Monday, October 17, 2016

Drestroying Energetic Structures from Childhood (And Past Lives)

The paradigm shift is occurring inside me as more of the ego-based energetic portals and veils are destroyed.  This weekend I came face to face with a disempowering energetic structure that I seem to always notice when I visit my parents, but mistakenly attributed to my upbringing.
That’s actually the intention of the veil – to distract from the truth by hiding it and inserting a false story – the false story that “I feel bad about myself because of my upbringing.”  That’s a nice story.  It’s confirmed by psychologists in the media and it “feels real,” but an accuracy test reveals this story to be false. 

The truth is there is an energetic structure in place that was placed there intentionally to diminish and throw off my energy. It goes back several lifetimes and was put there as part of my protection and also to ensure my ego didn’t get so big that I’d forget my path and get lost in the traditional trappings of “success.”  It doesn’t serve me now, but it was still strong in the house.
I was able to disintegrate the structure and the veil and reintegrate the energy and I feel better.

To put this into practical terms – one should not base their happiness on comparison with others, as that can never lead to happiness. This seems obvious, but it’s really important to understand these sorts of energies can literally take on a life of their own.  The area where my parents’ home is sits on a wealth paradigm – success and happiness is derived from a career that generates the most wealth. (There’s more to it than that, it’s a wealth and status paradigm.) 
Obviously by those standards I’d feel pretty bad about my life, even though there are many things about my life that are pretty awesome and make me very happy.  It’s all a distraction.  In the end success is about alignment with one’s path and alignment with Source, the other standards are meaningless.  The energy of the neighborhood is very badly out of alignment even though the neighborhood is outwardly very “successful.”  So you have thousands of people who have achieved the pinnacle of success and yet are energetically complete failures.

The psychic oppression I endured growing up was overwhelming.  It’s really powerful and spirit-crushing energy.  It shaped my identity and my view of the world and it’s taken me a lot of time to see it and break free.  And it’s hard to explain, because by every objective measurement my childhood was very good.  I had great parents, family and neighborhood life was good.  But something was wrong – I just thought it was me and got very down on myself (something I carried with me into adulthood). 
Now I come back and I feel it – it feels stale, stuffy, thick, festering energy.  What I thought was “me” or “family environment” was this energy disturbance.  And I could clear it. 

And I come away with a much clearer truth about how we shape our destiny.  Yes, our thoughts and attitudes and beliefs create our reality.  And if we don’t pay attention to the energetic foundation and clear our energy, that structure will end up running our lives from the background.  Yes my problems were due entirely to my negative identity and belief, but these energetic structures were creating that environment – this is why mantras and NLP and this other stuff wouldn’t work – until something’s done about the energy, it’s going to keep throwing things out of alignment and any change work becomes a waste of time and effort.  The individual will end up consciously creating more failure.

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