Friday, October 12, 2018

Re. Feminism and Masculinity, the "Red Pill" Dudes Have Actually Swallowed the Same Blue Pill

"What if I told you both pills are blue?"

Whining About Feminism is Just as Toxic as Feminism.

Guys, if you want to get out from under the BS of Western media, the first thing you need to do is STOP BUYING INTO IT.

Let it all go.

It’s all bullshit.

You want to be a real, naturally grounded man?  Stop buying into the lies.  Notice I didn’t say “do the opposite of the lie,” I said get out entirely. 

You see, the “Red Pill” dudes, the “Men Going Their Own Way,” the angry anti-feminists, they’re all just as weak and pathetic as the guys who think they’re “woke” by handing their balls over to angry feminists. Because the problem isn’t that you’re on the wrong team, it’s that the ENTIRE GAME – the stadium, the crowds, the teams – DOESN’T EXIST in real life.

Real masculine grounded energy has NOTHING to do with artificial constructs like “patriarchy” or “feminism.”  It doesn’t care what some psycho wrote in Cosmo.  It couldn’t care less what you or anyone else thinks about Donald Trump.  It doesn’t run around trying to figure out “what women like,” or arguing with people about their opinions, or feeling angry or threatened because some socially maladjusted twit posted some screed from her computer.

I’ve seen a lot of guys who are “feminists” and “anti-feminists,” and basically they’re both different flavors of the same food:  pathetic sandwich.

If you aspire to being a man who stands in his own truth, who is grounded to his natural core, the first step is to STOP FOLLOWING THE ILLUSIONS OF OTHERS.  And “feminism” is an illusion.
Here’s a practice as an example.  Close your eyes, access stillness, and feel “feminism.”  Without thinking, without arguing, without reacting with anger or anything else, feel “feminism.”  What does it feel like?  Hot?  Cold?  Soft? Hard?

Yes, it’s a trick.  Because it DOESN’T ACTUALLY EXIST.  You can’t hold it or measure it.  It isn’t a song, it doesn’t sit in the breeze or float out in the distant universe.  You can’t call upon past or future lives to bring it to you.  IT ISN’T REAL – anywhere in the universe at any point in time.  Why?  BECAUSE IT IS AN EGO CONCEPT.

We do this with a lot of things.  The Ego tries to convince us it is real.  The Ego is actually a batch of neural pathways (so technically there is “something”) that sit in the brain and conceptualize our existence.  And along with this, we conceptualize a lot of other stuff that isn’t really there.

You think dolphins conceptualize patriarchy?  They may be aware that they exist and can die.  But no, dolphins don’t spend their time creating bullshit social constructs.  They also don’t hire coaches to teach them how to mate.  (And it appears dolphins actually do have sex for pleasure, like humans.  They just don’t have our BS hang-ups about it.)

Men in the West are trained to be afraid of women, afraid of the feminine.  It’s one thing to celebrate your masculinity, to be proud to be a man and what that means, and quite another to be afraid of women or of the feminine.  It’s not like this in every culture, but here in the West men are trained to be afraid of women. 

Men are afraid women think badly of them.  Afraid of women getting angry.  Afraid of feelings and emotions that might be considered “feminine.”  Afraid of Mom, afraid of their wives and girlfriends.  Afraid of everything woman.

And when you’re afraid of something, it owns you.  Why are so many Western men petrified little bitches when it comes to even talking to women they’re attracted to?  It’s that ingrained FEAR.  It shows up as passive fear, aggression, anger.  Even the whole “Red Pill” movement is based on fear.  As is the wimpy, supplicating “woke men” male feminist nonsense. It’s all fear – a society of wimpy men who don’t know how to deal with women, with the feminine.

I’m convinced that feminism was brought about because of Western men’s fear of women. It’s a mental disorder that manifested because the male fear of women started causing women to go crazy in response, and from that collective neurosis feminism was born.

