Friday, July 21, 2017

SPOILER ALERT: The World Will Not End

It’s fascinating to see the human ego in all its folly.  We humans consider ourselves very smart, but the physical manifestation of human intelligence – our ego – is hilariously stupid and illogical.
The “End of the World” myth is a classic example of this.  The concept that the world is going to end because of our doing (nuclear war, ozone layer, overpopulation, global warming, moral depravity bringing about divine judgment) is so obviously egoic and logically false it’s hard to understand how otherwise “smart” people get sucked into such cult-logic nonsense.

The logical pattern is the same.  The ego realizes it is mortal.  The ego also believes it is the center of the universe.  Therefore, if the ego dies, everything else must die with it.  The most terrifying concept for the ego is the truth - when you die, the world will keep going along just fine and won’t miss you.  That logically sound and factually accurate reality is too much for the supposedly “rational” ego to handle, and it goes into delusion.
And just because millions of people all fall into collective delusion doesn’t make it any less delusional.  The world is not going to end.  Each person in it will end, and the world will go on as if nothing happened.  Because as far as the universe is concerned, nothing happened.  I’ll die.  You’ll die.  We’ll all die.  And the universe won’t care. 

This is the natural order of things, and it’s actually quite beautiful.  It’s only our grotesquely distorted ego that finds something wrong with the cycle of life.  And so our egos create stories about the entire world ending, and then we come up with false logic to justify our ego delusions.  And yet, despite all this, the universe continues to not care one bit about our crazy theories or our egos or our lives.  Life goes on.
With the theories of the end of the world always come an ability for the human ego to control the outcome.  We will all die from nuclear war unless we give up control to my ego, which will save us.  The earth will get revenge on us for using fossil fuels unless you bow down to my ego.  God will stamp you out and send you to hell unless you consent to handing over your life decisions to me.  See the pattern here?  It’s all about ego and control.

The truth is, there is no control.  The ego is an illusion that has no control over anything.  The force of life moves as a giant river and the human ego doesn’t amount to even one atom in that river.  Your life is infinitely valuable, but your ego is entirely worthless – literally it has zero value and holds no real physical or energetic space.  And yet we constrict the force of life and seek to control others in violation of the laws of God and nature in service of the worthless at the expense of the infinite. 
Armageddon is the ultimate illogical extension of valuing the worthless (ego) over the infinite (life).  It is what cult leaders use to manipulate followers into committing mass suicide.  It is what politicians use to consolidate power over weak-minded countrymen.  It is what religious leaders use to control followers and turn people away from spiritual truth and the force of life.

Armageddon is not real.  The world is not ending.  Life will continue long after your ego is gone.  As terrified as your ego is of dying, neither you nor the rest of the universe will miss your ego when it dies.  Ego is nothing more than an evolutionary aberration as our species moves toward a higher state of evolution.  Some people have trained themselves to dissolve the ego – eventually evolution will do this to the entire human species, or whatever the next step in the evolutionary ladder will be called.
So in the mind of the collective ego, yes, the world will end.  But only for the ego, which was never real to begin with.  So a collective illusion will end.  Life will not. 

But the stories about the end of the world are powerful.  They play on fear.  They play on the illusion that the ego is real and must be preserved.  They perpetuate distortions, which is where fear exists.  And because fear has a strong biological response associated with it, we assume that fear is real.  But just because an ego-based collective delusion produces a strong emotional response doesn’t make it real.
For those who value the force of life and true consciousness, it’s important to look at the delusions for what they are.  The world is not coming to an end.  Your death is not something to be feared or viewed with dread – in fact the opposite.  Death is a welcome friend.  Your purpose here is not to avoid death or sit out your days in comfort, it’s to live out your higher calling in service of the force of life – freedom, love, beauty, truth.

We are not living in order to not die.  We are living because we will die, and our mission here is to earn that noble death through a good, purpose-driven life.  And when that day happens, the world will go on, the universe will not care a single bit, and the only thing that will end is your physical body (which will likely be more trouble than it’s worth by that time) and your illusion of ego.
Sorry, the world will not end.

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