Saturday, November 26, 2016

Pyramids and Trump: Truth Is Activated

During the past three weeks we have experienced major energetic changes.  There was the world energetic shift that brought about the election of Donald Trump as US President, and the ensuing collapse of the US media cabal; On November 16 the Pyramids of Egypt were reactivated; Etienne’s book “The History of the Universe” was unveiled on Amazon and can be purchased here. 
It’s a lot of energy, a lot of activity, and I haven’t been available to help readers wade through everything.  But let me start by saying the change has happened, but many will either not be aware of it or are actively in denial and now fully living in a false world of their own illusion rather than surrender to what is (they took the blue pill, for those familiar with the Matrix movies). 
The reason many will not know everything has changed is because those we thought were in charge have been discredited and are now living in denial.  The media was exposed by Wikileaks as a fraud for months and then fully discredited on Election Day in the US.  This isn’t the first time the media has been exposed, but this time the energetic structures holding them in place died.  What we now see as the media is people living in illusion, the media as we know it has been disintegrated.  The Cabal, as represented by Hillary Clinton and many others, is gone.  The energetic structure died over a year ago, but now the edifice is gone too.  Those in the Cabal are either in denial (witness the freakout in the US over a rather uneventful election result) or have woken up (Mitt Romney seems to have woken up, others are, too).
Others are living in denial as well.  While the Dali Lama is surrendering to what is, he is almost alone among the leadership of the spiritual community.  Pope Francis is heavily in denial (though he was never truly a spiritual leader, he was brought in to politicize the Catholic religion).  The so-called “spiritual leaders” are showing their true colors – attachment to outcome, attachment to being right, judgment and hysteria over a normal US election.
Pretty much everyone holding themselves out as a spiritual/ thought leader has been exposed as a fraud.  The Integral Community has shown itself to be nothing but San Francisco political groupthink with some fancy terminology and NLP hocus-pocus.  I saw through them when they were saying the election of Obama and the Iran nuclear deal were proof the world was evolving.  I had to laugh at the obvious delusion and logical disconnect of these people.  Now they’re deep in attachment to outcome, pridefulness, arrogance and just plain silliness as they march in delusional lock-step with the rest of the extreme American left.
This isn’t about left-right politics.  It’s about attachment-nonattachment, ego-surrender.  And right now the people who claim themselves on the side of nonattachment and surrender are being exposed as the most passionately attached, prideful and clinging to their own belief systems.  I’ve seen this coming for years, and especially this year as energies have come to a head, but the election has pulled off whatever patina there was that covered the “spiritual community.”
There is good news in all this.  If you’ve been following me and listening, you have heard this message before.  Nothing should surprise you.  Trump was either going to win outright or the transformation brought forth by his catalyst energy would transform everything.  Now it’s come to pass. Those who claimed to be spiritual leaders are now fully exposed, they’re done.  This will allow the true spiritual leadership to emerge, the last will be first and the first will be last.
What does this mean?  It means a few things.  First, leaders like Etienne, and others who have been speaking the truth and getting pushed aside, now have the floor.  Second, if you’ve been listening and following this, you’re not bothered by the election, things aren’t bothering you, you’re in the flow and things are going well while everything around you seems like chaos.  If you’ve been listening but suffering distortions because of the delusion of the leadership, now those distortions are lifted and you’ll gain clarity.  You’ll be okay.
If you’re still attached to the failed models of New Age spirituality, to failed ego-based models like Ken Wilber’s “Integral” model, or to ego-based quasi-spiritual “skepticism,” things will look like a disaster as the world you know is disintegrating.  The length of your suffering will be just as long as your determination to remain committed to these false paradigms.  It’s up to you. 
The media has been lying to us.  In Britain and the US, people woke up and saw through the lies. Wikileaks shined a light on the ruse, but most people had already stopped listening to the media.  Unfortunately, the majority of the “spiritual community” didn’t wake up.  They have still been deeply enmeshed in the media delusion, which is all about distracting people to fit a predetermined narrative.  It’s propaganda, and it’s become so desperate and tortured that it became obvious to anyone not willfully committed to conscious delusion.
This “distortion to fit a narrative” media manipulation, and the willful gullibility of the spiritual movement, has been an annoying struggle this year.  Otherwise smart and skeptical people would buy into the inventions and I’d have to remind them not to swallow the hook.  Now they’re dumbstruck, wondering how they ended up in such echo chambers, lamely trying to “start a dialogue” with people they’ve treated with utter disdain their entire careers, if not their lives. 
Yes, I’m venting a bit.  I’m happy the veil has been lifted, and I’m gratified that things I’ve pointed out were lies when it wasn’t popular have come to pass.  I’m glad that my “bullshit detector” is working well.  I’m not upset that people wouldn’t listen to me – I expect that.  I’m glad the people who wouldn’t listen to me are finally understanding the truth.  And I’m glad people like you were listening and helping to create the foundation of the true spiritual revolution that is now upon us.

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