Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Asking for the Moon and Stars

I got a message from Etienne that the archangels were working on opening my first Dan-tien below and second Dan-tien.  He sent the message a little after midnight Sunday morning.  I was out of range – camping – and was awakened at 2am and compelled to sit and meditate, despite being incredibly tired.  Something big was happening but I didn’t know what.  Even after I saw Etienne’s message, I really didn’t know what that meant as far as impact.
Well, apparently, among other things, it opened up a whole new level of attractiveness and sexual confidence.  I could feel the attraction from others everywhere I went.
It also apparently opened up a lot of manifestation energy.  I cast some “spells” last night (intentions, but asking the archetypes to deliver), and got back an interesting response from my archetype:
“Asking for everything you want – however excessive you might think it is – is not selfish.  You’re asking in the service of the greater good, and with full awareness and consideration for others.  So therefore everything you ask for is good, only withholding and suppressing your true desires would be bad.
“Your desires might appear selfish or base, but when you ask in service of your higher self, there is no such thing as an inappropriate ask.  So ask for everything you desire and hold nothing back.  Only then can you truly begin to fulfill your purpose.”
Wow, that’s really interesting.  How many times have I suppressed my desires because that’s selfish or hurtful to someone, or unreasonable, or I feel unworthy?  Or that I believed even having such a desire meant I wasn’t fulfilling my highest purpose?
What if I have that all backwards?
So I asked.  And I’ll ask for more and more until every desire has been expressed.
Last night I had some interesting dreams.  I also had some pretty strong discomfort in my second Dan-tien, which cleared up this morning (no doubt part of the work going on).  The dreams took me back to different places in my past, but at these places in time I made very different decisions.  I was still the “me” I was back then (complete with problems I don’t have now, and no awareness of my future self), but on a much different path.  I was asking for what I wanted, even though people were telling me I wasn’t ready, or that it was creating an “unequal relationship.”  I was ready to do what it takes to walk that new path, even before I was “ready.”
And really, are we ever “ready?”  I listened so much to the voices that said I’m not good enough, because I wanted to believe them.  I didn’t want to take that leap.  But in these dreams, I just went and did my learning on the way.  And I found out it was okay.
I don’t have to have anything figured out before going.  I don’t have to ask for what is “appropriate.”  And I can ask the universe for whatever I want, however crazy it might seem.  And the craziest part?  The “crazier” the wish, the MORE willing the universe is to manifest it.
That’s just… WOW. 
I’ve put a lot of dreams on the shelf and told myself I was happy.  But the thing is I really AM happy!  I don’t at all feel unfulfilled.  I have a very happy life now and only really one thing in life that causes me unhappiness.  And even this one thing I’ve found peace and acceptance.
So I don’t feel lack, or unhappiness.  I feel happier than ever.
But there are things I put up with now that I would like to eliminate from my life.  And there are things I don’t have that I tolerate, but deep down I would like.   I don’t really see those things as bringing me more happiness (well, one thing will bring me more sleep, which would bring more happiness, so yes, one thing that would help greatly), but yes they would reduce stress and worry and align me much more with my purpose. 
Even the crazy wishes really would further my mission.  In some cases, massively so.
So my archetype is right – asking for things isn’t selfish, it really is freeing up more resources to serve my greater purpose.
And the sense I get is I will receive those things asking for.  Even the crazy, no-way-this-will-work ones.
Want to start living big, start asking big. 

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