fuck you want and think it’ll all be okay, because actions have consequences.  Bullshit creates more bullshit – THAT’S how the LOA is working out for the spiritual community.
I’m saying “bullshit” not because I want everyone to feel bad and go crawl under a rock and die.  I’m saying it because, you all need to wake up, smell the bullshit, CHANGE, and start helping to truly heal the world.  You can’t do that if you’re being selfish, self-deluded, inconsiderate, capricious, prideful and just plain stupid. 
It’s time to end your love affair with your wounded inner child, heal, step up and start helping, instead of expecting the world to accommodate your personal issues free from “judgment.”  I see you being stupid, that doesn’t mean I believe you are stupid – if I thought this was truly the best you could do, I would be quiet and leave you alone.  If I truly thought “this is the best you can do,” I wouldn’t feel frustrated.  It’s because I know how talented and gifted and truly amazing you are and you are capable of being that I’m so fucking pissed that you’re throwing away your abilities on utter BULLSHIT.
We really need the help over here – over here on the side that uses judgment to act for what is right, not what just feels good.  Over here on the side that knows thoughts create chaos and suffering as well as bliss, and that we are all personally responsible for the suffering our world is going through.  The side that knows we can turn this around if we pull our heads out of our asses and start playing in the real world.
We can work to change things for the better, or we can spend our lives with our heads in the sand while the energetic forces create the change without us – violently and painfully.  Because no matter how far we try to hide our heads, we will not escape the truth. 
And if you think judgment is painful, wait till you see what a violent attitude adjustment looks like.  Get ready, it’s happening.

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