Friday, May 26, 2017

General Update: Clearing Energy, and the Death of the California Spiritual Community

Energies are moving much more quickly around me and things are becoming much more clear in my field. 
I’ve been going through a period of cutting out people in my social media who are afflicted with spiritual rot.  It seems recent events have made identifying these people much easier. And also my current energy state is making it easier to let them go, to stop justifying keeping them around.

One of my voices against doing this kept saying I’d be bored, that I’d invested so much in these spiritual endeavors and people, now I’m throwing it away.  But actually, throwing away the crap has saved my spiritual practice.  It’s not polluted as much with BS.  And if it means my social media becomes devoid of all but a small handful of spiritual people, all the better. 
Not spending time (or not spending nearly as much time, anyhow) on social media has actually opened up my energy.  No surprise, I’m more productive at work, and actually finding more things to do with my time.  Turns out social media and the “stuff” promoted by the toxic spirituality crowd wasn’t taking up idle time, it was crowding out a whole lot of other things I hadn’t even thought about because I lacked the time and energy to work on them – the time I voluntarily gave up to engage in the other bullshit.

Cutting out the energetic garbage actually leads to less boredom and more focused effort.  Unfriending non-friends actually creates space for real friendship.  I end up not missing these people or things.
The “boredom” and “urge to be doing something” is tough to move through.  On the other side is sadness. Unprocessed hurt is driving the distraction.  But it’s only by going through the desire to distract myself that I can finally process this pain and sadness.

There’s sadness and regret and guilt.  And it’s not overwhelming or scary.  In fact it’s easy to process and heal.  And then I sleep much better.
The energies in California have aligned with Source, but unfortunately the overwhelming majority of people in CA who consider themselves spiritual or evolved are being cut off from this energetic shift.  For them it’ll be separation and death.  It’s the way it has to be, I’ve come to accept it.  People really don’t change for the most part. 

Oh these people will still be around – making noise, spouting hippie BS, imagining themselves connected to Source, but spiritually they are dying.  And eventually their physical bodies will die too.  We’re already seeing this, many people in the so-called “spiritual community” in CA are dropping like flies.  People will blame it on depression, or drugs, or misfortune, but it’s the end game of the energetic shift.
I’ve seen so many people who supposedly eat well, exercise regularly and everything else, yet their energy is regularly in the “dangerously low” zone.  People outside of the “spiritual community” don’t really talk about adrenal fatigue, but every other person in the “spiritual community” suffers from this while in the general population it’s a rare affliction.  It’s going to get worse.  And then the entire community as it is structured will collapse and die.

But again, as for me, things getting better and better.  And the message I’m getting is to keep going into the light and cut away the dead branches.  There’s nothing to do now but cut the dying energy away and focus on expanding my own life and energetic practice. 

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