Friday, May 4, 2018

I'm Starting to Like Donald Trump - and Hate The Progressives

I really like what Donald Trump is doing as President.  To say I’m pleasantly surprised by the job he is doing would be an understatement.  I’m elated with the job he’s doing.  In fact, I’m not sure there is a US president in my over-forty-year lifetime who I can say did a better job, certainly not over the period of time that Trump has been President.  It’s been nothing sort of remarkable.

Which means I was very wrong about Trump.  I thought he was a terrible candidate in the primaries, and a just-slightly-better-than-his-opponent candidate in the general election.  I thought he would be a poor President, but at least better than the alternative.  I was wrong.  The Republican primary voters made the best choice and Trump, despite having zero political experience and running the weirdest campaign I’ve ever seen for any office, is turning out to be a very, very good President.

Moreover, I’m finding myself actually warming up to Donald Trump the man.  Yah, despite all his personal flaws on display, I’m finding I actually like the guy.  He’s not perfect, but none of us is.  And the fact that his rough edges are there for everyone to see, and that he keeps going and doesn’t let his imperfections stop him, makes him likable.
There, I said it.  I like Donald Trump.  I’ve actually gone all the way from “Never Trump” to a fan of the man and a huge supporter of his presidency.  Not just because he’s conservative, but because he’s actually doing a good job in office.  I was wrong about him. 

And I am wrong about what it takes to be a good US President.  Experience in politics is overrated.  Even policy is secondary. Strength in convictions and the ability to keep fighting and making good decisions is everything in a good US leader, and Trump has those qualities in spades.

Yah, yah.  He has a lot of marriages in his past.  Me too.  He’s been unfaithful to women. I’m not sure that’s even a black mark on a person anymore – I’ve seen too many people who are “faithful” and evil, and who are “unfaithful” and good people that I’ve come to the point that fidelity is a personal lifestyle choice that has almost nothing to do with a person’s character and judgment (apart from their personal relationships). 

He says crude things about women. Problem is, while women “officially” say “oh that’s bad,” the truth is women are very attracted to men who embody those sorts of qualities.  Confidence is sexy.  “Being polite” is actually a hinderance to attraction.  I’ve addressed this contradiction elsewhere, but men who are faithful , loving, attentive, polite and respect a woman’s personal boundaries are at an inherent disadvantage when it comes to attracting women. Because women are a contradiction.  Men too.  Our basic natures are in constant conflict with “civilization,” precisely because “civilization” is specifically designed to mute and repress human nature. 

But human nature in its unvarnished form is sexy.  And deep down, women are powerfully attracted to men who are like Trump.  (In fact there’s been a fair amount of conversation around women who “officially” hate Trump but who are irresistibly attracted to MAGA guys, because those guys are more naturally connected to their masculine sexuality.  This is absolutely the truth – women love “populist conservative” men – men like Trump, not “refined” conservatives like Jeb Bush, and definitely not liberal men – those guys get cheated on, a lot.)

And that may seem off-topic, but it isn’t.  I said I like Trump.  Not just his policies, not just the fact he’s conservative, not just his deal-making, but the man himself (the man supposedly everyone hates).  His brash, unvarnished, confident, unapologetic masculinity is refreshing and inspiring.  This is a man who stands in his power, who fights for what he believes in.  And who fights for the people who I like – the decent people in the “vast middle” of the country who are far away from the politics and culture of the “civilized” big cities (which I hate).

I may personally like drinking wine and craft beer, but I relate to the people who drink Budweiser.  I may personally love Thai and Asian food and be very immersed in other cultures, but I still identify with the small-town people and those who love a good barbequed steak.  I may have a professional job, but I really identify with people who work with their hands.

Even in my connection with Thailand, my “roots” are rural farming and small villages – it’s Thai Trump Country.  Bangkok is nice to visit, but not where my heart is.  I love home cooked meals and don’t like going to restaurants and paying a fortune.  I like a simple life.  I like low taxes, minimal government services and a world where the government largely stays the hell out of everything.  And amazingly, this billionaire from New York is the only US President I’ve ever seen who truly fights for the people I identify with and the things I believe in.

Which is why I’m starting to like him – he’s a lot like me. He’s an urban professional with the heart of a farmer in “flyover country.”  He’s a Thai “Red Shirt” with a Republican Red Hat.  He fights for the people without shoving the government up their ass. 

And he REALLY fights, no matter what.  The media doesn’t get the last word with him.  The “city folks” don’t own him.  I trust him.  Ironically, I trust him.  Because his words might contradict, but his ACTIONS don’t.  I don’t care what someone says – I’m skeptical of polished speakers. I care what they do and his actions as President are the most trustworthy I’ve seen of any President.  He can tell a hundred lies before breakfast, but I have no doubt he will do right by the people I care about.  That’s trustworthiness. 

And the more I grow to like Trump, the more I’m growing to despise his haters.  Because in every way, they are proving to be the opposite of Trump.  Muted, subservient, unsexy masculinity, wimpy, flaky, oppressive, and completely disrespectful of the people I love. 

