Monday, July 24, 2017

I'm a Racist. And a Misogynist. And Whatever Other Label You Give to Good People With Self-Esteem.

Apparently, according to people I don’t know, whose opinions hold zero value to me, I am guilty of being a racist, misogynist, and whatever else labels they’ve got that they think would make people upset.

Why?  Have I done something really wrong?  Have I been mean or abusive to people?  Do I engage in behaviors to put people down and take advantage of them?  No.  And the huge majority of people in the world, many of whom are being tarnished with these labels, haven’t done these things, either.

Most people are good people just going about their lives.  They’re not hurting anyone.  In fact if anything they’d give the shirt off their back to help their neighbors in need. They’re not racist.  They’re not misogynist or any of these other labels.  They’re just people living their lives – apparently in a way that irritates other people who should be minding their own business.  That’s not mean-spirited or oppressive, it’s just different people doing different things.

But apparently that’s enough to bother a small group of people who have appointed themselves judges of what is and isn’t good behavior and who are and aren’t good people. But who cares what these people think?

Well, that’s the thing.  Grounded, well-adjusted people who value their self-worth DON’T care what self-appointed feminists or experts on “race relations” (which looks more like conflict than relating, but apparently grammar is also racist) think.  If you value yourself, you strive to be a good person and you don’t get caught up in nonsense about whether some crazy person on Twitter with a blog thinks you’re “woke” or not.”

If society was filled with mostly high-self-esteem people, the feminists and race baiters would be flat out of a job.  But it’s not.  There are a lot of good, decent people who listen to these people – not because these people are good resources on how to live a good life, but because these people remind them why they should feel unworthy.

America doesn’t have a race problem.  America doesn’t have a misogyny problem.  America has a self-esteem problem.  It’s not that there aren’t enough Americans who love women and love people regardless of the color of their skin, it’s that too few of the people who are good, decent people are willing and able to accept themselves as good people.  And so they listen to the manipulators who try to convince people that we are all bad.  And unfortunately, some of them take it to heart and become bad – not because they really are bad, but because they completely devalue themselves.

We’re not bad people.  Yes, there are a few genuinely bad people.  They’re about 1-2% of the population, and they really are just evil.  Then there are a few more who are just ignorant.  And there are some on top of that who aren’t bad but who have some “anger management issues.”  They’re at the far end of the low-self-esteem spectrum. Calling these people “bad” doesn’t really help.

And none of those people even know the social justice manipulators even exist.  Probably 90% of the “bad things” are perpetuated by a group of people that is either hopelessly evil, really ignorant (and these people are mostly harmless, though they get a lot of attention and shame), or unable to control their harmful impulses.  Railing about social justice does absolutely nothing to deter the bad behavior from this group.  You know what does help?  Policing, intervention, basic education.  In other words, the things society does already, but maybe not effectively enough.

After that we have two broad groups of people – those who know they’re good people, and those who are good but doubt their worthiness.  Both groups run the gamut of political opinions and social status. The first group isn’t going to listen to the social justice people, because who is going to take advice from someone who obviously has more personality issues than they do?  They may get annoyed/ be amused, but they’re not affected.  This covers “most people,” and pretty much all the people who go about their lives and really don’t have much to do with politics outside of casting votes every so often – you know, those “disengaged voters,” or people who don’t even vote.

Then you have the “sheep.”  These are people who are good, but for whatever reason don’t accept their worthiness as human beings on this earth.  I know far too many people who fit this category. They want to be good, they try to be good, because deep down inside, they believe they are not good. 
And as such, they are easy marks.  Every charlatan, every race baiter, every feminist hones in on these people like flies to dog business.  They’re the people who provide the money to “personal coaches,” PUA’s (pick-up artists), social activists, you name it.  Because they don’t believe they are good, they believe they have to “do something” to achieve worthiness. 

It’s no surprise that the most manipulative, dishonest and toxic feminists I’ve come across are also aligned with the PUA community.  They’re attracted to weak, wounded men.  They smell the fear like sharks smell blood.  And they attack without mercy.

If you look to social justice people – or personal coaches, or PUAs – to give you worthiness, you will be broke, unhappy, and forever unworthy.  You will be a sheep, and they’ll just keep fleecing you over and over.

Because the problem isn’t that you are a racist.  You’re not.  You’re not misogynistic, either.  And you’re not a pussy, or any of those other things.  You’re a human being, a spiritual being of infinite value who has lost connection with their inherent worth.  You’re not a bad person, or unattractive, or boring, or shy or whatever you tell yourself.  You’re a good person whose a little lost.  You’ve forgotten how to be human and how to be happy and you’re trapped in an unhappiness loop.

Yes, there are bad people in this world.  And if you’re reading this, there’s almost zero chance you’re one of them.  Yes, there are ignorant people in this world.  If you’re reading this, you’re not one of them.  And there are people who have lost their way.  And there’s a good chance you’re one of them.  And the first step to finding your way out of being lost is to stop listening to the people who stand to gain from keeping you lost and confused.

You’re not racist.  You don’t hate women or men or anyone else.  And it’s time to stand up for yourself.

Yes, the people who seek to manipulate weak people would say I’m racist and misogynistic. That’s good – they hate me because I’m a mortal threat to their existence.  I know who I am, which makes me immune to their BS.  And I empower others, which means I have the power to destroy their audience.  Because once you connect to your true self, you’ll have nothing to do with people who accuse good people of being evil.

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