Friday, October 21, 2016

Assange, Snowden, Collective Denial and The Path Forward

Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are trying to tell America something, but nobody wants to listen.  Even Donald Trump, in his own way, is seeing the writing on the wall and trying to warn us.  But people would rather blame Russia, attack the messengers, and fret over Twitter wars than wake up and see what’s going on.
The American government, the American news media, and both major parties are corrupt to the core.  The American government, which is charged with protecting the rights, safety and well-being of its citizens, is instead spending its time spying on its own citizens, engaging in outright corruption and subversion of the democratic process, and squashing any actual expression. The American news media, charged with providing people with the truth, is instead engaged in willful lying to and manipulation of the American public.  Both political parties are subverting the will of their own voters (though Republican voters, to their credit, saw what was going on and voted for the one person their party couldn’t control – whose turned out to be a nut, but there may be hope the revolution within the GOP will continue).

Black Lives Matter and the War on Women are both pure invention – total bullshit made up by political operatives, wealthy people like George Soros, and the media to distract people from what’s really going on.  Yes there are more VIDEOS of black people being shot by police, but the actual NUMBER of shootings had been steadily declining for quite some time.  We have had cell phone video for years, but JUST NOW it’s become an issue.  Because Soros wanted to manipulate American society.

War on Women, same thing.  There is no war on women.  Women have it better in American society than ever, by every measure.  It was pure bullshit concocted by political hacks and the sycophants on the Internet.

Syria, Iraq and ISIS – more of the same.  The data is out, thanks to hackers.  This whole “war” was created by the US, with some help from Iran.  We’ve been funding and supporting both sides.  Why?  Hey, that’s a really good question.  One that nobody can answer.  And yet President Obama thinks going to war with Russia over this fake war in Syria is a great idea. 
We toppled Quadaffi… why?? Americans weren’t calling for his head.  In fact, he was working with us to comply with international treaties.  So… take him out and let the crazies take over and call it a win??

The reason none of this makes sense is because it’s all bullshit.  It’s all invention to keep people distracted.  And this isn’t conspiracy theory – the evidence has been released into the public domain.  It’s hard, irrefutable fact.
And yet, despite the facts, people would rather attack the messengers – claim that Assange and Snowden are Russian agents and attack Putin – than deal with this sham that is our government and news media.  Even with the hard truth sitting in front of us, people would rather be sheep, controlled by the government, deprived of any meaningful freedom, sitting in their coffee shops arguing about bathrooms and tilting at windmills about weather patterns.

And so it’s come to this – American society has devolved into two main classes – foppish, frivolous, arrogant city people who spend their time thinking up new ways to waste time and money on utterly frivolous things (fashion trends, social justice warriors, celebrity worship, dumb and impractical ‘solutions’ to global warming); and the know-nothings, who pride themselves on their ignorance (though, given what the city people take as “information,” they’re both know-nothings, just one side is more openly honest about it than the other), don’t venture past their small communities, and resist anyone and anything that’s “different.”
The two factions each has a facet of spiritual practice – one is Christianity and the other is New Age Spirituality.  Both of these facets have some value, but they have both become so corrupted as to be worthless and end up serving the powers of oppression and mass ignorance.  Interestingly, each faction can easily identify the corruption in the spirituality of the other (because it’s obvious to anyone not in the corrupt structure), and yet cannot see it in their own community and practice. 

And now we’ve gotten to the point where true spiritual connection is godless, politically incorrect, subversive, and must be squashed, or at least ridiculed and pushed to the fringes, while fake spirituality is celebrated.
Take every evangelical Christian leader – all spiritual frauds.  Pope Francis is a complete spiritual fraud – does he even still pretend to follow Christ?  And of course he’s celebrated among the progressive sheeple, because he’s a voice for their brand of oppression and group ignorance.

Moses Ma is nothing but a con artist, yet he’s celebrated.  All he does is leverage an email list, the guy is a complete joke.  Dali Lama – sorry, he’s a false prophet, too.  Underneath his facade is a desire to bring the people of Tibet back under dictatorship.  Under China, Tibetan people actually have more personal and spiritual freedom than they would under Dali Lama.  Deepak Chopra is nothing but feel-good bullshit and mind control.  The Law of Attraction as it’s taught is mind control.
So here we are, at the point where the world is experiencing the full force of awakening energy, and the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world is sticking its head further and further in the sand.

Change is going to happen.  The truth will prevail.  The veil of collective ignorance, the Social Justice Warrior movement, the false religions, the economic and political structure, will fall.  The question is how violently will it fall?
If Hillary Clinton is elected President, as seems likely now, it will be a World War III kind of awakening – massive violence and destruction with millions suffering.  The areas I saw as having potential for a more peaceful transition – the spiritual communities – are hopelessly attached to their spiritual denial and will not be ready to lead any kind of meaningful movement.  In fact, as it stands now, they’re in a worse place than “average American,” despite their arrogant assumptions of being “awakened” and “enlightened.”

Yah, we’re in big, big trouble.
It’s not like people haven’t been warning us, it’s that the huge majority people just don’t care.  But not caring or willful denial isn’t going to exempt one from the inevitable changes.  It’s just going to make it that much more painful for that person to change.

So where does this leave me in my journey?  The message I keep getting is to focus on clearing my energy and strengthening my practice.  But this also requires a clear mission.  And I have to consider how my efforts with individuals and communities that are deep in spiritual denial are serving my true purpose. 
I feel such a disconnect with the spiritual community, and yet an attraction to it as well.  I resonate with people who are wanting more in their life, who want to do something about their suffering.  Yet the arrogance, mind control, newspeak and deceit that goes on is so problematic.  It’s really difficult to be connected at all with a group that can be so thoroughly corrupt and delusional, however noble their intentions.

So this is where I’m at – trying to see how to be more clear in my mission while being engaged and not withdrawing from people and groups just because of imperfections.  And while holding fast to my truth.  All the while knowing everything’s going to fall apart here in a big way.  In the end, in comes down to siding with love and freedom over comfortable oppression.  Follow my heart, let everything else go.

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