Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Future of Natural Grounding is in Nature

Life is different when you’re off the grid.  It’s different when you’re not in an office all day, when you’re not attached to the phone.  It’s different when you’re under the sun instead of fluorescent lights.  It’s different when you’re around trees and can walk on dirt.  It’s different when it’s quiet, there’s no traffic and fewer people. 
That’s home for me. 
The problem is, right now I only get to visit and most of my time is in a much more urban environment (though less urban than it was some months back). 
I was thinking about why guys like Rion and Etienne and others are so much further along with Natural Grounding and alchemy and it’s pretty obvious – they’re not stuck in a city.  They move around, they go outside, they’re not stuck in a commute or under office lighting or any of the other soul-sucking mind-control routines.  And because of that, they succeed.
It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to be a natural in an artificial environment. 
The urban environment is toxic and soul-suppressing.  It’s a form of mind control.  There’s a reason central planners and authoritarians love cities – it’s how you control people.  It’s why the Cabal constantly ridicules people from the countryside as rubes – because people in nature are more connected to Source and much more difficult to coerce, manipulate, repress and control. 
It seems every nation in the world has this similar dynamic – those who want to control others utilize the large city and then seek to cast those who are not living in the city as the “enemy of civilization.”  They’ll exaggerate differences and play to the insecurities of their urban minions by casting “outsiders” (those more closely aligned with nature) as dangerous, unsophisticated, poor and ignorant. This is not just a US or Western phenomenon – look at Thailand, look at India, look at China, Japan, everywhere. 
In the minds of the Cabal, nature is to be rationed and presented in an environment that closely resembles an urban setting.  I recently saw this up close on a visit to Yosemite.  The whole way the park is designed is to maximize traffic and parking problems and create foot traffic congestion.  They’ve even created “villages” where large numbers of people “camp” in close quarters (and have to reserve their spaces months in advance), and there are just enough urban amenities to keep most people disconnected from nature. People are forbidden from walking on grass or in meadows and strongly discouraged from making any contact with rivers or streams.
Those on the furthest end of the authoritarian spectrum include so-called “conservationists” who don’t want people interacting with nature in any way. They would like to ban hiking trails, hunting, farming and fishing entirely.  Barring that, they want to place as many stressful restrictions as possible, to energetically block the benefits of nature. They seek to cut people from nature by making it stressful and expensive for most people to engage with nature.
It is no surprise that those who actually interact with nature the most (fishermen, hunters, farmers, ranchers, woodsmen) are those who are most strongly opposed to the urbanists and radical “environmentalists.”  Those who derive energy from nature can see what the social planners and restrictionists are really trying to do. 
And this is true in every country.  If you move to the country, buy a farm, minimize your Internet usage and learn to use a gun, you are a traitor and an enemy of the urbanists and they will stop at nothing to destroy you.  Again, I’ve seen this firsthand in more than one continent.  Those in the country don’t despise the people in the cities, but those in the cities violently despise people in the countryside.
On a personal level, being in the countryside, in nature, is returning home.  And coming back into the urban mechanism after being outside it makes the reality that much more clear.  Everything about urban “life” – the illusion of sophistication, the illusion of style, media, the unnatural living conditions, traffic, artificial lighting even during the daytime, it’s all invention.  It’s mind control. You’re being duped. Or you’re actively invested in your own illusion.
The Matrix talks about the Red Pill and the Blue Pill.  Taking the blue pill is a conscious decision to accept illusion over reality.  And people in the cities not only swallow blue pills by the handful, they pay a fortune to keep their medicine cabinets filled with every kind of blue pill they can find.  They’ll even try to convince you blue pills are good for you and make you smarter.  Because city sheep are smart.
Well, city sheep are educated.  They’re clever.  And by competing with other city sheep to see who is the most clever and adapted to artificial life, they don’t have to look at the big picture and see how disconnected and unnatural their lives are.  And coming into contact with that reality would make city sheep feel really stupid for spending all their time and money chasing blue pills.  And there is nothing city sheep hate more than to feel stupid.  Which makes them easy to herd, fleece and slaughter, unlike those unruly country sheep.
But wait, you’ll say.  Rion and Etienne spend plenty of time in cities.  Yes, but they don’t have roots there.  The few times Etienne returns to his “home city,” things don’t go well.  Same when Rion spends a considerable amount of time in Los Angeles.  There’s a difference between visiting a city and establishing a home and roots there.  Visiting New York City is fun and exciting; living there saps the life out of you.
And it’s important to add that there are some who are truly at home in a city and thrive.  The problem is that’s not most people.  And it’s clearly not me.  It’s why I need to constantly visit the ocean or a lake or stream to reconnect to my true base state, to “reset.” 
Etienne recently used the trees in the Amazon Forest to receive energy that the light workers wouldn’t accept.  We know about the power of crystals.  I’m certain that bodies of water can be utilized in a similar way, as can mountains.  The plant and root structure of forests and farms is another available resource, basically anywhere there aren’t a bunch of people messing things up with their collective resistance and delusions.
This says to me that the evolution of alchemy and Natural Grounding is grounded in nature, away from the urban system.  And while I have responsibilities that require me to live in the urban area for a while, my purpose and my future depends on my expanding my connection in nature on a larger, and eventually permanent, basis.

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