It’s not even about policy – though I hate their ideology too, but I can live with that.  It’s personal.  The whole conversation around “toxic masculinity.”  Heck, the whole “conversation” bullshit itself.  The “collectivism for everyone but me” attitude.  The smarminess.  The arrogance.  The false sense of intellectual heft (most of the “resistance” who imagines themselves  smart are truly not that intelligent, they just stupidly repeat each others’ talking points like parrots), the inability to cook a meal at home or do their own laundry or any other basic human function, their stubborn attachment to bad sex (even among the supposedly “evolved”) and even worse sexual roles.  Even the way they dress themselves and the drinks they order at Starbuck’s and the bar. Their incessant need to try to tell everyone what to do, how to think, down to every stupid little detail, instead of butting the fuck out and giving people space.  The whole “manspreading” and “mansplaining” bullshit. The motherfucking Yoga classes and attire.  All of it.

It’s gone beyond annoying.  I’m growing to detest these people and lose respect for them as human beings.  Because it’s impossible to really respect people who constantly disrespect themselves and everyone else. 

I grew up around people who disagreed with me politically.  That’s fine.  I like that disagreement.  This is cultural.  “Progressive” culture sucks.  Because the people who created that culture and buy into it fucking suck as people.  I’ve been around the world and seen a lot and Western “progressive culture” is THE WORST.  It ABSOLUTELY.  FUCKING. SUCKS.  Asia doesn’t have this shit.  “Red country” US doesn’t have this shit.  Africa doesn’t have this shit.  South America doesn’t have this shit. Western Europe, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand urban areas have this shit – and nobody else – and it FUCKING SUCKS.  Western urban progressives are LITERALLY the worst human beings on Planet Earth.

There, I said it.  And I mean every word.  And it took the election of Donald Trump and the emergence of Western Progressives in their full, ugly glory to bring it fully to light.

I can see now what’s going on with the “Resistance.”  This isn’t about getting a flawed man out of the White House.  It’s nothing but a bald-faced attack on “us,” the huge majority of people who are proud to NOT be Western Progressives.  That’s what this is.  It has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with these pathetic assholes’ disdain for “flyover people,” whether those people are in the US or Thailand or anywhere else. 

And all this crap about “toxic masculinity” isn’t about making us better people.  It’s about neutering powerful men.  And it’s bullshit.  I’d rather live with the “rough edges” of society than submit to the bullshit “civilization” Western Progressives want for us.  And I will fight with every last breath for my side, because it’s becoming clear Progressives aren’t just in polite disagreement with me, they want me dead. 

They want everyone who isn’t them dead.  They’re no different than the “purgers” under Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot and Mao.  They just give themselves a different name, but their aim is the same – complete hegemony and the destruction of the “other side.”  There is no middle ground.  They’re at war with us.  They’re trying to overturn an election in the US – not because they think Trump is unsuitable, but because they honestly believe his VOTERS are unsuitable.  They believe people like me and the people I love are “unsuitable.”

The “Resistance” loves to compare Trump to Hitler, but that comparison belies a truth in their own nature.  While the people they hate support “mind your own business,” it is the Progressives who actively support Hitleresque policies – “hate speech,” government intervention in every aspect of life, purging opposition, and socialism are all Hitler/ Nazi things.  Saul Alinsky would be right at home in Nazi Germany – his tactics were lifted from Nazi propaganda and power-grabbing tactics.  Abortion – especially selective abortion for things like Downs Syndrome - is 100% a Nazi concept that is a critical part of eugenics.  Anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel is a Progressive thing.  It’s very, very clear who are the Nazis – the ones calling everyone else Nazis. 

But let’s look at the facts.  Harvey Weistein is “theirs,” not “ours.”  The rapists in the Tantra and Yoga communities (and it’s fucking RAMPANT) are “theirs,” not “ours.”  The gangs are all “theirs.”  The homeless encampments are “theirs.”  Bill Cosby is “theirs.”  The massive immigrant underclass is all “theirs.”  Islamic terror is “theirs.”  Don’t believe me?  Whose wearing their fucking SYMBOL of OPPRESSION, the hajib?  Not us.  We spread our legs on the subway and “say mean things,” they’re fucking RAPING and KILLING.

We like home-cooked meals prepared by women who love us.  We adore women who do laundry, clean the house, take good care of our children and love and respect us.  They create fucking RAPE CULTS, they systematically rape aspiring starlets, they support a culture that rapes and beats women.  They lie about the damage abortion causes to women.  But look who their society has made the enemy – those “patriarchal men.” 

Well, fuck them.  Good women are with us. MOST women are with us.  Deep down, most of these “progressive” women would GLADLY stay at home and raise children – and be DELIERIOUSLY HAPPY doing so – with a man who made her feel like a real woman and truly took care of her.  Trump may be a poor husband in his personal life, but he speaks for the men and women who get it and who haven’t bought into the bullshit Progressive culture trap.

So yah.  I like Trump. I’m liking him more and more every day.  And I’m seeing the truth about his enemies.  Because they’re my enemies too. And I won’t ignore that anymore.

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