Thursday, May 26, 2016

Why Are People So Attached to Their Limiting Beliefs?

In general, people are very attached to their limitations.  Most people would rather fight to retain their small view of themselves than step into the greatness that is their birthright.

I received this message a couple ways today.  On Facebook, someone posted this fairly obvious truth:

“You don’t have to understand your limiting beliefs to let go of them.”

To me this seems obvious.  Of course you don’t have to analyze your limiting beliefs and energetic blocks – simply get rid of them and live as your true self. Obvious, right?  I don’t always apply this perfectly, but I understand the truth of it. 

So why is this so difficult for many to accept?
There were all kinds of posts about how this is wrong, that we need to spend a lot of time making friends with our limiting beliefs, etc.  Unbelievable. 

I’ve seen so many other places where people fight this basic truth in many ways that I’m convinced most people really are attached to their limiting beliefs.  Most people don’t really want to live extraordinary lives, they just want to feel better about the small life they’re living.  They’re looking for a spiritual happy-pill, not enlightenment or real transformation.
We’re attached to the psychological model that tells us we need to go back into our memory and spend lots of time crying it out and healing.  And healing certainly has its place, no doubt.  But changing habits and beliefs, and letting go of blocks, isn’t about healing – it’s about cutting off the energetic node that’s blocking your flow.  It’s simply about letting go and doing something different. 

Why are we programmed to believe it’s harder than this?  That our limiting beliefs are a part of us, like our arms and legs are part of our physical bodies?
The ego is weak and seeks control to compensate for its weakness.  It will concoct elaborate stories to convince us our self-imposed limitations are “real.”  And we accept it, even when actual evidence tells us our limiting belief is factually and logically incorrect.

Instead of fighting, try letting go.  Instead of arguing, just face the limiting belief and let it go.  It’s fake, it’s an illusion.  Just see through it and let it go. 
The universe is far larger than your limitations.  Connect to the truth of the universal energy and let that dissolve your artificial limitations. 

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