Friday, July 8, 2016

Awakening Energy: Everything is Not Awesome

"The Earth is being bombarded with awakening energy?  AWESOME!!  Um... Tell me again what is 'Awakening Energy,' because I wasn't listening."
I recently read a post on one of the many “spiritual” Facebook groups about the flood of awakening energy hitting Earth. Basically the tone was “everything is going to be so wonderful when energy hits!”  I’ve written about this very thing previously, with a much more measured tone.  Yes, in the overall scheme of things, the flood of energy that is coming (and which we are experiencing now and for a couple more months as a “preview”) will ultimately result in a much more highly-evolved human race and Planet Earth.  And weighing the pluses and minuses, the pluses will far outweigh the minuses.
But evolution is difficult – traumatic even.  And sudden, massive evolution on a scale never seen before will also result in a level of disruption, chaos and trauma at an equally high level.  So yes, the world is getting better and the evolving energy is exciting – but all fun and games and light and wonderful??  No. 
I’m an optimist at heart, but also empathic.  (I believe an optimist who isn’t empathic can be extremely dangerous.)  Yes, the world is elevating, but many are suffering.  Many more will suffer.  And there is only so much we are going to be able to do about the inevitable suffering.
Yes, the planet is being flooded with energy.  But try telling the families of victims of police shootings, or the cops recently shot in Dallas, or the people killed in Orlando, or Syria, or Turkey or Iraq that this is a good thing. 
And this is only the beginning.  The Cabal is crumbling, and it’s going to take a lot of innocent people down with hit.  To say nothing of people who, though no ill intent, trusted the Cabal and are heavily invested in their dying paradigm.  A lot of people are going to suffer – some whom we won’t feel at all bad for, and many others who will elicit our sympathy. 
Chaos is often the preferred form of transformation energy, because it changes things immediately and permanently. But it has a lot of unpleasant side effects.  Anyone who cares about human suffering is going to feel at times this “evolution” is more than our planet can bear. We may know “it’s all for the best,” but there will be many moments where it will not feel at all like a “good thing.” 
Just look at human evolution up to this point – let’s take the last 200 years – and how much suffering accompanied that evolution.  Now imagine those 200 years as a very small fraction of the evolution that’s going to transpire over the next ten to one hundred years. 
This all sounds like doom-and-gloom, but it isn’t.  It’s a clear picture of what is and will be transpiring.  Look around – the world is rapidly evolving with many wonderful things either here or coming very soon.  And there is suffering and chaos on many levels.  It’s the trade-off.  Many people are not psychically equipped to handle higher frequencies of energy.  Others can survive, but the disruption in their lives (due to personal beliefs, implants, etc.) will be massive.  It’s impossible not to feel suffering for the humanity in this situation, even as we celebrate our evolution and welcome the energy.
I am concerned, however, that many people with the power to do much good for the world, due to their knowledge of spiritual energetics, are consciously sticking their heads in the sand (or other dark, soft spaces) and singing “Everything is Awesome!”  Because there are a lot of awesome things, but no, EVERYTHING is most certainly not awesome, and we should be working together to do more about this.

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