Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pee On Your Feet - At The Gym!

One of the best ways to kill foot fungus is to pee on your feet.  It works well in the shower, the urine kills the fungus on the feet and on the floor, and the water rinses everything away.  No muss no fuss.
In the gym, you can try wearing flip flops in the shower, but they don’t help.  The fungus can still get to your feet.  And worse, you now have to deal with damp flip flops that are a home to all kinds of festering bad stuff.  The better option is to do what you would do at home – pee in the shower.  It kills all the bugs on your feet and the shower floor, and then goes down the drain.

Yeah, some will say “that’s gross!”  Actually it’s very sanitary.  And unlike other sanitizers, it isn’t a poison to your skin.  What’s gross is that non-sanitized shower and your water-logged flip flops from Vietnam.  What’s growing under your feet, and in your gym bag, is probably lethal.  While if you pee in the shower and let the water rinse it away, there’s zero residue, just a much less infected shower.

The biggest problem shouldn’t be your hang-ups but dealing with others’ hang-ups.  “Oh, that’s so inconsiderate!  What if everyone did that?”  I wish!  If everyone peed in the shower, the companies that make bogus fungus treatment medicines would go out of business and we’d have regularly sanitized showers.  And nobody would be carrying around foot fungus at the gym – it would be a nice world. 

We’d also have a lot less urine puddles around and under the men’s urinals.  Because, while to some, peeing on the floor in a shower that rinses to the sewer is disgusting, peeing on the floor in a bathroom that never gets rinsed is okay. 

After weeks of regular urination, guess which place smells like urine – the shower or the urinal area?
Oh, and you can try a little experiment.  For one month, pee in the shower.  For the other, don’t.  Do shower cleaning on the same regular basis and note which month has a higher buildup of that pink algae that shows up in your shower.  Urine kills that stuff (it’ll still appear, but much less).  Bath soap and shampoo doesn’t (which means they’re also doing nothing to kill the algae on your feet).

Yah, but you should totally feel bad about doing something natural and proactive to kill foot fungus while actually leaving the gym shower and bathroom area CLEANER for doing it.  Totally.  YOU’RE inconsiderate, not the morons who can’t pee into a urinal when they’re LITERALLY STANDING OVER IT! (How the fuck can you NOT hit the bowl in that situation?)

And by the way, I should add that years of house cleaning while sharing places with different women has taught me that women “miss” too.  But this isn’t about potty training for grown-ups, it’s about explaining why something that SEEMS “gross” is actually more healthy and sanitary than the other options.

Because I GUARANTEE after I post this, despite the logical, factual argument I make that this is a safer and healthier alternative, people will STILL say I’m being crazy or controversial.

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