Tuesday, June 12, 2018

"Useful Idiots" vs Spiritual Truth and Real Leadership

I’m curious about the mentality of the “useful idiot.”  Useful Idiots are people who allow themselves to be used for manipulative (usually propaganda) purposes, and seem largely unaware that they are in fact being used as such.

The Useful Idiot comes in a few forms, but the purpose is largely the same – to unwittingly promote the message of the Cabal or dark forces and to spread darkness and confusion. 

My Facebook feed has a surprisingly large number of these Useful Idiots.  Lately I’ve been seeing a number of them pop up to promote the Iranian regime.  In the case of Iran, they have a similar message – that’s it’s safe to travel in Iran.  In typical Useful Idiot fashion, they think they’ve discovered some new information and go about showing – hey, if I can travel safely in Iran, then the country’s regime must be okay.

The US Olympic team was able to travel safely through Nazi Germany in 1936 – they got to tour the country and they reported having a good time in Berlin.  They traveled safely through Germany, so that means all the hubbub about Hitler being evil was just evil US propaganda, right?

See the obvious disconnect there?  It’s one thing to travel through a country as a tourist, and an entirely different matter how that country treats its own citizens and the rest of the world. 

The issue with Iran, for example, (for the sake of my Useful Idiot friends) has nothing to do with tourists’ ability to travel through the country and spend money. You can do that in pretty much any country, with very few exceptions.  But that doesn’t change the fact that the regime is officially engaged in Satan worship, or that the regime has armies throughout the Middle East killing people and causing trouble. Or that the regime funds and trains terrorists and operates terrorist operations from inside the Iranian government. 

None of those very big, obvious problems have anything whatsoever to do with your ability to be a tourist in Iran.  So why are you posting crap on Facebook about how awesome it is you were able to do obvious tourist things in that particular country? Because you’re a Useful Idiot, trying to distort the truth. 

The energetic evil of the Iranian regime is an indisputable fact.  You traveled there and didn’t die.  That’s nice.  Then you came back here and think you’re making the world a better place by, what, promoting Iranian tourism?  What in your mind do you imagine you are accomplishing – I mean apart from sharing yet another boring tourism story?  Because it’s obvious to anyone watching with a clear mind that you’re engaging in a really pathetic form of PR for the Iranian government – and probably knowingly so.  I guess in your muddled brain this is bringing the world closer to peace. If you can’t beat Satan, join him.

But enough picking on the Iran fanboys, this isn’t about Iran.  It’s about trying to understand the mentality of the Useful Idiot, why people allow themselves to basically be possessed by dark entities.
Because I also have Useful Idiot friends who promote fake Shamanism (which is pretty much all of it – 99% of that “Native American Spiritualism” is dark magick or just plain nonsense), BS spirituality, dark magick, corrupted Tantra, toxic Feminism and a host of other things where they’re obviously being used by dark forces to promote confusion and steer people off the path.  And there’s not much difference between the idiot tourist who allows himself to be a mouthpiece for the Iranian regime and the idiot “seeker” who allows dark forces to use him to manipulate others.

Nobody can use you as a puppet unless you hand them the strings.

That’s how it works.  To become a Useful Idiot you have to willingly give your strings to someone else.  After that, it can be very difficult to take back those strings, but the initial transaction is entirely your choosing.  And these idiots gave away their strings for NOTHING. They were more than happy to do it.

Why?  Why do people do that?

And there are a lot of reasons.  Years of mind programming, energetic wounds, festering trauma that never gets resolved, dogma, lack of self worth, lack of spiritual grounding – these can all lead one to voluntarily accept possession.  A few might be seeking power they think the Cabal or Satanic forces can give them (those people are usually destroyed, not kept as Useful Idiots).

The “spiritual community” tends to have a lot of wounded people who are spiritually ungrounded – that’s why they’re in the community, “seeking.”  Sex addicts are acting out their own wounds and it’s an easy access point for dark forces.  The PUA community and its many offshoots is ripe with Useful Idiots and Useful Idiots In Waiting, because of the festering wounds, greed for power and sexual issues (a very dangerous combination), not to mention an openness to dark magick and spiritual fraud.

