Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Creepy PUAs, Spiritual Coaches, and Finding Freedom and Happiness

"Those PUAs are So Creepy!  Join us."

For those who have followed me for a while, you know I’ve had an interesting relationship with communities like pick-up (PUA) and its cousins, the “We’re different than PUA but really not that different” groups (let’s call it “Spiritual Inner Game Seduction” SIGS for short).  I’ve been both deeply involved and deeply skeptical, and tend toward the belief that, while they can be somewhat helpful for some in the short-term, for the most part they’re a waste of money and long-term exposure is toxic.

I’ve been apart from them for a while now, and in this place of looking at them from the outside, I’m even more convinced they are dangerous and overall do more harm than good.  Some of this is an adjustment in my own perspective (I can see where I was manipulated and ended up spending even more time off-track than if I hadn’t been involved with them), and some is shifts that have taken place in these communities themselves.

While it is possible to learn and practices certain social skills in the PUA community, it’s become so corrupted by greed, arrogance and deceit that it’s extremely difficult to navigate the swamp, find and utilize a good resource, effectively learn the skills, and move on with one’s life without becoming corrupted psychically and energetically. 

If you’re a man who feels he is lacking connection with women and wants to better himself, I recommend Rion Kati’s Natural Grounding and his dating resources (look up Natural Grounding and ping him about other resources).  He’s not the only clean resource, but he can point you in the right direction and it’ll keep you out of the boneyard.

My greatest concerns, however, are with the SIGS.  Most of these are a mashup of Tony Robbins and NLP, PUA and California Spirituality. As such they are inherently problematic.  Now with California spirituality and the yoga/ Tantra community completely aligned with dark forces and lost, they’ve become full-fledged cults with dangerous spiritual entanglements. I used to say “these can be good if you know how to keep your head above water,” but I can’t say that anymore.  Even with all my spiritual training and activation, I’m being told “STAY AWAY!”  If the archangels are telling me to just stay away, I can guarantee you have no business being anywhere near this stuff.

One of the problems with SIGS is the prevalence of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP.  While this can be useful to help people overcome negative programming, its primary function is to CREATE negative mind programming (such as advertising), not free people from it.  And while these groups purport to free people from negative societal programming, in truth they are about creating artificial addictions to their supposed healing modalities.

The mind and spirit, like the body, are naturally self-healing.  What keeps people “hung-up” on past wounds is when something short-circuits that healing process and creates a loop where the wound is basically put on auto-replay – or even programmed to replicate itself.  This is pretty much what SIGS do – they create addiction on the psychic and spiritual level by perpetuating these infections and in advanced cases turning them into self-replicating viruses that can be spread throughout the group.

This is made worse by SIGS obsession with indiscriminate sexual contact. This group is maniacal in its obsession with sex – connecting with more and more people, demonstrating prowess, creating sexual addictions and obsessions in partners.  It has twisted the Tantric concepts of exploration and acceptance into a religious worshipping of sexual wounds, which then get spread far and wide in the communities through indiscriminate sexual contact. 

The practitioners in these communities are clearly damaged souls.  Ken Wilber, Moses Ma, virtually all the Yoga and Tantra leaders, the “spiritual female PUAs,” so so many – really damaged people. Their spiritual energy fields are black with all the veils and entanglements polluting their fields.  But lately it’s taken an even more dangerous turn – they’ve fully identified with the spiritual pollution and now worship their morass of veils and entanglements – they’ve decided black is white, pollution is clarity, slavery is freedom, and anyone actually fighting on the side of freedom is now an enemy to be destroyed. 

There was a time when forces of light could operate within the spiritual communities and the “open-mindedness” dogma would force the polluted majority to at least pretend to tolerate the true light workers.  But that window closed after November of 2016.  That catalyst event forced the polluted majority to take a stand, and they have – they’re fully committed to their wounds and spiritual pollution and are no longer even willing to consider alternatives.

At this point, the archangels have no choice but to accept this decision and barricade the practitioners of pollution.  Before I was getting messages “be very careful,” and now the message is “STAY AWAY!”  There’s nothing for us to do but work together with those who are outside the barricade, keep the forces of light out, help each other clean and heal (many of us are an energetic mess from “trying to help”), and keep building what we’re doing.  This means for many a loss of many friends, but also a massive freeing and cleansing of energies.  It’ll be okay, you’re never alone.  Don’t waste your time mourning for people who have chosen spiritual pollution and slavery over freedom and light.  Yes, it’s sad, but that’ll just put you at risk of getting sucked into destruction along with them.

So what do you do if you’re someone who wants romantic connection?  I mentioned Rion, I’d highly recommend that path, it parallels the spiritual development path as well.  What if you want to improve your “inner game,” and live a happier and more fulfilling life? Pretty much stay entirely away from the “inner game” practitioners.  Even guys like Tony Robbins are hopelessly corrupted, and many have made deals with dark forces and are now operating just to destroy as many souls as they can get their hands on – they’re unapologetic cults.

So what can you do?  First, disconnect completely from the SIGS – all of them.  Find a good coach whose on a spiritual path (I know some), or start connecting with clean material.  This blog, Etienne’s blog, Natural Grounding, a clean meditation practice, all good places to start.

I’ll work on creating some very simple but clean material on how to heal and rediscover your happiness (which is also your life purpose, and which will improve all the aspects of your life you think aren’t working).  In the meantime, sit down, close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, and let everything go.  Keep listening.  Keep clearing.  Keep coming back here and I’ll keep shining the light.  And stay out of the shadows.

From experience, I’ll tell you most of your “problems” will heal themselves once you learn to clear your energy and relax your mind and body.  The few “skills” you need to learn will usually find you through inspiration or coincidence.  (Unless you’re being called to something really big, but you’ll know.)  Most people don’t need a coach, they just need to get out of their own way, drop the BS and follow their heart.

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