Saturday, November 5, 2016

I Am Responsible For All My Suffering

I’m using this weekend as an opportunity for meditation, observation and reflection.  I need to clear out my energy and get clear about things, and then chart a new course. 
Last night, after a good workout at the gym, I came home and meditated.  But it was different, I felt a different connection with my crystals, and particularly my crystal ball.  I haven’t used my obsidian crystal ball in a long time, but last night I held it and was communicating with the archetypes.  They were helping me to gain clarity and understand my purpose.

One of the first realizations that came up was that my home is in Thailand, and it feels like it’ll be a very long time before I can even go back just to visit.  The archetypes explained that Thailand is an important part of my destiny and that I’ve lost connection. This made me feel very sad, because it’s true, I’ve lost a lot of connection – and I do feel like I’m away from my heart’s home.  But at the same time, I love my family life here in the US and really love my son, who is still young, and the time we spend together.  (Of course I love both my sons, but my older son is pretty much on his own now.)  And of course I’m going to be here for a long time, working and taking care of my son. Does this mean I have to put my purpose on hold for years and years?
The archetypes agreed this wasn’t a good solution and something needed to be done.  They also explained that it is because my “heart” is anchored in Thailand that my money has been flowing to Thailand instead of staying here, which has caused me tremendous stress.  Yes, a lot of that problem has been resolved with my wife working, but this only created other problems and stress and feeling things are not right.

The archetypes agreed this isn’t a good arrangement and agreed to re-anchor my heart and root energy so it’s with me now and not elsewhere.  Then they began explaining my purpose in life, why it’s been my destiny to go through suffering and stress.  Through most of my life I’ve been conflicted – my ego has been in strong opposition to my heart and true life path.  This has led to so many problems which I’m still struggling with.  My ego is constantly worrying because it fears and resists everything my heart is trying to do. 
I felt really sad hearing this.  It’s like I’ve been dragged kicking and screaming to this place.  Am I going to have to keep suffering?  Why does everything have to be a struggle?  Do I have to be exhausted and have so many root issues?  Why can’t I have some peace and relax?  What do I have to do to get out of my way?

The answer – no, you don’t have to suffer.  You have to release your fears, surrender and follow your heart.  But how do I know I’m following my heart?  I’ve done so many foolish things when I thought I was following my heart and it turned out I was full of shit.  Answer – some of those things were things that had to be as part of your destiny and we are sorry it had to be so painful for you.  Those things weren’t mistakes, you just couldn’t understand and weren’t ready to surrender.  Other things had to happen so you would be ready to dissolve your ego and fears and surrender.  And other things, yes, were foolish mistakes on your part, but those things ended up having little consequence apart from the pain caused by your own ego.
“You see,” they said, “your pain has been entirely of your own choice.  It is because your ego has been defiant and stubborn in its fear, and you have chosen to value that fear above your own heart’s desire, that you have suffered.  Your fate was never to simply live a stable, comfortable life.  You look at the uncertainty and different nature of your life and compare it to the many comfortable, stable and happy people you know and you feel sad.  You feel disconnected.  But you feel disconnected from what your ego imagines you should have, not what your heart knows is your truth.  The pain is your ego’s interpretation of your unique path as failure because it looks so different than everyone else’s.”

So how do I finally release this ego, this fear, and allow myself to surrender?  “You just do.  All you need to do is clear out your energy and surrender to your true path.  It is your ego that is the source of your suffering.  Release the ego and everything will follow.”
At this point I felt very sad but I also felt a sense of peace.  My ego is very negative, full of shame and judgment.  I’ve believed it got me through all the rough times, but looking at it now I believe it was what was responsible for my getting into those situations in the first place. 

This is why I needed this reflection.  Everything related to ego needs to go.  So no, I don’t need to chart a new course, because that would just be another ego adventure, and that needs to go.
Today I worked out.  A lot.  And then I went to beach and walked and sat and contemplated and walked some more. I saw police having a confrontation with someone and then saw paramedics come in and actually diffuse the situation.  There’s ego and heart playing out in real life in front of me.  Ego – the cops and the suspect, neither one backing down.  Heart – the Fire Department paramedic breaking through. 

This is the lesson, this is what is meant by “follow your heart, let everything else go.”
All the problems in my life now, or in my past, are a manifestation of my ego resisting – either clinging to something I should let go or fighting something I should surrender and accept.  All the fear and anxiety – just ego. 

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