Thursday, June 14, 2018

“Fake News:” It’s all Fake News

One of the most important accomplishments of President Donald Trump is the one he will likely get the least positive credit for – the exposure of the fraud that is the media complex.

His haters bemoan the fact that Trump’s attitude and rhetoric has led to a lack of trust in the media.  It’s becoming clear that, if you want to know what Trump is doing right, notice what his haters say he is doing wrong.  And right at the top is “fostering a culture of distrust in the media.” 

There is no single thing anyone could do that would have more positive benefit for the advancement of spiritual progress than the destruction of the Western media cabal.  And in this regard, Trump has done a good job (though his haters give him far too much credit). Simply fighting back and calling them out for the fraud that they are has allowed ordinary people to see the truth of the media complex – it’s all fake news.

And I don’t just mean biased, I mean so distorted and devoid of truth as to be fake.  Fiction.  Complete BS.  Not just biased (we always knew that), but factually and contextually irrelevant.
The truth about Western media has been out there for a long time, but nobody had the guts and personal power to call it.  Now Western media is literally going crazy because Trump has simply called them “fake” and shown the world they have no real power.

Because real power is backed up by real truth.  And the Western mainstream media is just a tool of the Cabal.  They cherry-pick stories that have no real relevance to underlying reality and they blow those stories out of all proportion.  They claim they do this for ratings, but there’s also a noticeable pattern of deliberate misinformation. 

People think the world is getting worse when it’s actually getting better.  Because of media misinformation.  People believe there is more war when there is less.  Because of media misinformation.  People believe the earth’s environment is on the precipice of collapse and that things like wind farms and solar panels will actually make a difference while real solutions that involve more efficient use of current resources are ignored. Because of media misinformation. 

People think guns are responsible for the upsurge of school shootings in the US.  The truth is there were far more “assault weapons” available to more people 30 years ago, and hardly any school shootings.  What has changed is the media attention given to school shooters.  They get certain fame.  The media has actually CREATED the problem and then tries to shift the blame onto gun laws, despite the obvious fact there are far more restrictive laws on the books than at any time in the country’s history. 

And on and on and on.  #metoo - sexual assaults and harassment is actually way DOWN in the West, apart from assault directly related to the massive influx of European immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa (um... duh), Black Lives Matter (created through media distortion – a flat-out LIE about the events of a police shooting). Again and again, the media isn’t just misreporting, it’s deliberately misinforming.  It’s not just distorting, but engaging in deliberate propaganda.

Yes, the Western media is “fake news.”  Dangerously fake. 

So what are spiritual people to do?

First, limit your diet of “news.”  99.9% of it is entirely irrelevant to your life.  Second, test everything.  Muscle test, pendulum test.  You’ll see for yourself just how fake our news really is.
But more than that, we need to start reporting the truth. Source-connected people need to stop sitting on the sidelines bemoaning the sorry state of media affairs.  The Internet allows for the ability to shine a light into the darkness.  You can call out fake news.  And more importantly, you can report what you’re seeing.

Tell your story.  Shine the light.  If enough of us start talking about what we’re seeing, we can break through the veil and put an end to “fake news.” 

We know the current narrative about “climate change” is fake and the proposed solutions are stupid, unhelpful and downright counterproductive.  Moreover, we are on the cutting edge of what is really going on.  So shine the light and tell the truth.  Yes, the earth has pollution – it’s right there in front of us.  Pick up garbage.  Stop letting people shit on the sidewalks and beaches.  Clean up messes.  All of that is easy and can be solved affordably.  Wind farms and solar panels do nothing.  Stupid air restrictions do nothing but take resources away from real solutions and create a false sense that things are improving when they’re not.

We have the technology to take CO2 out of the air and convert it back to usable fuel.  Eventually this technology will be cheaper than pulling fuel out of the ground and refining it for use.  We have technology that can massively conserve fuel and more efficiently deliver electricity.   That’s useful. Mandating solar panels is just idiocy.  This is just one example.

If enough of us speak up and shine the light, we can destroy the fake news media.  We shouldn’t be leaving this up to Trump and his tweets.  It’s time for all of us to take ownership for informing the world about the truth and putting fake news out of business.

If we all start doing our part to put the positive information we want out into the world, instead of just complaining about the distortions we see, we can begin to make a real difference.


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