I’m also convinced that 99% of our sexual disorders (including the really dysfunctional “normal Western sex life”) stem from this fear.  Men fear women, women respond and become neurotic.  Women become detached from their natural sexual response and expression.  Then we end up with this toxic non-orgasmic porn culture where women’s deep-seeded neurosis has led to their inability to naturally express and enjoy sex (which has in turn been defined as “normal”) while sexually objectifying themselves in ways that just make things worse and worse.

The sexual hang-ups men have also stem from fear of the feminine.  Homophobia comes from this, too (which only adds to the other problems above).

Again – other cultures where men aren’t afraid of women, women are much more connected to their orgasm.  Things that Western men are told “don’t work for women” work just fine.  Women are both more sexual, orgasmic and expressive and at the same time more modest, more careful about choosing partners, and not willing to debase themselves to satisfy some fear-based male fantasy.
In other words, men and our unnatural fear of women has fucked everything up and created all the monsters that are tormenting our lives.  Now we have feminism, distrust between the sexes, and really bad sex.  All these “issues” women have are a reflection of men’s inability to deal with this irrational fear of the feminine. 

Women aren’t born fucked up, but women are extremely adaptable and responsive, especially to men.  So if men (especially fathers) are carrying issues around women, she’ll catch those mental disorders like a virus and it fucks up her feminine expression.

This is why men like David Shade will advise men to “choose wisely,” citing “relationship to her father” as the #1 determinant of a woman’s sexual responsiveness. In other words, the less a woman is poisoned by the hang-ups of Western men, the easier it is for her to be extremely orgasmic.  He doesn’t say that last part, I connected those dots, and I’m not the first to do so.

To continue on that path a little longer, Western men are obsessed with the rational, logical mind, the ego. It’s good for some things, but when it comes to sex it sucks ass.  Western men have been given a lot of advice about “do this/ do that/ push here/ push there,” most of which focuses on the clit.  When a woman withdraws sexually, her body becomes less sensitive. This desensitization continues until only the clit (or even just a small part of the clit) is responsive, and then only with a lot of “work.”  But she wasn’t born this way, and it’s not “natural.”  Fucked up ego-driven society took away her naturally awakened feminine essence and replaced it with  rusty robot.  Then the same fucked up ego-driven world called that robot “normal” and “human.”

It dawned on me part of what Rion is doing with Natural Grounding is showing men what normal human feminine expression looks like.  And because it’s so rare in the West, it seems like Goddess energy or special or “awakened.”  I can tell you from personal observation backed up by that of many others that “awakened feminine” is actually “normal feminine.”  She’s made that way.  And as long as the men in her world don’t fuck it up by telling her there’s something wrong with being a woman, she’ll stay that way.  And she’ll go on to have a very happy and fully expressed sex life, regardless of whatever other problems she’ll have in her life.

If she senses at an early age that something is wrong, she’ll withdraw.  She doesn’t want to hurt men she cares about, so she’ll unconsciously hurt herself instead. 

And that fucked up ego-based fear is hurting men.  As long as you’re afraid of feminine polarity, you can’t access your full masculine polarity.  You become the walking mannequins we see all around – men controlled by their egos, unable to access their real masculine potential.  You become the wimpy, accommodating “nice guy,” or the posturing “aggro dude,” or the douchey “bro,” or the oppressive, insecure abusive man.  Or any combination of these.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.  We can un-learn all of these fears and hang-ups.  We can access a whole different plane of reality.  It’s a place where you’re a comfortable, grounded man, regardless of whatever other problems you have in life.  It’s a place where sex is easy, natural, very expressive and fun – because that’s how it naturally is and has been before we fucked it up with our egos.  You’ll have to let go of that limiting belief that it’s about you and your skillz and accept a higher truth that doesn’t serve your ego, but it’ll be a lot more enjoyable for you than some ego rush. 

Doesn’t that sound good?

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