Friday, September 22, 2023

COVID BS Revisited: Fuck All These Morons


I warned about the evils of COVID lockdowns back in early March 2020, before the lockdowns.  At the time I called out the pussies in the “evolved communities” who were cowering under their tables over a virus that turned out to actually not be that big of a deal, and nowhere near worth the damage we put society through.  I said at the time you cannot be a champion for personal evolution and a champion for fascism and panic porn.

From the beginning I said – and over and over since – lockdowns, social distancing measures and mandates, as well as the pushing of vaccines, was all evil, stupid and wrong.  It all did far more damage than any good that came from it.  Then I continued saying it as I watched our country and the world devolve into the stupidest, most destructive and evil policies of my lifetime.

I knew back then all this was doing far more harm than good.  And no, that doesn’t prove I have special gifts to see into the future, it just makes me rational and grounded. Anyone who wasn’t deliberately being an idiot could see lockdowns were a really bad, dumb and morally wrong idea. 

So it doesn’t make me special to point out (again) that I was right.  Here is yet more prooflockdowns had a NEGATIVE effect.  Not only did they not “save lives,” they COST lives. 

Again, duh.

This was never about saving lives.  This was about an idiot President who wanted to look good to the media who despised him.  It was about an arrogant little elf with small-man disease who wanted to act powerful.  It was about China imposing its will on us while we bent over and took it like prison bitches.  And far, far, far too many of us actually ENJOYED the ass-fucking.

And it wasn’t genius to predict the “vaccines” wouldn’t work very well, and would likely have severe side-effects.  That’s the normal thing to expect when you rush out a vaccine with zero testing and zero accountability, and then promise it’ll cure every problem known to man, and then force people to take it or risk losing their job- again, because it’s so awesome.  It wasn’t genius to notice masks are really stupid and don’t protect from anything. 

And it wasn’t genius to notice that these mandates were basically a way for insecure people to force others to do what they were doing so they wouldn’t feel like they were alone and nobody liked them.  It had nothing to do with medical science as far as stopping viruses go and everything to do with the medical science of psychology.

So no, I’m not a genius for predicting the obvious from the get-go.  I’m a man of average intelligence in a world full of fucking idiots.

Fucking idiots who want to nominate Donald Trump, the moron who gave us Fauci and lockdowns and Joe Biden, the only man who can hold his own with Trump when it comes to complete stupidity and incompetence.  Both parties have strong, viable alternatives who are intelligent, sane, and who have opposed these insane lockdown and mandate measures.  If this nation had half a brain, we’d have two normals running against each other and put this lockdown and mandate insanity behind us forever.

We’re mired in inflation and supply-chain disaster, so let’s give the country a choice between the father of the worst inflation in 30 years and the other daddy. Really, what the actual FUCK, people?!?

We have alternatives who don’t completely suck, but instead we’re going to nominate the two China lockdown stooges who have combined to give us the 2020s, the worst period of our lifetimes.  Things suck worse than ever, so let’s ensure that we only have a choice between the two idiots who are solely responsible for this craptacular situation we are in.  That way we can make sure the 2020s suck colossal ass for the ENTIRE FUCKING DECADE.

So right now my mood is “Fuck All Y’all.” If the whole country wants to suck, then the country will suck.  It’s a world full of idiots.  Fine.  Fuck them all. A small handful of people get it – I’m here for you.  The rest of the world can eat a bag of dicks for all I care.

It doesn’t matter who wins between Trump and Biden, or Russia and Ukraine, just like it doesn’t matter who wins some UFC fight.  It’s all bullshit in service of unbelievably stupid, conformist, and low-key evil, people.  I’ll keep fighting the good fight here, but I’m not going to wonder why the world is going to shit, most of the world want to go to shit.  Let them. Fuck them.     

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