Friday, April 14, 2017

Removing Layers of Oppressive Energy, or Accomplishing a Lot by Doing Nothing

Over the past couple weeks my energy has become much more clear and my energetic perceptions more accurate and defined. 
There are a few things that have allowed for this opening.  First, the culmination of my period of going inward during the late fall, winter and early spring. Allowing my mind and body to more fully attune with the nature of the seasons allows my energy to attune more as well.
Second, some big energetic breakthroughs, including an energetic validation I referred to a couple weeks back.  This has freed up a lot of energy.  Sometimes I can’t tell what is oppressing my energy until it goes away.  But my energy was immediately out of the quicksand and flowing after that.
Third, the conscious decision to remove certain oppressive patterns from my life, or at lease eliminate their importance.  This is ongoing, but saying goodbye to the obsession with Cal football and basketball is huge.  So is energetically dissociating from the evolution guru and group I’d been involved in for a very long time.  Again, sometimes you don’t know what’s oppressing you until you don’t feel oppressed.
Fourth, some opening in my career and finances, particularly a significant reduction in debt.  Debt is interesting.  From a logical standpoint one can see the value of debt – if you utilize the debt for things that produce a higher return it’s like free money.  But that’s ONLY if the debt is being applied directly toward something value-producing.
In my case it wasn’t. 
Now, from a purely rational financial calculus, yes, it’s a good deal.  But energetically, no, it’s a drain.  My energetic relationship with the use of the debt proceeds changed and the stress of sacrificing personal enjoyment and basic wealth-building to fund the debt is a huge energetic drain.  This personal experience has led me to the conclusion that in the huge majority of cases debt is bad energy for people, even if it makes logical financial sense.  Most people, including myself, are better off getting a comparatively lower return and paying off the debt than earning a higher return and maintaining debt.
And my personal energetic experience confirms this – every time I consciously lower debt, my energy frees up.  And I’m sure my efforts in this regard, which preceded the energetic breakthrough a couple weeks back, helped “unstick” that energy as well.  It’s all interrelated. 
So in other words, when my higher self told me to go inward and focus on paying off debt, this was because my energy was so clouded and stuck with the combinations of energy oppressors that any active work would be counterproductive.
Now it’s expanded to meditate, pay off debt, and dedication to physical exercise and health.  Again, the reason I have to trust my higher self is because he sees things I cannot see.  He can see I’m stuck energetically while I “feel” I’m not.  Because I experience some movement and success I think “this is progress, I’m good,” while he can see from a bigger perspective that, no, this marginal success is a drop in the bucket next to the energetic oppression.
So over the past couple weeks I’ve become aware of the physical pain of people close to me emotionally and in my physical proximity.  It’s not that I feel their pain, but I sense it and it draws my thoughts toward pain and suffering.  I can also sense psychic suffering and feelings of pleasure, though less clearly.  So there’s SOME movement, but there’s still quite a bit of stuckness.
And there’s probably additional layers of energetic oppression in my life that need to be cleared. Almost certainly.  It is very important to my higher self that I clear these things out first before taking on any new endeavors. And it is clear doing so is very beneficial to me, even if there are times when I feel like I’m wasting my life or “not doing anything,” because all that “doing things” has really gotten in the way of my doing the things I am set here in this lifetime to do, my dharma. 

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