Tuesday, August 8, 2017

On the Google Controversy: I Am Spiritual, Not a Feminist

I’m not a feminist.  And at this point I can’t bring my efforts to today’s “feminists” in any way or form.  Feminism as it is today is toxic garbage that places temporal emotions over principles and truth.  There’s no longer any place for constructive discussion, much less action, under this tent, and I’m out.

You call yourself a feminist – fuck you, I’m not working with you.  That includes people I’ve been working with for many years up to now.  You’re full of shit, and whatever good you think you’re doing under that umbrella, it’s not good.

I’ve been seeing the toxic effects of today’s feminism, particularly in men who imagine themselves “woke” because they’ve swallowed the garbage pill.  It’s toxic.  It creates authoritarianism, it separates thought from truth and emotions outside of alignment.  It empowers the most wounded and dysfunctional women, who go on to give horrible – HORRIBLE – advice to men.

And every single “feminist leader of men” inevitably drinks the Kool Aid and starts inviting women into the leadership.  And then their coaching practice goes to hell.  Every time, without fail.  “Woke men” are blind and stupid men and make REALLY. BAD. COACHES.  Period.

I’ve been following with curiosity the controversy around an internal Google memo that criticized Google’s HR practices and in doing so proved itself right with the condemnation from Google and the employee’s firing. 

I encourage you to read the memo.  It’s spot on factually. Don’t take my word for it, read what the experts say

I don’t feel bad for the employee, he’s got his ticket punched for basically writing a decent psychology term paper.  It’s basically a typical liberal analysis and solution to a non-problem problem.  His analysis is okay, his suggestions and focus slants very left-of-center and he gives far too much attention to a problem that isn’t really there.  Obviously part of his focus is due to his employer’s obsession with modern feminist dogma, but I think it’s also his worldview.  I have no doubt this writer voted for Clinton with both hands in 2016 (which makes his current lionization by conservatives hilariously ironic and sad, but whatever floats your boat, commentators).

The reaction among modern feminists is exactly why I won’t have anything to do with feminists.  They attack him as “sexist,” cheer his dismissal from Google, praise Google thought police, and somehow think they won something because the power of their blind feelings got someone they don’t like fired from a job. 

How is that a blow for “equality” (which I believe is a stupid goal to begin with, but it’s their stated objective, not mine)?  Well, it isn’t.  It’s basically a successful temper tantrum – you got to keep your binkie, which mean ol’ Dad took away but Mommy intervened.  That’s your win.

To me this whole thing isn’t a revelation of the idiocy and toxicity of modern feminism as much as confirmation of what I knew to be true.  Because I’ve seen it.  I’ve seen wounded, immature women using modern feminism as an excuse to act wounded and immature.  I’ve seen “woke men” who consider themselves leaders of “evolved masculine” (whatever the fuck that means), holding these really awful examples of femininity as “goddess energy” and encouraging men to listen to and worship this insanity.

There’s a Facebook group that claims to be promoting the “new masculine,” basically this “woke man” modern feminist nonsense.  Most of the posts are selfish, stupid women talking about things nobody would care about if it was on their personal Facebook page, much less this supposedly enlightened coaching space, or it's people selling their junk services.  It’s a creepy, self-righteous Craigslist with idiot posts from wounded women.  And the owners of this steaming pile of social media junk think they’re waking men up with this crap. And I'm done wasting my time with those kind of men.  They're doing more harm than good in the world.

The only time anything interesting happens on that page is when someone dares to bring a shred of truth to the forum – then you’ll see everyone on the page gang up in righteous indignation, call the person a bigot, sexist, etc.  (like anyone whose not a lunatic would be hurt by such ridiculous labels).  Then you see what “progressive” and “feminism” and “being woke” is all about – irrational emotional catharsis, authoritarianism, group think, and a complete lack of any common sense or rational thought.

So these men holding themselves out as “spiritual leaders,” who think they’re here to “awaken men” or help them “evolve,” imagine the solution involves destroying the rational part of one’s brain, acting childish and emotional, worshiping the wounded, and shutting down anyone who disagrees with this insanity?

Yes, that could be an accurate description of modern feminism.  Or a 70s cult.  At this point, it’s hard to tell the difference, so fuck all y’all, I’m outta here.  I happen to like my brain, thanks.

There is absolutely a place for spiritual awakening and valuing healthy male-female relationships.  I just don’t see how we do ourselves any service by using the polluted labels such as “feminism.”  (I’m even starting to wonder if we should ditch the word “evolution,” since it’s also become so polluted, but that’s another discussion for another time.)  Real spiritual leaders need to disavow the term.  We can value the feminine without endorsing the toxic.

I think it’s time for those who are truly on the cutting edge or spiritual awakening energy to divorce from feminism and from those who have taken the label as part of their practice. We’re either bleeding energy or empowering the forces working against us – forces of oppression, authoritarianism, falsehood and irrationality.  We really need to take a firm stand in our own place and our own truth, free from the poison of political correctness.

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