After over a year of writers block and feeling zero
inspiration to write, I’ve awakened. I
just knocked out the draft top-level outline of my next novel (which means I’ve
pretty much written the novel in my head and it’s manifested in the energetic
plane). This is a big deal, and will
easily be my most conscious fiction work to date.
But I’m not writing this post to celebrate this breakthrough
(well, maybe a little, haha). I want to
describe the process of using sex magic, Natural Grounding, crystal energy and
conscious manifestation meditation (“good rituals”) to supercharge creative
expression. If you’re in the creative
fields, you’re going to need to read this.
How it works, on a big-picture level, is you generate
powerful creative energy. In my case, I
used sex magic to generate the energy, then connected that energy to the cosmos
and created a ritual to bring forth the book (and other endeavors, such as this
blog, W00T!) into the physical world.
Just to give you an idea, I performed the ritual last night
using a newly-activated nummite stone, an activated citrine stone, and my
Lumerian selenite wand. (And sexual
energy and powerful intention.) And boom
– complete concept in my mind and transcribed within 24 hours.
If you’re saying “I don’t understand some (or any) of these
modalities, what do I do?” then don’t worry about the modalities right now,
focus on the larger formula:
Energy x Intention x Activation = Creation
Obviously, the foundational aspects are everything. This is an extension of the Buddhist law of
cause and effect: Right Thought + Right
Action = Right Outcome
Which means there is a lot of practice involved in clearing
energy to make space for clear thoughts and intention, clearing blocks to and
creating energetic generators to generate, expand and channel the energy, and
methods to bring those thoughts and energy into the plane of creation where
they go from “idea” to “reality.”
So it’s not like you can just read this and you’re off and
running, unless you were 95% of the way there already and just needed clarity, there
are processes. I’m still learning as I
go, and teaching as I go, but I have a lot to help. I can show you how to create and integrate
resources in all three of the “E-I-A” aspects you need to manifest success.
The Law of Attraction as it’s been presented is utter
bullshit. There, I said it.
Sorry, it is.
“But,” you say, “it worked for this person or that person.” Well, I’m here to tell you it really didn’t. Because there are big pieces left out of “The
Secret.” If it worked for some people,
it’s because they unconsciously (or, as I suspect, CONSCIOUSLY, and I’ll get
into that issue another time) applied the other parts of the formula.
The Law of Attraction as told in “The Secret” is
baloney. But the Law of Cause and Effect
and the Law of Resonance are real.
The reason the LOA doesn’t work as taught is because it
focuses entirely on one aspect, the Intention.
The belief is if you make your intention clear enough and strong enough,
the universe will magically provide. But
this is “wishing upon a star” and teaches helplessness.
Things are not created in the physical world by being asked
for in the spiritual plane. That’s only
one part. If you want to build a house,
you need to draft a plan, you need to gather your resources, and you need to
activate (physically build the house, or hire people to do so and implement the
plan). I didn’t manifest a house in
Thailand by wishing and wishing and wishing and REALLY wishing. I created the intention, I gave it energy,
and then when the universe generated the plan, activated it and got the house
Manifestation requires clearing the energetic foundation to
create clear, positive intentions and belief systems to hold that intention as
personal truth. Manifestation requires
generating the energy to illuminate that intention in the spiritual plane. But that’s not enough. There is an element of activation required, something
that moves the energy and intent from the ethereal into the physical. THEN you
are manifesting. So you need resources
on all levels.
Things like Natural Grounding can clear out and elevate
energy, opening up the pathways. But you
need to generate the intention and activate – Natural Grounding cannot do those
things for you, any more than a hammer can build a house for you.
This is all top-level and I will go much deeper into
this. But for now, know that everything
you think you know about the “Law of Attraction” is a waste of time and
meditate on the “E-times-I-times-A” formula and where you need to adjust your
energy to maximize this power formula.
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