The people who are attracted to my message tend to be people who got pretty deep into the Spiritual Movement, only to realize it was a fraud.  They go through the same process I went through, come out the other side, and then they realize they were being Useful Idiot.  I was one too.  They escape, or something feels “off” to them, and they end up here, ready to build something instead of following other idiots.

The problem is, that’s a low-percentage game.  Most people who get stuck in the muck of “Spirituality” as it is commonly found today, they don’t get out.  They become part of the problem. And it’s very hard to take back your strings once you’ve given them away to someone else.
The better answer is to stop yourself BEFORE that point.  And we on the vanguard need to be leaders, guiding people away from the hazards, pointing out these things and guiding the multitude away from the problems, instead of trying to “un-stick” people caught up in the web – which takes a lot of time and effort and is a low-percentage game.

So how do we go about saving others from Useful Idiocy, from giving up their strings and becoming puppets?

First, we need to stand up and promote the vision of spirituality we embody.  We don’t follow, we don’t seek.  We lead.  In our world there are no “gurus” and we don’t quote their garbage like its Gospel.  We connect ourselves to Source, we don’t go through a chain of command or look to someone else to make the connection for us.

We don’t look at someone whose connected to Source and say “wow, he’s so awesome!  I think I’ll worship him and give him my power!”  No.  If there are things we can learn, we learn those things, but our focus is on our connection and our own service, not “being like that guy.” 

Fuck Osho.  That dude was a fucking CULT LEADER and his entire purpose was to accumulate power for himself.  His writings were bullshit scribblings to get people hypnotized to give their power to him.  If you’re attracted to that, you’re attracted to FOLLOWING, and that’s your own weakness and wounds manifesting.  Osho won’t help you.  Drop that shit and find the truth, which won’t be found following someone or something.

We need to lead by first taking an unwavering stand for truth.  Truth comes from Source, and is found in our higher selves.  Learn muscle testing and dousing, if called to using pendulums.  Use them to learn the truth, not to reinforce dogmas and give away your power. 

We need to lead by standing in our power, even if we doubt we have any.  Connection to Source is infinite power, more than you’d ever need here on Earth.  Everything else is just a side show, so focus on the main event – truth.  Source. 

You have wounds.  We all do.  But focusing on one’s wounds will never heal. Learn to clear your emotional shit.  (www.clearyourshit.com) Learn to clear your energetic shit.  (Several resources, including myself.)  The more you focus on the big things, the less overwhelming your wounds, setbacks, disappointments, fears, etc. will feel and the more power you will have. 

What I’m saying is if we want to steer the multitudes away from becoming Useful Idiots, we need to be shining examples ourselves, shining as brightly as we can.  And you cannot shine in someone else’s shadow, you need to stand in your own space, directly facing Source, no go-between.
Guide others away from “gurus” and spiritual entanglements and avoid the temptation to become a guru yourself.  Keep your energy clean.  You can help clean and heal others, and should do so as best you can (even if you doubt your ability to do so), but you stand in your own space and light and insist everyone else do the same.  You don’t attach and you don’t let others attach to you.

Here’s the thing – Cabals like Iran and the Spiritual mess are actually really weak compared to source consciousness.  If you’re connected to Source Consciousness, and shining even a little of that light, you’re far more powerful than any of these other forces.  You can destroy them.  And you can be a beacon to many to avoid the path of the Useful Idiot. 

And one more thing I’ll add here.  If you’re connected to Source Consciousness and shining your light, you owe it to the world to point out the spiritual failings going on, as I’m doing here.  Not to repeat my critiques, but to shine your own light into the darkness and call out what you see. 

The forces of darkness are a cancer on the world, and Source Consciousness shining on them is the cure.  And we all need to do this.  Test things.  That feeling that something is wrong, something annoys you – test it.  Spirituality tries to tell us that our wounds being projected or triggered.  Don’t buy that bullshit.  If you’re standing in your truth, and something bothers you, and you test and it’s accurate, you’ve found the cancer.  Don’t let the spiritual bullshit salesmen convince you the problem is you, it’s not.  Call out what you see.  Call it out loudly and shine your light so brightly the forces of darkness cannot slither away.  That will inspire others to join us and things will turn around very quickly.

Accuracy test: 99.2%

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