Monday, August 7, 2017

Food Police and Doubts About Our Evolution

I’m being told by the Archangels that the forces of freedom and energetic elevation are gaining strength.  Everything I sense and energy test confirms this.

But I have my doubts.  Obviously, this is the intent of the news media, but it goes beyond news media to people I know (or thought I knew).   The forces of oppression and spiritual death seem stronger than ever. 

It finally got to the point I had to cull my social media and remove everyone and everything associated with the forces of oppression and spiritual death (and others who were simply deadwood).  It was quite a lot of people and groups.  My social media is better and I feel more open but part of me wonders if I’m not just sticking my head in the sand.

Certain flashpoints are particularly disturbing.  The food police is a big one – people who seem obsessed with telling everyone else what to eat and not eat.  Why would anyone care if someone else was eating sugar, or meat?  How can it be so important for you to be validated by other people when it comes to your eating?  And what the hell gives you the right to try to force people to choose your diet?  We’re talking about the most basic personal decision and the forces for oppression seem to be stronger than ever.

Diet is a personal decision.  Sure, if you have good information and resources, share the information.  But after that, people need to be free to make their own choices. That you don’t like other people eating meat, or sugar, or whatever, just shows you lack proper boundaries and have an inability to mind to your own business.  That’s a character flaw, not a noble cause.  It’s odd this has to be explained to so many people these days.  Eat what makes your body, mind and conscience feel best.  Seek and share information.  That’s all good.  Why can’t people just stop there?  Agree to disagree – why is this so damn hard for so many people?

We’ve got people who now want to regulate pets on the weird argument that owning pets contributes to global warming.  Really.  Whatever benefit you think you’re providing to the world by trying to control other people’s basic behaviors, that really shouldn’t be bothering you, is more than offset by the toxic energy you’re putting forth in trying to control your fellow human beings.

And it should be obvious trying to control people who aren’t hurting anyone is toxic.  People hate it, and they hate you for trying to impose on them.  As they should – oppressing others is wrong.  Duh.  The world would be better off if the people trying to control the basic behaviors of others simply killed themselves than tried to impose their will.  (Assuming they can’t, you know, just mind their own business like normal human beings.)  It’s one thing to stop people from murdering or stealing, it’s quite another to stop people from eating a hamburger or owning a dog.

I could possibly write off this sort of tendency to oppress as a mental disorder, but it’s too prevalent.  It’s more like a supervirus that’s infecting people at an alarming and ever-increasing rate.  It used to be people just knew you didn’t run around trying to take food off people’s plate or take away their dog. And the people who couldn’t mind their business were rightly seen as weirdos – disturbed people nobody took seriously. That kind of oppressive behavior was rightly considered sick.  Now it’s becoming the norm, not even considered extreme.  But it’s just as much of a sick illness as it ever was.  The only thing that’s changed is the percentage of people infected.

And it’s not just people in the news.  That can be explained by the distortions of the news media.  For example, the media created a false narrative that “police are killing black people in record numbers.”  We saw an explosion of videos of black people being shot by cops.  But the real data shows such police killings are at a record LOW.  The difference is explained (obviously) by the record number of people who own and operate video recording devices and easy access to sharing of videos.  So I can easily understand the disconnect between the media narrative (“Police War on Black People”) and the reality (lower crime, more professional policing).

But the control-freak illness is infecting people I know.  Real people. In ever larger numbers.  It’s not some nebulous “thing out there,” or some media distortion where people in Thailand think my house is on fire every time Southern California has a brushfire (I’m nowhere near fire country).  It’s real people I know who have become subjected to this madness.

It’s interesting.  As I write this, Etienne is writing about the challenges of “agreeing to disagree,” which is what this issue with food policing is all about.  You be vegan, I be omnivore.  I respect your lifestyle, you respect mine and we agree to disagree.  Easy peasy, right?  If I invite you to dinner, I’ll make sure it’s vegan and you don’t bother me about what’s in my fridge.  This is such a basic, basic aspect of “getting along with other people” it seems silly to even have to discuss this subject with anyone over the age of five.

Yet here we are, grown-ass people, getting in each others’ business because some people have a weird compulsion to rid the world of sugar and meat (which ain’t gonna happen) and apparently housepets.

Messing with someone’s dog used to be a really good way to get yourself shot.  And most juries would consider it justifiable.  Now it’s a political movement?  How fucked is that??

About as fucked as my having to drop friends because they value their personal opinions (on things they know little or nothing about) over connection and spiritual truth.  The even more fucked up thing is most of them consider themselves “spiritually evolved,” which apparently means “the cool kind of bigoted, oppressive asshole.”

And again, it’s not our differences of opinion that make them assholes, not at all.  I’m used to people disagreeing with me -it’s called a discussion, and it’s enjoyable.  But most normal people at the end of the day value their friendship over their need to have everyone validate their opinion every moment of the day.

Then Trump came along, and now for some people “having everyone agree with everything I believe” is THE most important thing in the world.  WTF?? People, your opinions don’t mean jack.  Neither do mine.  How you vote, whose president, this stuff matters little in the larger picture of things.  But if you’re someone holding yourself out as a spiritual practitioner and you’ve taken a hard stance for ego over greater connection, you’ve committed spiritual suicide.  That’s not Trump’s fault, that’s YOUR  decision.

But that’s exactly what so many people have done.  They’ve valued validation of temporal beliefs over the infinite. And at some point, I have no choice but to accept that “live and let live” has become a one-sided agreement and I need to let these people go.

And that brings me right back to my original thought – are we getting better?  How are we getting better?  How is Earth’s vibration rising when so many are falling in front of my eyes?  When supposedly conscious people are at the forefront of oppression and ego valuation, where is the evidence that confirms the planet is evolving and not devolving?

And the message I get back is “you’re too close to the problem to see the bigger picture.”  In other words “you can’t see it, you’re going to have to trust us and listen to your heart on this.”

So that’s where we’re at.  Earth is rapidly evolving, but apparently the forefront of that evolution isn’t in the West, and it certainly isn’t in California.  In fact things here will likely continue to rapidly devolve before they get better.

Until then, I’ll keep unfriending the food and pet police.

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