Saturday, November 10, 2018

California Fires and Energetic Ascension

I’m writing this as I’m sitting in the orange glow of a sky obscured by clouds. I can feel the smoke in my lungs. Mileage wise I don’t live too far away from the fires in Los Angeles, but far enough away that they won’t get anywhere close to here.

I’ve lived in Southern California my whole life. After all these years, I’ve seen the energies here devolve more and more.  I don’t think staying in one place for a lifetime is a good idea.  Especially if that place is the Los Angeles area.  I’ve kind of found myself stuck here because of family commitments and bad decisions on my part. 

Every time I go to places outside of California, outside of the LA-San Francisco energetic swamp, things are considerably better.  Yes, Thailand of course.  The energy there is awesome, even with their problems. But even Arizona, or Colorado, or Pennsylvania.  Just about anywhere the energies are better. New York City has a lot of issues, as does Washington, DC, but even those places have better energy.  Coastal California really is an energetic shithole like no other. 

It’s a shame, really.  Such beautiful geography and weather, but polluted with decades of energetic crap. 

The forces of light – the Orions, the guardians of Source consciousness, are elevating the energy of Planet Earth.  There’s a lot of talk in California “hippie communities” about Ascension, but they get it all wrong.  Ascension isn’t where the world becomes some Communist utopia and everyone runs around naked hugging trees, living in communal villages, never shaving and having indiscriminate sex.  Or some weird Start Trek fantasy, which is basically Hippie Commune with advanced technology.  Bleah. 

Would any normal person even want to be stuck in that reality, much less consider it something ideal?  The huge majority of people would rather stay in their imperfect world than be stuck in the California Hippie idea of heaven.  Or even the California progressive idea of heaven.
Ascension isn’t going to lead to those places. It’s an alignment with truth.  If you remove all the blocks, distortions and falsehoods from the world, as well as all the dark energies, you get Ascension. 

But what if there exists a large concentration of dark energies, distortions and resistance in one place? And what if the people in that place have access to a lot of “evolved energies” that give them quite a bit of power? And what if these people are so attached to their distortions, falsehoods and dark energies (the Communist agenda and its offshoots) that they’d rather die than change?

Well, that would be California.

And the worst part is this energetic cancer is spreading around the world.  Oregon, parts of Colorado and Arizona, even Florida, Britain, Australia, Costa Rica. Bali.  All majorly infected. It’s even infected places like Montana.

Those who are in charge of elevating the energy here on Earth have patiently tried to shepherd Californians to realign.  Every time Californians have not only not changed, they dug in their heels stronger.  Now the situation is worse than ever.  California is aligned even more with 1960s hippie delusions, Burning Man, polluted sexual connections, misaligned ideology, spiritual self-delusion, all of it. 

Neither earthquakes nor fires nor every warning under the sun will change people’s minds, and the Archangels have seen enough. These fires are intense, focused and unstoppable.  The forces of light aren’t messing around anymore, and those resisting will be burned like chaff.

It’s harsh,  It’s tragic.  It’s sad.  And it’s inevitable.

So what’s my advice for people still listening to me? First, listen.  Not follow me, but attune your own psychic hearing and listen for the truth.  If you’re listening to me, you’re not deluded by the California false spiritual zeitgeist.  If you think I’m full of it, it won’t matter what I say, so I’ll wish you goodbye now.

My other advice,  focus on your own evolution. Don’t worry about the people resisting you or who won’t listen to you, despite your best efforts. If this is your circle, you need to find a new circle or go your own way.  Let the other people go – you can’t save them and it doesn’t look like anyone is changing.

I’m noticing things about these fires. They seem to be focused on destroying property, particularly in Malibu and Hollywood, but also in Northern California.  The timing is almost immediately after the election.  The response is “this is the new normal,” a sort of angry fatalism. 

The energies of these fires is unbelievable and having an immediate positive effect.  The people in the spiritual swamp are either in denial or a fatalistic death watch.  But the “normal people” (however few of them are left) who are just doing their thing are having a major energetic upleveling.  The handful of people that “get” what’s going on are quietly celebrating (because it looks bad to celebrate in the middle of a tragedy), because the surrounding energy is amazing and the dark forces are burning away.

So my last bit of advice is to soak up the energy, grow, evolve and don’t let the “bad news” get in the way of your own ascension.  It might seem unfair that you’re growing and evolving while people around you are suffering.  I understand that.  (Though I won’t lie, I’m happy to see Hollywood people taking it on the chin after all the messes they’ve caused.)  But don’t mute or diminish yourself at this time.  If your energy is rising, go with it, it’s what you’re called to do.   

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