Thursday, June 14, 2018

Dear President Trump: Please Pardon Julian Assange

Mr. President, I support your efforts to take down the Fake News media cabal.  I support your efforts to take on the Deep State and put an end to the bureaucratic tyranny in the US government.  I applaud your efforts to put an end to the World Trade Organization, to expose the sham that is G-7, and to end the dysfunctional mercantilist oligarchies that don’t serve America’s or anyone else’s interest.

I also applaud your efforts to stand up to the “Neoconservative” warmongers in the West and to find ways to constructively end conflict, instead of escalating them.

And I wholeheartedly applaud your efforts to fight back against media distortions, propaganda disguised as “news,” media personal attacks and media misinformation. 

And in that vein, I have a request, one that will further your above objectives and hasten the meltdown of the liberal media complex, the Neoconservatives and the “deep state” tyrants:  Please Pardon Julian Assange. 

Pardon Julian Assange now.  Please.

Far from being a criminal and a menace, Mr. Assange and Wikileaks have done the world a huge favor, by actually reporting the truth. 

Apparently many believe truth-telling is a crime.  It isn’t.  Or at least it shouldn’t be.

Consider this:  most of this so-called “Russia Investigation” that is wasting Washington DC’s time is centered around Mr. Assange’s obtaining and reporting “embarrassing information” about the Democratic Party.  Nobody is saying the information is anything other than the truth, but some people (Democrats and their supporters worldwide) feel the Democratic Party had a “right” to deceive the world by hiding the truth, and that Assange sharing the truth is somehow a crime and “manipulating an election.”

So, according to the media and deep state – NOT LYING TO VOTERS is “unfair manipulation” and a crime.  This is nonsense.  Assange did the world a favor by exposing the corruption in the Democratic Party. Instead of admitting fault and reforming their behavior, one of the major US parties and its media supporters wants to put the truth in prison.

It’s time to blow a hole in this farce.  Give Mr. Assange a pardon and free passage to the US.  Let him share his story as a free man.  Help him shine his light against this darkness.

What will a pardon accomplish?  Apart from striking a blow for the truth (a noble goal in and of itself), it will simultaneously melt down the fake US media and the “deep state” that is more concerned with its own power than with serving the citizens. One strike of the pen would wipe out decades upon decades of deceit and corruption.

The heads of the fake news media would explode.  The US Democratic Party would finally have to either admit it embraces corruption or change, instead of the phony finger-pointing at “Russia” and “Wikileaks.”  And it would firmly establish your presidency as the catalyst that brought about the light from the darkness.

It would be a bold move, but one I sense you want to do.  I would strongly encourage you to follow that instinct and further plant your flag for truth in the timeline of history.

An American Citizen Who Cherishes the Truth

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