Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Prayerful Thought is the Essence of Truth

Prayerful thought is the foundation of an awakened life. It is the only way one can resolve their problems and align with soul’s purpose, to live out one’s charge given by Source.

Every time there is a tragedy, we see a similar pattern.  Some offer “thoughts and prayers,” while others mock that gesture and insist that giving more power to governmental authority is the only solution.  These are predictable responses, and neither really gets to the heart of the matter, though the “thoughts and prayers” people are closer to the truth.

The powers of ego will always mock spirituality – not because they truly believe it is ineffective, but because they know it is effective and true spiritual connection, connection to Source, will destroy the ego and the powers to suppress freedom.  The powers of ego always offer government authority as a solution to problems, yet never accept any accountability when this expanded authority proves ineffective.  It is not their goal to solve problems, it is to expand power and ego.  That’s it. 

Don’t be fooled, “progressives” are not the slightest bit interested in solving problems – they thrive on chaos, suffering and ego power.  People who debase and oppose spirituality are not to be trusted, because they are the enemy of truth and freedom, however righteous they try to present themselves.  What they oppose, a spiritual person should examine, because there is usually some strong truth in the things “progressives” most vehemently oppose.

And prayerful thought is one of the most powerful truths there is.  So let me provide a simple outline of how to establish a spiritually-grounded life.

1.       Take full responsibility for your life experience.  One of the most foundational aspects of a spiritual life is fully embracing the “Law of Cause and Effect,” that everything in our life experience exists because of our thoughts and actions, in this life and previous lives.  You create everything in your life experience. 

But, you say, I’m impacted by a tragedy in wherever.  That can’t be my responsibility!  Yes it is.  You invited that tragedy into your life experience.  You didn’t shoot anyone or have anything to do with the event, but it’s in your reality nonetheless, because you put it there with your thoughts and actions.  Nobody else could put it there but you. 

This is a truth for every experience in your life.  Every thought and action you have is your responsibility.  This is the most difficult aspect of spirituality, taking full responsibility.  The ego wants to blame and deflect.  The moment one takes full responsibility, the ego is mortally crippled. 

2.       Connect to Source.  You cannot think yourself out of your situation at your current level.  You must find a higher place to get a full view.  You can’t fix ego problems through the ego, you need a higher source.  Connecting to divinity, to the reflection and expression of Source, elevates one’s vibration, which gives one space to truly see and resolve things from a place of truth. 

Truth does not exist at the ego level.  It comes from Source.  Humans cannot find truth without connection to something bigger, the universal truth. 

Guess what?  Connection to Source in its expressions and pure reflections is PRAYER.  You accept responsibility for your life, you let go of the belief that your ego can fix itself, and you PRAY to connect to truth. 

3.       Allow Source Consciousness to Change your Beliefs.  Let go of your attachment to being right and accept a higher truth.  Your broken beliefs led to wrong thoughts which invariably lead to wrong actions.  Right thoughts lead to right actions, which changes your life.  So allowing one’s beliefs to be a pure reflection and expression of Source consciousness is the only way to truly embody right beliefs, which create right thoughts and lead to right actions.  There is no other way.

4.       Test for Accuracy.  Don’t assume the new beliefs and thoughts are accurate until you’ve connected to your true self and confirmed that these are in fact coming from Source consciousness.

5.       Let go of the Ego.  This process of prayerful thought is a mortal threat to the ego and it will fight for dominance.  Let all that go and embrace a higher truth, however uncomfortable.

6.       Trust your Right Thoughts and Actions.  Go forth and take action fearlessly.  You may not be able to logically understand what you’re doing, but you need to allow the process to flow through into your actual behaviors.

7.       Rinse and Repeat.

When I say “simple,” I don’t mean “easy.”  Most people will take many, many lifetimes to embody this simple process.  The huge majority of people will die with their egos fully in charge and will have to keep going through this process again and again.  The good news is we are undergoing a major energetic shift, which means more people than ever are breaking free of ego disconnection from Source.  And many more will fully free themselves in a few more lifetimes, instead of thousands of lifetimes. 

But it’s not easy.  In fact, going through this process will probably suck, at least for a while.  There’s a misconception that spirituality equals joy and comfort and ease.  This is a distraction from the truth.  Source consciousness isn’t concerned with an individual’s personal ease and joy.  It is only truth and freedom.

So next time a tragedy comes into your awareness, by all means, send prayers and thoughts.  There are those who say they do nothing, but in fact they’re the only thing that will truly work.

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