Friday, August 5, 2016

Refocusing and Anchoring to Dissolve Blocks

Stories have limited value.  I truly believe we, and I place myself right there in that group, spend far too much time chasing our stories about why we’re doing or feeling this or that.  Somehow we believe if we just understand and value our story enough, it’ll change.
Except it never does.  In fact, that process just entrenches the story even deeper.

At some point we need to decide what’s more important – our attachment to our story or our commitment to growth.
Etienne Charland goes over this very “high-level,” and I think he has a hard time understanding the practical psychic element most of us have to go through in order to remove those energetic blocks and be more effective.  He’s able to resolve a lot energetically (or he just never experienced those things, so it never came up for him), so many may feel left behind – they can’t just “undo” everything energetically and poof-no more problems.

Sometimes we can.  More often we need more practical steps to get through the transition. 
It’s a matter of shifting the story.  Where our attention goes, our energy flows.  So if we keep engaging with the block, nothing will change.  But if we shift focus, we can eliminate the block and then the energy flows freely.

I’ve had some blocks over the past few years that manifest in different ways – worry, irritation, etc.  There are stories, but again, at some point one has to decide if they want to live in stories of live their truth.  Because you can’t do both.
So take a step back.  The story is the excuse for the unhelpful energetic pattern.  It may feel real, but it’s just story.  So disengage and see it for what it is.

Then refocus.  Deep breathing, connecting to earth.  And conscious connection to something else. I have a few periods I can go back to – the recent feeling of freedom during my vacation, recent energetic work with Etienne, times in Thailand, and this period in 2012 right after doing some deep work with Destin.  So anchor those all in, that’s the reconnect. 
Anchor – go back and actually feel the sensations during those high points.  Then hear a sound, visualize a picture and create a touch anchor.  Keep doing this until you can fire the anchor and access the feeling.  Keep going back until the anchor is strong. 

Then every time the old pattern begins, catch yourself and fire the anchor.  After time you’ll catch it earlier and earlier in the pattern until the feeling replaces the old pattern.  This can be used with energetic alchemy to zap the bad energy and create a new framework, so they can work in conjunction. 
A couple things:  this requires a certain amount of patience and self-acceptance.  You have to accept that you have these imperfect patterns.  Then you have to be patient enough to allow the change to happen, because it can take time.  I don’t believe energy work and more “practical” pattern changes have to be mutually exclusive.  In fact they work well together and enhance each other. 

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