Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Massive Awakening and General Update

This is a period of intense energetic transformation for me.  And through all the intensity and chaos, the message I keep getting is to surrender.  Slow down, meditate, let it go, follow my truth, and allow the changes to happen.
A few days ago during meditation I received a message that my energetic self was being taken to another dimension for training, then later that the training was going well.  And then a surprise thunderstorm showed up which followed me for two days (it was very localized and unusual).  My Lemurian wand activated, so clearly my energetic self had returned with some extra powers.

Then I received the hard copy of Etienne’s book “The History of the Universe” and shortly after he activated my nucleus.  So yah, lots of stuff energetically.  I’m not always aware of what’s going on energetically because I’ve still got a lot of physical patterns and lower-level blocks interfering with that connection, but it’s a WHOLE lot, and it’s affecting my system pretty intensely.
And even through this, the message is surrender.  Surrender to what is, surrender to God. Look past the old paradigm to see the truth.  The whole concept of success needs to be thrown out and start from scratch.  The message seems to come down to – follow my true path, clear out my energy, let all the other stuff go, and then I’ve got this. 

There is a power in the physical copy of Etienne’s book that is night-and-day different than the digital copy I read near the beginning of this latest phase of my awakening.  It has an energetic glow.  It can transform energies around it – it can attune and charge crystals and objects.  The reading experience is different – maybe because there is no interference from the computer monitor.  I’m blown away by the experience, even though I read the digital copy several times (though not the additional stories included in the physical book).
Hardly anyone is even aware of this book, much less be ready to receive the information with an open mind.  It’s far ahead of its time.  But the changes are happening whether or not people are ready, and this book provides the history of what brought us to this point (far more than meets the eye, that’s for sure) and where we are headed.

The act of reading the book itself is an awakening experience unto itself.  Integrating the energy and truth of the book, that’s an entirely different level of a journey.  I recommend you order and read the book, and I recommend you take that journey.
I’m aware now of the hooks that are keeping me attached to the false paradigm – there are certain things that on one level cause my suffering and on a more primal level provide me pleasure, or are late least very habit-forming.  But I’m aware they are hooks and not real, which reframes the brain chemical payoff – it’s not real. 

Most of what passes for Spirituality and Self-Improvement is dealing with things that are fundamentally not real.  And for people who know my past, I’ve been deeply in that “attached to the false paradigm” for a long, long time.  I’m on the other side now, but even here the old patterns and attachments are still slowing and distorting my growth.  It’s not that I’m at risk of backsliding so much as sometimes it feels like a slog.  But at least now I’m not wasting my spiritual resources on trying to “win” in the false paradigm. 
I’ll just leave this here, more of an in-process stream-of-consciousness writing. It’ll make more sense later.

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